Snuffed Out

The least one can say of the psychiatric treatment given to Andreas Lubitz, the pilot who killed 149 people as well as himself in crashing the Germanwings aircraft into the Alps, is that it was not very successful. Indeed, ...

Steven Spielberg

Bridging the Gaps

Almost three years ago, the Academy Awards gave the Best Picture Oscar to Ben Affleck's Iranian hostage drama Argo to encourage making more medium-budget movies for grown-ups. Bridge of Spies, Steven Spielberg's Cold War ...

Confessions of a Middlebrow

So I was in the downstairs study, idly surfing the Web while the Mrs. watched TV in the next room. The door was open"€”gotta keep "€™em in sight"€”so TV noises drifted in. Among the indrift I caught the tail end of a ...

Be Like Mike (Pence)

Poor Bill O"€™Reilly…taken down by a combination of corporate cowardice, female coworkers, and his own boorishness. It's an ignominious end to the career of a highly successful opinion warrior. Like Stonewall ...

Martin Bashir

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Dystopic, Myopic, and Entropic Headlines NEW STUDIES, SAME OLD EVOLUTION A slew of new studies were released last week, many of them only confirming what was already common wisdom. Has there ever ...

Brave New World

The first reports in early May of 1960 were that a U.S. weather plane, flying out of Turkey, had gone missing. A silent Moscow knew better. After letting the Americans crawl out on a limb, expatiating on their cover story, ...

Welcome to Newark

New York, New York, once a wonderful town The people are crap and the mayor’s a clown The only safe space is a hole in the ground... NEW YORK—I could go on, but why be so negative? Arriving from bucolic Switzerland, ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Imbecilic, Coprophilic, and Pedophilic Headlines BOY SCOUTS: A NEST OF PEDOS? The Boy Scouts of America are involved in a decades-long attempt to conceal a “pedophilia epidemic within their ...

Chick-fil-A Eats Crow

Fast-food franchise Chick-fil-A, known for its juicy chicken sandwich, has come under attack. Franchise head Dan Cathy made public statements in support of traditional marriage and has philanthropic connections to such ...

Something’s Lousy at Dalhousie

I"€™m sure that Canada was settled by tough people, but what the hell happened? Being fond of neither Canada nor Canadians, I jump at any chance to malign and defame that fundamentally useless patch of ice that's perched ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Wheezing, Teasing, and Displeasing Headlines AMERICA LOSES ITS RELIGION According to the recently released General Social Survey, Americans who identify with no religion now edge out Catholics and ...

In Defense of Franklin Armstrong

If—like me—you were alarmed and horrified over the Thanksgiving holiday to hear that cartoonist Charles M. Schulz of Peanuts fame was an unrepentant racist, you will be relieved—like I was—to learn that this is the ...

False Flaggots

Last week, the 2016 Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival (LAJFF) concluded its weeklong series of screenings here on the L.A. Westside. It's always a special time when the LAJFF comes to town, because when else are you going to ...

Racist Seeks Racist

So it looks like I"€™m not really white after all. Possibly not even female. I"€™m basing this on the findings of OkCupid, the dating site that's also a data site. A few times a year, they pour some of their millions ...

The Death of Elitist Sports

Where would college football be if games were played only every other year and coaches were unable to recruit enough freshmen to replace graduating seniors? In the last decade, egalitarian college admissions policies have ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Sportive, Supportive, and Abortive Headlines WOMEN MARCH ON WASHINGTON, PRETENDING THEY DON"€™T HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS On Friday, January 20, 2017, Donald Jerusalem Trump became the President of the ...

The Left’s Ever-Shifting Goalposts

"€œMoving the goalposts"€ is a logical fallacy favored by those on the left who are constantly hectoring the rest of us about how we"€™re not making sufficient progress toward a particular "€œsocial justice,"€ ...

Robert Mueller

Mueller Has a Reputation…

It is apparently part of Robert Mueller's contract with the media that he must always be described as "honorable" and a "lifelong Republican." (After this week, we can add "dazed and confused" to his appellation.) If it ...

Chesa Boudin

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Creepiest, Weepiest, and Sleepiest Headlines NEW TREND: DISTRICT ATTORNEYS WHO HATE THE LAW If, like us, you’ve been wondering why poor retarded blacks and rich entitled whites have been looting and raping ...

Racial Communism

So many white “dindus.” Last week, in the wake of the car-ramming incident at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, hundreds of alt-rightists and white nationalists decided to drop the bravado and go all ...

Oprah Winfrey

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Scabrous, Fantabulous, and Cadaverous Headlines SWISS CHOCOLATE AND MELTED CHEESE Billionaire fat black lady Oprah Winfrey and psychotic male feminist Hugo Schwyzer, both of whose zany shenanigans ...

Ebbets Field, Brooklyn N.Y.

A Joke Called Democracy

By the time you read this, the longest run-up ever to an election will be over, thank God, and the usual bores will be pontificating over the results. The irony is that for the first time ever I couldn’t care less who ...

Big Tech Still Has A Totalitarianism Problem

The biggest news story of the past few years is one that the mainstream press won’t touch, mainly because the mainstream press is an accomplice to the crime. Journalistic objectivity is ultimately impossible because ...

Keith Olbermann

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Cynical, Inimical, and Atypical Headlines KEITH OLBERMANN CONTINUES LOSING HIS MARBLES A long, long time ago in a country much unlike the USA in 2017, Keith Olbermann was a sportscaster. Then at some ...

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