A Community for the Non-Horny

Asexuality: It's not just for plants anymore. Nay, it is now a designated sexual identity for humans who aren"€™t horny. But it is much more than merely an individual identity. Because the Internet makes everything ...

The Art of Not Working Yourself to Death

Though it's medically possible to work oneself to death"€”especially among the Japanese"€”I know more people who are digging their own graves by not working at all. Day after day, more and more people around me seem to ...

Ruth Bader Ginsburg…Shiksa?

Christmas is supposed to be a holiday for Christians, but this year Santa’s bringing a very special present for America’s Jews: the gift of seeing Ruth Bader Ginsburg the way we wish she looked. Opening in theaters ...

President Barack Obama and Rev. Al Sharpton

Leading From Behind Al Sharpton

“The First Black President ... Spoke First as a Black American,” ran the banner headline of Sunday’s Washington Post. But why, when the fires of anger over the Zimmerman verdict were dying down, did he go ...

Roosh V

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Busted, Disgusted, and Maladjusted Headlines PICKUP ARTIST SWALLOWS THE “GOD PILL” Daryush Valizadeh—don’t ask us to pronounce it, because we don’t know, either—is an American-born writer ...

Julian Assange

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Stingiest, Mingiest, and Whingiest Headlines JULIAN ASSANGE ARRESTED Master hacker and exotic dancer Julian Assange has been holed up in London’s Ecuadorian Embassy since 2012 when they offered him ...

Tiger Woods

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Soldier

The most intriguing gossip about Tiger Woods in a new tell-all book by his ex-swing coach is that at the height of his career in 2006-07, the world's highest-paid athlete seriously considered quitting golf to take up a ...

What’s the Next Fake News?

NEW YORK—On April 21, 1980, Rosie Ruiz won the fabled Boston Marathon in record time and looked fresh as a daisy when the media descended on her following her crowning with a wreath à la Ancient Greece. Rosie answered ...

Netflix and Shill

Last week I decided to "€œbinge-watch"€ the hit Netflix series Making a Murderer. I mean, I needed something to do with my time as I nursed the shattered femur I incurred from jumping off a bridge because everyone else ...

Prosecutors Gone Wild

CLEVELAND—Investigation Discovery, the true-crime documentary channel, is running a promo for a new show hosted by a former federal prosecutor, Sunny Hostin, called Truth About Murder, and it has all the usual clichéd ...

The Allure of Protective Stupidity

The most important aspect of the Grievance Studies hoax—in which three writers duped supposedly scholarly gender and race journals with absurd papers such as “Human Reactions to Rape Culture and Queer Performativity at ...

Ira Aldridge as Aaron the Moor, 1852

The Curse of Aaron

If you ask a casual Shakespeare fan to name the Bard’s most villainous character, odds are the answer will be Richard III. And that’s not a bad response. Richard is indeed a murderous scoundrel. But the thing is, from ...

An Uncivil Society

Whatever else may be said about Marxism, it provided (for those who needed it) an eschatological philosophy in a post-religious world. It served more than one psychological purpose: It gave those who adhered to it the ...

Rekindled Fires

For a number of reasons I am fond of reading books of essays by literary journalists from the 1880s to the 1930s. First, they are very cheap to buy, since they are not otherwise sought after; second, they are generally very ...

Thomas Jefferson

Miscegenation at Monticello?

Every so often some clown decides to call Thomas Jefferson a "€œracist,"€ and other clowns let him publish the charge. The most recent clown is Paul Finkelman, a professor at Albany Law School, and the accessory clowns ...

Governor Ronald Reagan and President Richard Nixon

Goldwater-Rockefeller Redux

“History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” Mark Twain’s insight comes to mind as one observes the panic of Beltway Republicans over the latest polls in the battle of Obamacare. According to ...

James Brown

Get On Up: Godfather of Subtitles

August has been turning into Black Movie Month. This year, Tate Taylor, the white guy from Mississippi who directed August 2011's The Help, is back with a stylized James Brown musical biopic, Get On Up, that's less ...

Lonnie David Franklin Jr.

Making the Grim Sleeper’s Bed

The "€œGrim Sleeper"€ went on trial in L.A. last week. Fifty-seven-year-old Lonnie David Franklin Jr. is accused of murdering at least eleven women (and one man) in a string of serial killings in South Los Angeles in ...

Race Wars: Episode I—The Phantom Genocide

There will, by necessity, be an element of self-indulgence in this week’s column. It’s not possible for me to broach this topic without invoking my own circumstances; my apologies in advance. Let’s start by ...

Butler Library, Columbia University

Forever Thirteen

Oh, help. It seems that at Columbia University a rat pack of nursery feminists have got their skivvies in a knot because the library, Butler, is named for an, ugh!, man. Yes. It cannot be denied. In protest, these girls, ...

Eating Humble Pie and Hitler Crow

In last week's column, I wished the Trump camp good luck, while taking great pains to not make a prediction regarding the outcome of the election. In my private life, I was not so coy. I laid down several money bets that ...

Some Pity for a Human Mastodon

The ways of human perversity are legion, and secretly we are glad of it, for it would be a dull world"€”a kind of ideal Switzerland raised to a higher power"€”without them. The bizarre, the wicked, and the perverse ...

Auschwitz - Birkenau, Poland

BLM’s Hitlerian Heart

“Why is Hitler remembered as the worst villain ever, when other dictators racked up higher body counts?” Man, if I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked that question, I’d have 6 million bucks (though that ...

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