Rhetorical Momentum
Last week, Hillary Clinton tweeted a line from her South Carolina primary victory speech:"Instead of building walls, we need to be tearing down barriers. We need to show that we really are all in this together." ...
Last week, Hillary Clinton tweeted a line from her South Carolina primary victory speech:"Instead of building walls, we need to be tearing down barriers. We need to show that we really are all in this together." ...
Every Fourth of July, a heretical question nags: Would it have been so bad if America hadn"t won its independence from Britain? This is not a popular topic among Americans, who invest everything about independence with ...
The Week's Most Carcinogenic, Schizophrenic, and Estrogenic Headlines SIEG-HEILING ALONG THE POTOMAC Ever since Donald Trump scored an unexpected electoral victory earlier this month, mainstream journalists have been ...
I believe it is still within my constitutional rights to dislike Rahm Emanuel, but in the spirit of universal fairness which will likely destroy Western civilization, I wouldn"t feel entirely justified in disliking him ...
You might think that Isabel Wilkerson’s best-selling book Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents might be timely because Kamala Harris is descended both from a high-caste Brahmin mother and a Jamaican father from that ...
I went recently to a lecture about fintech, a subject of which I knew nothing (it is always tempting to go only to lectures on subjects that you already know about and that provide indisputable conformation of how ...
Whenever I listen to Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde, I hear not just a song cycle of unsurpassed melancholy or even despair, but the cataclysmic collapse of a civilization that was to take place only three years after its ...
I rarely buy The Sunday Times, a British newspaper with as many sections and supplements as Joseph's coat had colors. It is an unwieldy journal to read, about as convenient as riding a bicycle in an airplane. I bought it ...
People in sub-Saharan Africa have loads and loads of problems, but not when it comes to having babies. As far as generating prosperity, ensuring longevity, and protecting its inhabitants from violence and disease go, ...
In 2005, a microbiologist from Maryland started a humble blog dedicated to his exploits in Washington, D.C.'s notoriously rough dating market. The blog was titled, appropriately enough, DC Bachelor. Nearly a decade ...
As the culture war is about irreconcilable beliefs about God and man, right and wrong, good and evil, and is at root a religious war, it will be with us so long as men are free to act on their beliefs. Yet, given the ...
The Week’s Most Magnetic, Prophetic, and Apathetic Headlines HUGH HEFNER: DEATH OF A “SADISTIC PIMP” If Playboy founder and American icon Hugh Hefner had died a generation ago, he would have been fondly remembered not ...
The brother-in-law of a friend of mine died recently. He was 76, a good age considering his lifestyle. He had spent many years from morning till night sitting in a corner with his Spanish red wine, smoking and watching ...
Patriotic effusions, whosever they may be, seldom please citizens of other nations, because they are generally so self-congratulatory; and self-congratulation, which is no doubt an inescapable part of the human condition, ...
The Boston Marathon bombing story came garnished with an unusual number of ironies, coincidences, and historical echoes. Irony. Item number 27 in Christian Landers's book Stuff White People Like is "Marathons." ...
Ah, the rich. The rich, as used to be said of the poor, are always with us. What do we others, we non-rich in all our generality, think of them? I turn to America’s Newspaper of Record for answers: Americans admire ...
With all the rancor in politics these days, the CNN/New York Times Democratic debate on Tuesday night delivered a rare moment of comity: Twelve Democrats agreed, apparently without compensation, to appear in a Donald Trump ...
I picked a bad day to talk to Dick Tofel. Although, to be fair, I’m not certain there’s ever a good day to talk to Dick Tofel. But without question, last Friday was a bad day for such a conversation. It was one hundred ...
Here is an old Soviet-era joke, from the subgenre in which dimwitted peasant Khruschev plays Costello to smart seminarian Stalin’s Abbott. Stalin and Khruschev are touring the East European satellites in ...
The Week’s Most Mental, Ungentle, and Judgmental Headlines RAPING ANN COULTER LIVE AND ON TELEVISION The main problem with modern TV crime dramas is that in their allegedly noble quest to confront gritty realities, they ...
NEW YORK—There are times while living in this here dump of New York when I doubt if anyone’s heard of the word magnanimity. By the looks of it, no one among the left-wing media circles has. That egregious Amanpour woman ...
I hate to say this, because the last thing I ever want to sound like is a writer for Salon, but damn, this “debate” over school shootings is so very…white. I’ve mentioned before, and it bears repeating at the ...
Nelson Mandela is home from the hospital. The guy is 94 years old and not in bad shape"perhaps illustrating the black-white mortality crossover. Mandela and I go back a long way. When I started my university education ...
I can never quite make up my mind whether politics is important or unimportant to me. I have only to read the latest headline to feel either a surge of rage or despair, moderated by a brief burst of bitter laughter. Is ...