Let’s Be Perfectly Clear About Scientology

As someone who was molested in a previous life, I have a lot of respect for Scientology. Not only does this 3.5-million-strong “Way to Happiness” offer answers that help people “clean” their souls, ...

Nicolas Sarkozy

The Nature of the Narcissist

Some months ago I had the opportunity—I won’t call it the privilege—of listening to a speech given in the flesh by the former president of France, Nicolas Sarkozy. I do not much frequent politicians, and in fact have ...


The Last Hurdle in Sports

I turned on the TV and saw a new reality show with an intriguing premise: How big of a head start does a white woman need to outrun a black man? While skinny women frantically raced toward the finish line, a muscular black ...

Lena Dunham

The Shallow End of the Dead Pool

"€œIt now seems rare for a week to pass without a significant celebrity death being reported,"€ the BBC intoned after Prince's demise, adding that they"€™d already run almost five times more obituaries this year than ...

John Wayne

John Wayne Did Nothing Wrong

I was born in 1961 and from my dim memories of TV fare in the 1960s, there were only two races in America: cowboys and Indians. Of the 30 top-rated TV shows in 1961 and 1962, a robust seven of them were westerns. The top ...

Seeking Refuge From Mass Migration

My Syrian Christian friends"€”refugees themselves in Bucharest, though affluent refugees"€”are strongly opposed to admitting Muslim asylum seekers into Europe. They have reasons. Quite by chance, one just called me, ...

Armenian Genocide

Your Genocide Was Bigger Than Mine

France and Turkey are tossing accusations of historical guilt back and forth as if guilt was a live grenade. On Thursday France’s National Assembly overwhelmingly said Oui to a bill making it a thoughtcrime to deny or ...

Robert A. Heinlein

Heinlein in Hindsight: The Moses of Nerds

The rise of the nerds to mainstream dominance is one of popular culture's most important developments over the last generation. Consider the gulf in sensibility between old Hollywood blockbusters such as Gone with the Wind ...

The War on the Way We Were

When I first heard that the newest mayor of New York's first action in office was to denude the city of horse-drawn carriages, I thought it was probably a joke. I figured some card over at Fox News or The Wall Street ...

The Real War on Women

A popular meme claims there is a “War on Women” in America. Unlike an actual conflict, this conflagration takes on as many metamorphoses as there are maniacs to proclaim it is occurring. For thinking ...

What the Hell ISIS Going On? 

On Wednesday, NBC Nightly News profiled Don Morgan, a 44-year-old who renamed himself Abu Omar al-Amreeki after flunking a military boot camp and getting fired from his job as a sheriff's deputy. Morgan was recently ...

The Epic Failure of Tantrum Politics

In politics as in life, the squeaky wheel usually gets the grease, but the other three wheels are finally telling the squeaky wheel to shut the hell up. Fast food and public protests typically hold as much appeal for me as ...

Kermit Gosnell

The Pro-Death Movement

I once read that all societies throughout history were consistent in that they deemed it wrong to kill another human being...but they were wildly inconsistent in how they defined the term "€œhuman being."€ Such ...

Calling All American Nazis (Is This Mic On?)

“Black church rightful owner of KKK store,” read the AP headline on Tuesday. Headlines like this excite me because I love freaks. I don’t care if they’re black supremacists, lesbian separatists, or white-power ...

Late-Onset Lesbianism

Remember when "€œStella got her groove back"€"€”and the dude of her dreams turned out to be on the down-low? Well, there's something in the Million-Selling Lady Memoirists water, and that something"€”teh ...

Self-Righteous Violence

If you’re even barely intelligent and mildly educated, you’d realize that ideas such as “guilt by association” and “two wrongs make a right” are commonly accepted logical fallacies. One needn’t be particularly ...

Psychology’s War on Men

It’s often been pointed out that Jordan Peterson’s huge following is mostly male. And there are good reasons for this sex difference. Peterson’s themes of tragedy, personal responsibility, and the need to find your ...

Los Angeles, CA

The Right’s Phantom Menace

When it comes to how the right should deal with Hollywood leftism, Andrew Breitbart, much as he did on the night of his passing, took the long way home. He advocated a complex battle-plan to deal with a problem that, it ...

Jim Carrey

Pulling Our Hearts out of Our Brains

Obama is in a huff this week because his gun bill got shot down like a clay pigeon. Like most of us, he was deeply affected by the massacre at Sandy Hook. Like much of the country, he seems to think emotions should drive ...

Derrick Stafford and Norris Greenhouse, Jr.

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Ruthless, Truthless, and Toothless Headlines TWO BLACK LOUISIANA COPS CHARGED WITH MURDER IN SHOOTING DEATH OF SIX-YEAR-OLD WHITE BOY According to the Washington Post, last week a six-year-old white boy ...

An Establishment in Panic

Donald Trump “appeals to racism.” “[F]rom the beginning ... his campaign has profited from voter prejudice and hatred” and represents an “authoritarian assault upon democracy.” If ...

The JQ in the GOP

I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about Paul Nehlen. After all, why bother thinking about something that’s going to be gone in a matter of months? Nehlen, who’s challenging Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s Aug. 8 ...

Can We Say No?

Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the most important Irishman in the world! To be honest, I don’t know much about him. My knowledge of Irish politics can fit in a leprechaun’s jockstrap with room to spare. So when I ...

The Future of Floydism

Gun murders are up 34.4 percent in the 365 days since George Floyd’s death. According to data scraped from Gun Violence Archive, in the Year One B.F. (Before Floyd) from May 25, 2019, to May 24, 2020, there were 13,024 ...

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