Life Through Fisheyes
A single death, said Stalin, is a tragedy; a million deaths are a statistic. We know, alas, precisely what he meant by this cynical remark: it is beyond our human capacity to grasp emotionally, rather than intellectually, ...
A single death, said Stalin, is a tragedy; a million deaths are a statistic. We know, alas, precisely what he meant by this cynical remark: it is beyond our human capacity to grasp emotionally, rather than intellectually, ...
Working-class whites, prole whites, salt-of-the-earth whites who are the soldiers of our army and work in our factories make up Fishtown, a bloc of America that Charles Murray dreamed up in his book Coming Apart: The State ...
For many years now, we've gotten mountains of press about "The Talk," the rite of passage lecture that black parents feel obliged to give their sons so that they won't end up getting shot by the police. Apparently, unlike ...
Modernism is based on the idea that art is too good for us, that only a rarefied academic elite of gnostic initiates is sophisticated enough to reinterpret ugliness and dysfunction as desirable. This mentality pervaded the ...
Call me old-fashioned, but I think that people who have unprotected sex with others without informing them that they’re HIV-positive are downright rude. Mind you, I’m not saying that Democratic presidential candidate ...
It’s the one-liners I remember most. As a polyamorist who prided herself on sexual liberation, orgasming during sex was far too déclassé. “If I wanted an orgasm,” she said, as if I were an idiot, “I’d use my ...
I subject every new, hotly touted study to the Grandma Says test. That is, if you stick the phrase "Grandma says" in front of the study's headline-making finding, and said finding fits, then it's legit. Can you ...
Even before The New York Times launched its "All Slavery, All the Time" project, no one could accuse that paper of skimping on its race coverage, particularly stories about black males killed by white(ish) police ...
America has numerous problems in education, crime, and housing that might be helped by applying lessons that could be learned from big data analytics. Unfortunately, each of these topics threatens to get an audacious ...
Oh, great: another Canadian Muslim on a rampage. Don"t worry, I don"t mean that some self-styled Islamic terrorist is killing our men in uniform again. That was last month. I"m talking about Jian ...
Great news, anarchists, you have your martyr. LaVoy Finicum has just been shot by the Feds after a two-month standoff with authorities. He represented ranchers who were being bullied by a government hungry for the ...
Like practically everyone else, I look at my phone or turn on my computer as soon as I wake to find out what has happened in the world in my temporary absence from it. You can always tell that nothing much has happened when ...
Is this the dawn of a murderous turf war between Mexican drug cartels and polyamorous heretic Mormons? Grab the ...
This summer produced a triumph of American patriotism. A grassroots coalition arose to demand Congress veto any war on Syria. Congress got the message and was ready to vote no to war, when President Obama seized upon ...
NEW YORK—Back in the bad old days of the cocaine epidemic, there was a sheriff in Jasper County, Texas, who was visited one morning by four federal agents—two from the FBI and two from the Drug Enforcement ...
NEW YORK—Things are heating up, in both London and Nueva York, as this place should correctly be called. Two flunkies writing in the N.Y. Times announced to the fools that read the most anti-white and anti-male newspaper ...
Black lives may matter, but some matter less than others. Poor Stephon Clark. He was so close to the sainthood that is bestowed upon any black person who’s shot by a cop…or by a white…or by a white ...
The Week’s Most Inspirational, Sensational, and Confrontational Headlines PSYCHOSIS ON THE POTOMAC Washington, DC, currently in a state of partial suspended animation because the right hand and the left hand ...
Everybody is talking about murders, such as the Atlanta massage parlor massacres, the Muslim terrorist in Boulder, and the Washington, D.C., adolescent girl carjackers. But tiny sample sizes of spectacular crimes allow ...
NEW YORK"In 1943 the great Tex Avery created an animated cartoon character called, simply, Wolf. Wolf was a modern version of the wolf in "Little Red Riding Hood," so he wore a tuxedo, drove a luxury ...
We live, as I have noted before, in a beggars" democracy: This refers to the more relaxed sort of despotism in which the lower orders"the beggars"are permitted some modest freedoms of expression, so long as ...
Far more than any other animal, the human being is able to gain some control over nature. It is an extraordinary accomplishment. Worship of the natural elements—so fearsome to our primitive ancestors—has given way to ...
Not many people, I imagine, still read Dr. Johnson for pleasure or instruction, though he was once the favorite reading of the educated in the English-speaking world and his complete works found in practically all private ...
MILWAUKEE—There’s never been a better time to be a polygamist. All over Africa and the Middle East they’re loosening up the laws so that a man can rack up as many marriages as he can pay for, although I think the ...