The Week That Perished
The Week’s Most Scintillating, Titillating, and Debilitating Headlines THE DEATH OF HELEN THOMAS Former UPI journalist Helen Thomas, who seems to have personally monitored the administration of every president since ...
The Week’s Most Scintillating, Titillating, and Debilitating Headlines THE DEATH OF HELEN THOMAS Former UPI journalist Helen Thomas, who seems to have personally monitored the administration of every president since ...
The longer I live, the more humbug there is. Whether this is a real increase or merely a reflection of a more acute sensitivity towards it, I am not sure: There have always been humbugs. But if it is possible to bathe in a ...
Joe Wright first directed Keira Knightley in a decent remake of Pride and Prejudice in 2005. Two years later, Wright and Knightley almost hit the Academy Award jackpot with the glossy Atonement, an adaptation of Ian ...
For all of us who scribble for publication, at however low a level, all activities other than writing take on at most a secondary importance. Even meals, necessary as they no doubt are, can come to seem unwanted ...
The Week’s Most Hateful, Fateful, and Ungrateful Headlines BANNING CHRISTIANS IN ENGLAND Anyone who alleges that England’s elites are forcing a deliberate cultural transformation upon indigenous Britons by squashing the ...
What proportion of the top creative artists in Hollywood, the heavyweight auteurs, are men of the right? This old question has come up again with the box office triumph of the anti-egalitarian Brad Bird’s The Incredibles ...
When then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid saw fit to ram the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (now affectionately known as ObamaCare) through Congress, the country engaged ...
The Week's Most Accidental, Occidental, and Detrimental Headlines IS DONALD TRUMP A JEW-HATIN’, JEW-BAITIN’, ANTI-SEMITIC MONSTER? Last weekend when Americans were enjoying their Independence Day festivities ...
Like firing a fetus from a slingshot, feminism catapulted women out of the kitchen and onto the streets, where they were invited to do anything a man can do"but better. This was a blessing for the few women meant to ...
Next Tuesday marks the 100th anniversary of American movies as the premier pop cultural force on the planet. On March 3, 1915, director D.W. Griffith released The Birth of a Nation, an unprecedented epic about the Civil War ...
The white/black test-score gap has been in the news since the 1960s, yet much like Mark Twain supposedly said about the weather, despite all the talk, nobody seems able to do much about it. America in the later 21st ...
The Week’s Trickiest, Stickiest, and Ickiest Headlines BOY SCOUTS WILL ACCEPT GIRLS WHO THINK THEY’RE BOYS In over 100 years of its existence, the Boy Scouts of America had a very hateful, destructive, and ...
As a humble and dedicated yoga bro in training, my already easily bruised feelings were grievously harmed recently upon learning that what I believed was my benignly tolerant gesture of cultural outreach toward an ancient ...
Retired SCOTUS Justice John Paul Stevens wants to amend the U.S. Constitution, I see. The old boy"he's just turned 94"has a book out in which he proposes six amendments. You can read about them at that first link; ...
From his 1989 Wall Street memoir Liar's Poker to his new book, The Undoing Project, Michael Lewis has succeeded his mentor Tom Wolfe as our top Southern center-right nonfiction author. Indeed, Wolfe recently let Lewis read ...
Nobody needs to tell me to boycott Quentin Tarantino. They"ll revoke my Gen-X card for this, but I"ve always disliked his movies"or, more precisely, the inexplicable praise they"ve received for their ...
The left has the luxury of having lost the argument on crime for the past few decades and, as a consequence, the electorate has no recollection of the living nightmare produced by Great Liberal Ideas About Crime. Brooklyn ...
Remember the good old days when you"d only have one tyrant per country and they"d usually kill a few thousand people? Today anyone can be tyrannical and use their shrill screams to kill millions of conversations. ...
The Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI), a branch of the U.S. Department of Defense, was launched in 1971 as the Defense Race Relations Institute (it changed to DEOMI in 1979). But whatever the name, the ...
One of the saddest parts of growing old is the realization that some of the best and most incisive books you read in your youth have had damn near zero impact on the world. 1988's "That Noble Dream: The ...
The Week's Choppiest, Floppiest, and Sloppiest Headlines TRUMP FIRES FBI DIRECTOR On May 2 of this year, Hillary Clinton"the sorest loser in political history"blamed FBI Director Jim Comey's letter to Congress last ...
The Week's Most Dysgenic, Unhygienic, and Inauthentic Headlines UNITED NATIONS: "STOP TRUMP" The United Nations is a wonderful organization that was built upon World War II’s ashes and exists to assure that ...
NEW YORK—An old-fashioned party is a gathering of friends invited by the host or hostess, who foots the bill. Old-fashioned parties are very rare in New York nowadays; actually, they are nonexistent, having been replaced ...
If the Clintons were not as down-market as they are, they would have fit in perfectly in 15th-century Florence, the city that gave us Botticelli and Cellini, and also the Medici, the Borgia, and, of course, Machiavelli. ...