The Last Laugh
When a San Francisco high school principal named Lena Van Haren withheld student-body election results last week due to a lack of black and Latino winners (the victorious candidates were Asian and white), the right exploded ...
When a San Francisco high school principal named Lena Van Haren withheld student-body election results last week due to a lack of black and Latino winners (the victorious candidates were Asian and white), the right exploded ...
Of all the things I write and amid the vast expanse of radioactive topics I cover without flinching, only one issue has caused two different people from my past to contact me out of the blue and chide me for my ignorance, ...
This December 25, I’m going to have a truly white (Aryan) Christmas by festooning my tree with shiny little baubles in the shape of raised right arms going ‘Heil Hitler!’ before surmounting the whole thing not with a ...
Media reports suggesting South Africa has been "shocked" by the viral rape video involving a young Sowetan girl are almost certainly exaggerating the public reaction. South Africans are inured to this sort of news. ...
The Week's Most Lyrical, Empirical, and Satirical Headlines HULK HOGAN BODY-SLAMS GAWKER MEDIA Gawker Media is a massively successful digital pseudo-news empire whose apparent mission is to destroy the personal life of ...
"Stop being juveniles," a Lindsay aide, Donald Evans, admonished a construction worker. "What do you mean, being a juvenile?" he replied, punching Mr. Evans on the chin. Every May 8 for over ten years, ...
The Big Short, a comedy starring Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, and Brad Pitt as finance-industry renegades betting against the Housing Bubble in 2005"08, is another in the rather improbable new genre of ...
"It's been a tough week for Canadian Muslims." I sincerely wish I were pulling your leg, but that's really how the National Post began the somberly italicized deck it stuck on top of what was clearly a hastily ...
If Harvard geneticist George Church gets his way, we may be seeing Neanderthals in the not-so-distant future"without having to first drink a quart of Old Overcoat. The kerfuffle arose when Der Spiegel interviewed ...
The most likely process by which the current Black Moment will get canceled is the exact same way black radicalism got shut down in both the early 1970s and the early 1990s: As black antiwhite rhetoric grows more heated, ...
At 92 years old, George Soros is the last human experientially connected to the Holocaust who’s still actively taking lives. Sure, there are a few elderly ex-Nazis being dragged before German courts, but they’re ...
William F. Buckley spent his adult winter months in Rougemont, an alpine resort next to its chicer neighbor Gstaad, now a mecca for the nouveaux riches and vulgar. Throughout the "60s and "70s, however, the area was ...
With publication of On The Road in 1957, Jack Kerouac became an overnight celebrity"not just famous, but a phenomenon. The experience brought him to another level of confusion, self-doubt, and hard drinking. Kerouac had ...
It's widely assumed, both by liberals and conservatives, that the fields of arts and entertainment innately induce egalitarian political leanings. Much of the prestige of the left, in fact, derives from the notion that it's ...
Last week, billionaire NBA team owner and star of TV’s Shark Tank Mark Cuban urged social-media giants Twitter and Facebook to verify that behind every one of their accounts lurked “a real name and real ...
Since the 1950s a multitude of solutions to revitalize decaying inner cities have come and gone. If anything, matters have grown worse"brave souls should visit Detroit, Cleveland, Gary, East St. Louis, Memphis, and ...
I have been reading Paul Johnson's new short biography of Dwight Eisenhower. This fulfills a long-standing intention of the feebler kind"a velleity, Bill Buckley would have said. Thus: In his 1983 book Modern ...
I call them the "Ackchyuallies": the concern trolls who reflexively politicize and pollute every occasion of mass recollection, wailing, "Columbus was a mass murderer!" and "Thanksgiving is ...
If you get any kind of pleasure from watching bearded, wig-wearing Mongolian Idiots in leather jumpsuits with their faces caked in makeup twerking their flabby asses to the delight of bar crowds who are not mentally ...
Last week, we learned Sony Pictures had been hacked and millions of people were downloading movies still in theaters. Sony seems to think North Korea may be behind it all, as their forthcoming film The Interview was deemed ...
Last month, I drew a 30-day Facebook ban because I posted a column that had the word “tranny” in the title (full disclosure: it was my own damn column). Thirty days of being unable to promote my work on Facebook (which ...
I thought it would be a bigger deal. Last week marked the 70th anniversary, to the day, of the hanging of the Nuremberg trial defendants, and I have to admit, I was expecting to read a lot more about it in the press. After ...
There were three terrible things about 9/11. The first was the apocalyptic barbarism, the destruction of 3,000 innocent lives. The second was the pummeling of the New York City skyline, the greatest thing yet conceived by ...
It's a head-shaker of a showdown: two unlikely contenders not everyone is particularly excited about. Even some of the voters who got them to this point (beginning what seems like an eternity ago) are shaking their heads at ...