The True Meaning of the V-Word

What do people really mean by the word “vibrant?” Until the disco era, “vibrant” was used only rarely, mostly in connection with vibrations, literal or metaphorical. A quick search online finds no ...

Randa Jarrar

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Overweight, Reprobate, and Boilerplate Headlines A PIG CALLED RANDA The first thing you notice when looking at a picture of Randa Jarrar is that she is extremely fat. The fact that she’s a fat fattie ...

Moneyball for Medicine, Anyone?

Like many nerdy white guys of my generation, I"€™ve found the life story of Bill James inspiring ever since I began reading his Baseball Abstracts thirty years ago this month. A night watchman at a pork and beans cannery, ...

Does This Article Contain Hate Speech?

Facebook is a cancer that, for reasons that remain mysterious to me, nearly two billion users worldwide seek to inflict upon themselves. Its owner Mark Zuckerberg is worth a reputed seventy-seven skadillion dollars, and if ...

Hannibal Qaddafi

Axis of Weevils

NEW YORK—Libyans are among the most civilized people on Earth. When a Russian hooker (I assume) killed a Libyan Air Force officer, a mob stormed the Russian embassy seeking revenge. They failed, but not for lack of ...

“N-Word Science” Proves You’re a Racist!

With summer 2020 finally in the rearview mirror, and after seven months of “two weeks to flatten the curve,” I’m getting a little sick of “the science.” Not science, mind you, but theee science, the thing that ...

The Men That Others Forgot

On September 20, 2013, President Obama flew the black flag above his White House to honor prisoners of war and soldiers still missing in action. If you were unaware of this, it is not surprising. The proclamation was ...

Confessions of a Neocon Assassin

During my years as a GOP organizer and activist, I never really gave the alt-right much thought. In my time, the establishment neocons I worked with faced an entirely different threat: the Ron Paul crowd. You remember them, ...

Enver Hoxha

A Ruthlessly Ambitious Mediocrity

The Albanian dictator, Enver Hoxha, who died in 1985, has played only a very small part in my life. In my student days I knew a few youthful admirers of his; and some twenty years later I was acquainted with a bookseller ...

The Unhappiness Explosion

The prestige of the intersectional is pushing respectable opinion in anti-science directions, as seen in the resurgent prestige of astrology and witchcraft. Granted, perhaps it doesn’t matter all that much what lowbrows ...

Decline of a Great Newspaper

I maintain some vestigial links to the old country. Among them is the inclusion of the London Daily Telegraph in my morning trawl through the online news. It's sheer sentimentality on my part. The Telegraph was one of ...

The Importance of Being Guilty

Self-blame is no doubt salutary when one is truly blameworthy, but there is also a kind of self-blame that is exaggerated, insincere, grandiose, and exhibitionistic. It is also abstract and collective rather than ...

Boris Johnson

Rivers of Cornflakes

I have it on good authority that some women find Boris Johnson irresistibly attractive. Now, the Brits are a comparatively homely race of people, but I’ll admit to finding some Englishmen pretty damn sexy, even a ...

Holocaust Memorial, Berlin

“It Is Doubtful if the Negro Loved Him”

A reader of mine was displeased with a recent piece in which I laid much of the responsibility for the current BLM racial madness at the feet of leftist Jews in academia, politics, and the media. According to the ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Accidental, Detrimental, and Unsentimental Headlines LESBIAN PENGUINS IN LONDON ACCUSED OF RAISING A GENDER-NEUTRAL CHICK As we all know—under threat of death or castration—gender is a meaningless ...

San Francisco Bay

Liberalism Is Expensive, Conservatism Is Cheap

Here's another set of polarities to accompany previous concepts such as Fringe versus Core and High/Low versus Middle that are useful in grasping why some things in modern America are automatically assumed to be liberal and ...

‘Hamilton’: The Obama Administration on Stage

Before I finally watched Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda’s colossally popular Broadway musical depicting the Founding Fathers as rapping Men of Color, I had never heard that it’s so childish. I don’t know how to judge ...

The Soul of a Curmudgeon

Ah, the guttering candle of civilization! How I love it. The dwindling flames warm the cockles of a curmudgeon's heart (whatever precisely a cockle may be): the galloping rot, the stampede to enstupidation, the gathering ...

In a Word

On 30 December, 2015, the French newspaper Libération had a huge word dominating its front page: Fuck! The expletive was used to commemorate, lament, or celebrate the death at the age of 70 of a rock star called Lemmy ...

NAMs Kill NAMs, and They Blame the Pilgrims

Back in 1982 a faction of Lebanese Arabs massacred Palestinian Arabs at two refugee camps in Beirut. The Israeli army, in the neighborhood at the time, was accused of turning a blind eye to the killings. Hearing of this, ...

Dubious Cures

Life is full of little ironies, one of them in my case being that I have more time than ever before, now that I have retired from practice, to read medical journals. I find the experience a little unnerving.  In the old ...

Democratic Trump

After one year in office, is Trump starting to hit his stride as president? Most notably, Trump outmaneuvered the Democrats in the first phase of the immigration struggle, leading Senate Democrats to shut down the ...

Steve Cohen

The Highway Robbery That Calls Itself Justice

If, according to a Viennese wit, psychoanalysis is the disease that calls itself the cure, then Steve Cohen’s deal with the US government is the highway robbery that calls itself justice. Cohen is a bald Wall Street ...

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