
Let's get this out of the way first: "€œPIV"€ stands for "€œpenis in vagina."€ I was unfamiliar with the term until last week, and I usually pride myself on keeping up to snuff on the latest abbreviations, ...

“The Whites Are Our Misfortune”

It occurred to me this week that anti-whiteness is the new anti-Semitism. Not that Jew hatred no longer exists. It does, of course. But the formula’s been tweaked. See, Jews in olde Europe were seen as black magical. ...

The Men Who Taste Jews in Their Sandwiches

I woke up this morning with a bit of a chest cold and decided not to blame the Jews for it. Some mystical yearning deep inside my heart"€”I believe it's called "€œcommon sense"€"€”led me to surmise that I am ...

Jamie Foxx

Tarantino Explained

Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained is, among much else during its leisurely 165-minute running time, an adolescent male revenge fantasy about an omnipotent mass shooter wreaking carnage upon dozens of victims. I suspect ...

South Africa’s Dubious Liberation

The unctuous pseudo-grief in the West after Nelson Mandela's death at the good age of 95 was to me nauseating in the extreme; it was so overdone that, though I am no Freudian, it raised suspicions in my mind of reaction ...

I Have Met the Enemy, and He Is Easily Terrified

Late-stage leftist moral hysteria has recently achieved an unprecedented level of earsplitting shrillness. To me, this suggests that the quixotic legions of social-justice crusaders aren"€™t quite so confident they"€™re ...


Political Correctness Is Dead

It's official. On Sunday, March 9th, 2014, political correctness breathed its last breath. It had been careening out of control since trannies took over the controls, but the moment that Beyoncé  starred in a PSA to ...

Okay White People, Break It Up

In a season 3 episode of NYPD Blue, profoundly un-PC detective Andy Sipowicz (played by Dennis Franz) gives his son, a newly minted beat cop, a lesson in street patrol. Sipowicz points to a group of young black guys ...

Muhammad Ali

The Greatest Anti-White Boxer of All Time

Muhammad Ali, widely regarded as the world’s most famous man, died Friday at age 74. Born Cassius Marcellus Clay, he was a titan both as a boxer and a provocateur. Because we live in an era much weaker and more ...

Women Against Feminism: Are These Bitches Crazy?

Every time I hear that we live under a "€œpatriarchy,"€ I close my eyes, click my heels, snap my fingers, and wish that it were true. But when I open my eyes, it's obvious that men in the West are demoralized and in a ...

If We Lose

What if Hillary wins? We don"€™t have to think about what to do if we win. If we win, we will wear Hawaiian shirts every day and carry around our own personal beer stein that says "€œ#MAGA."€ It"€™ll be like when ...

The Accidental Gawker

Whenever I see liberals salivating over some black guy I"€™ve never heard of, my first instinct is always suspicion. Call it "€œObama Trauma."€ When they described Neil deGrasse Tyson like he was the second coming of ...

10 Reasons Old Punks Make Great Dads

Punk rock is a great way to spend your adolescence, but is has some drawbacks when you"€™re an adult. For example, having a full back tattoo of a skull-head jellyfish eating Chiang Kai-shek and Fidel Castro enhances your ...

How to Be Fired

So, it looks like I may have been fired from my own company, again. This time it was for not embracing (click "€œcontinue"€) the idea of turning your genitals inside out. Call me crazy but if post-op transsexuals have ...

Varanasi, India

Reich’s Laboratory

Perhaps Tom Buchanan, Jay Gatsby’s rival for Daisy’s affections, wasn’t totally wrong after all? Countless articles about how unscientifically racist old WASPs were begin by quoting the scene early in The Great Gatsby ...

The Great European Rape Migration

Of all the cruel psychological tricks that humans play on one another, gaslighting is among the worst. The term was popularized in the 1944 film Gaslight, wherein Charles Boyer attempts to convince Ingrid Bergman that she ...

The Motor City Blows its Pistons

Detroit, a city once known as “The Paris of the West” and “The Arsenal of Democracy,” has fallen and it can’t get up. In 1960 it boasted the nation’s highest per-capita income; now it has ...

Adam Sandler

Flight From White

James Holzhauer has won 22 straight games on Jeopardy! Meanwhile, baseball slugger Christian Yelich is leading the National League with 16 homers. What do they have in common besides being young men enjoying vintage ...

Unacceptably Fat

The results are in: Fat people overeat because our fat-fearing society "€œfat-shames"€ them, which then causes them to overeat. This doesn"€™t explain how they got fat in the first place, but let's not get ...

We Have Nothing to Fear but the Manosphere Itself

Women, beware: There’s a new emerging threat online. This week two journalists whose prior experience includes folding T-shirts at Abercrombie & Fitch and writing celebrity profiles of Demi Lovato discovered the ...

Gradually, Then Suddenly

Well, it’s happening. The shit’s going down. If the world isn’t ending, at least the one we knew passed away about a month ago. This article is being published on the second day of what will likely be the longest ...

Ten Lessons for the Sons of Single Moms

It's cool to scoff at the nuclear family, but the children of single mothers are fucked (sometimes literally). The daughters are more likely to become wayward sluts and the sons are more likely to wind up in jail. You ...

Nina Davuluri

The Myth America Pageant

Last week, America was allegedly aghast over the first Indian Miss America. TIME said the pageant had become “Marred by Racist Slurs.” Huffington Post described a “flurry of indignation” and CNN said ...

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