Violent Victimizations
With the conventional wisdom increasingly prejudiced and extremist on the question of who are the Good Guys and who are the Bad Guys, how much longer can we expect the federal government to collect and publish objective ...
With the conventional wisdom increasingly prejudiced and extremist on the question of who are the Good Guys and who are the Bad Guys, how much longer can we expect the federal government to collect and publish objective ...
It is common for aging men, worn by the long years of drink and skirt-chasing and strenuous dissolution in the fleshpots of Asia, or any available fleshpots, to remember their youth in roseate hues that never were. But, ...
During his 61 years on this earth, Adam Parfrey was called a fascist, a commie, a Nazi, a misogynist, a right-wing conspiracy nut, a left-wing conspiracy nut, a satanist, a warmonger, and a peacenik. If there’s a divisive ...
In the past few weeks, I"ve had a good dozen people ask me about "Pizzagate." "So whaddya think, Dave? Is it a real scandal? Is there a "there" there?" My best answer is this: If you"re an ...
Has Pat Buchanan been fired from MSNBC, or hasn’t he? He hasn’t been seen on the channel since October, when his last book came out. (I reviewed it for Taki’s Mag here.) MSNBC president Phil Griffin said a ...
Al Goldstein, who made the front page of The New York Times when he died recently, was among the world’s most disgusting men. But he was hardly as repellent as Charles Saatchi and certainly without the coward’s bullying ...
America has always been for the young. However, in the past half century, America has become even younger. We’re becoming a country of children. This is clear in the realm of politics, where rhetoric is increasingly ...
On Monday, in a rich discussion with Amy Wax, Glenn Loury said blacks “have to establish through their actual performance” that they are “up to snuff.” Affirmative action is profoundly corrupting, the refreshingly ...
About Jeffrey Epstein, who the day before my last birthday did the first good thing he had ever done in his life and topped himself: I never laid eyes on the SOB. Yet a hack recently informed me over the telephone that my ...
Returning recently to France from Germany, where I had given a talk on the ideological roots of ugliness (which might seem to some a rather peculiar and even inexistent subject), I was struck once again by the sheer inhuman ...
That's all you got? Two years of non-stop campaigning, denouncing and doxing -- and all the Resistance has to show for it is a House majority smaller than the one Republicans currently have and a net loss of three Senate ...
Joshua Goldberg is a walking stereotype of an Internet troll (Fat? Check. Lives with his mom? Check. No social life? Check). Through his complicated network of online personas, Goldberg was a one-man flame war. He ...
The Week's Most Benign, Anodyne, and Asinine Headlines NEW PRESIDENT SPROUTS WINGS AND SOARS In his first week as President of These Here United States, Our Glorious Leader Donald J. Trump swept down from Valhalla and ...
The Week’s Most Hedonic, Demonic, and Sardonic Headlines NEW YORK TIMES ANNOUNCES SWITCH OF EDITORIAL FOCUS FROM RUSSIAN COLLUSION HOAX TO WHITE SUPREMACY HOAX We’re not even going to check his Wikipedia page to verify ...
It's taken me a few weeks to work up the gall to write about the pseudonymous Quintus Curtius" first book. Thirty Seven: Essays on Life, Wisdom, and Masculinity, released this September, is a series of meditations on ...
Damn, damn, damn! It has to be me, and here all these years I thought it was Hollywood. By the time you read this the Oscars will all be over (like the Olympics), but I had someone play 12 Years a Slave on my television ...
On May 14, 2011, Matthew Yglesias, a prominent Washington, DC liberal blogger and proponent of urban living, was walking home alone after a dinner with fellow pundits when he became the victim of an apparent anti-white ...
An opinion journalist is expected to take a stand on newsy issues, even ones he doesn"t much care about. This is especially so when the issue relates to the British Isles and the journalist podcasts with a British ...
Strangely, the media have suddenly taken an intense interest in the case of pedophile and major Democratic donor Jeffrey Epstein. In 2005, the Palm Beach police were told by the mother of a young girl in West Palm Beach ...
Instead of wishing he"d shot Henry Clay, I bet Andrew Jackson is now wishing he could plug Treasury Secretary Jack Lew. This week, Secretary Lew is expected to announce that Andrew Jackson's visage will be wiped from ...
In the Asian-Pacific community, the concept of “whitening” is hugely controversial. Double eyelid surgery, nose jobs, etc. But “whitening” can be both literal and figurative. And what I’d like to explore this week ...
Once upon a time a candidate emerged who said what no one dared to say about the greatest threat facing his countrymen: immigration. He was incendiary, shocking, and hated by the ruling class for what he had to say. He made ...
Calling the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator one of my hobbies isn"t entirely accurate; it would be like someone whose knowledge of cinema doesn"t extend beyond 1990s Hong Kong actioners calling themselves a "movie ...
NEW YORK—I don’t mind it when you lie to me with marketing terms or puff me up with overblown predictions—I’m in show business, that’s what we do—but stop using these words that are designed to disguise what ...