Baltimore, Maryland

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Weakest, Bleakest, and Meekest Headlines BALTIMORE TRIES TO MAKE MURDER ILLEGAL FOR ONE WEEKEND Two years ago, Baltimore’s mayor said she was giving rioters “a space to destroy.” It worked! ...

Washington, D.C.

The Wrath of Con Men

Anger can be constructive; it can motivate people to fight noble battles and right egregious wrongs. Anger can also be nonconstructive. It can distract people from genuine problems while driving them to unproductive ...

The Hunt for Dystopia D’NaeNae

In one of 2020’s finest ironies, most of us spent the 75th anniversary of Hitler’s death confined to our own personal bunkers, hiding from a malevolent menace from the East. The Führer’s posthumous revenge for all ...

Color Me Raped

When I was a child, one of the many life lessons my parents taught me is that it’s easy to complain, but if possible, one should strive to be constructive and add something positive to a situation beyond merely pointing ...

Trump: America for the Americans!

As the patriotic pageantry of Inauguration Day gave way to the demonstrations of defiance Saturday, our new America came into view. We are two nations now, two peoples. Though bracing, President Trump’s inaugural ...

The Tepid Trumper

I don"€™t like Donald Trump on the First Amendment, don"€™t trust him on the Second, and positively loathe him on eminent domain. I covered that here at Taki's in October 2012, when I was also still pissed at Trump for ...

Muhammad and the Sexy Nun

Of all the contentious issues on the cultural and political scene today, the "€œdraw Muhammad"€ controversy seems to bring out the most unsavory types, on all sides. It's like sitting through a sporting event in which ...

Is Mitt on a Suicide Mission?

“It’s a suicide mission,” said the Republican Party Chairman. Reince Priebus was commenting on a Washington Post story about Mitt Romney and William Kristol’s plot to recruit a third-party ...

Kamala Harris

How Do I Tell My Friend She’s Not “African American”?

My wonderful readers often have questions for me, particularly in what every TV commercial calls "these uncertain times" when we're all "in this together" and must give hourly thanks to "our heroes." So, as I have in the ...

Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama Is Literally Hitler

Wouldn’t it suck to find out that one of your lifelong heroes such as, say, Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Klansman? What if it turned out that Fred “Mister” Rogers was a Satanist who ritually murdered 13 children? ...

Islam & the West: Irreconcilable Conflict?

On Saturday night, Omar Mateen was a loner and a loser. Sunday, he was immortal, by his standards, a hero. Mateen had ended his life in a blaze of gunfire and glory. Now everybody knew his name. He had been embraced by ...

You Ask a Lot of Questions for a President

This column will explain the impeachment farce in two minutes. By the end, you will thank the media for demanding the release of Trump's phone calls with the leaders of Ukraine and Australia. What the phone transcripts ...

Norm Macdonald

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Scornful, Thornful, and Mournful Headlines FAREWELL TO AN OLD CHUCK O’ COAL Leave it to Norm Macdonald to unite even the most bitter ideological foes with his unexpected passing. But that’s how good ...

Princess Elizabeth, 1945

The Occupation

I have taken another trip on my syllogismobile to an alternate universe. Among the artifacts I brought back with me was A.J. Braithwaite's History of Britain (2011 edition), a standard text for British schoolchildren in ...

A Penny for your Thoughts

Some boffins at Harvard University claim to have transmitted information from one person's mind to another by telepathy.  Reading through the paper, I thought the content transmitted wasn"€™t very impressive"€”just ...

Conformity and Manipulation: The American Virtues

“My biggest flaw and strength,” says James Damore, “may be that I see things very differently than normal.” This simple sentence reveals the essence of our fraying social fabric. For Damore’s “strength”—his ...

The Painted Turd

What is it with Republicans and Hitler? I mean, really, how difficult is it to avoid Hitler gaffes? Some of the best GOP stumbles in recent memory have involved one of two topics: Hitler or rape. Republicans become complete ...

Return of the Warmongering Walrus

One of the many reasons I voted for Trump—beyond his attitude, of course, which will always be the main reason—was that he realized America’s military forays into the Middle East were disastrously stupid. As far back ...

President Obama

Dream Job?

The last thing I had expected of Dinesh D’Souza’s first Michael Moore-type political documentary, 2016: Obama’s America, was that it would prove one of August’s aesthetic marvels. Yet this anti-Obama ...

New York Public Library

The Fight Against Politically Correct Literature

In recent columns I’ve argued that Steven Pinker, Kevin Williamson, and others are terribly wrong to insist that material progress entails a superior form of life. For our problem today is that we Americans are so devoted ...

The Chinks in Our Armor

Dear Coronavirus, If you can spare a few minutes from killing Chinese and the elderly, could you please have a go at the morons in my neighborhood who were swarming the grocery store at 6 a.m. yesterday cleaning out the ...

America Says ‘No!’ to a Beltway War

Last week, hell came to the tiny Christian village of Maaloula where they still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus. “Rebels of the Free Syrian Army launched an assault aided by a suicide bomber from Jabhat ...

Bunky Mortimer’s Upper Class Guide to Drinking

Yes, I"€™m a recovering alcoholic and haven"€™t touched a drop in some time, but whom would you choose to give advice on boozing"€”a water-drinker? Let me deal with that class of sportsman for a starter. Who was ...

Hunter S. Thompson

The Second Revolution in Menswear

One of 2011’s hottest trends is middle-aged pundits announcing that compared to the good old days when they were spry, nothing much is changing anymore. Or at least nothing worth noticing.  Economist Tyler Cowen ...

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