How Many Jews Can Be Gassed on the Head of a Pin?

These days, when I get a Google News “ping” on my name, I shudder, because I know it’s not going to be good. Take last week, for example. My name was plastered all over the Jewish press due to a comment made on Reddit ...

Leveling the Playing Field (With Explosives)

There is only one real political question: Are people equal or not? All political distinctions"€”whether left or right, individualistic or collectivist, libertarian or totalitarian"€”depend on how you answer that ...

Pierre, Justin, Michel and Sacha Trudeau

Canada’s Hair Apparent

At the height of its power"€”it was called “Canada’s natural governing party” for generations"€”the Liberals made no secret of their desire to make the Great White North more “European.” ...

Dealing With Radicals

The great pundit James Bowman recently said, “The biggest mistake conservatives make is to suppose that Democrats control the media. In fact, the power relationship is the other way around: The media control the ...

Olga Georges- Picot

A Short History of Stupidity in the Middle East

When I hear the words Sykes-Picot I more often than not feel like punching an Englishman or a Frog—any Englishman, any Frog—in the mouth, but then I think of François Georges-Picot’s granddaughter Olga, and my ...

Black Hebrew Israelites

White Supremacy Kills—Even When the Shooters Are Black

The Black Hebrew Israelites are the Rodney Dangerfield of hate groups—I’m tellin’ ya, they can’t get no respect. In DC this past January, after they diligently taunted some white Catholic kids from Kentucky for an ...

Every Woman Adores a Fascist

In continental Europe, S&M seems to be a northern Teutonic phenomenon rather than a southern Latin one. The Germans, for example, are dead keen on it. Given that Italy invented fascism, you might have thought that the ...

1964 Ford Galaxie

Why Are New Cars So Ugly?

I looked out my bedroom window last night and saw Will Smith stepping into a 1967 Ford Galaxie. He was leaving the old-timey diner across the street with Tommy Lee Jones because they were shooting scenes for the upcoming ...

Brant Point, Nantucket

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Rootinist, Tootinist, and Shootinist Headlines THE JOY GLOCK CLUB Tiger mom? Meet Luger gramps. Old Asian men are so over the stereotype of the wise elderly Oriental. “Wax on/wax off” has become safety ...

Weiner & Spitzer—Now More Than Ever!

“Progressivism leads inevitably to utter irrationality and eventually political, as well as moral, chaos.” So writes editor R.V. Young in the summer issue of Modern Age, the journal of which Russell Kirk was ...

Sanford Koufax

The Koufax Conundrum

"€œThree thousand years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Sandy Koufax, you"€™re goddamn right I"€™m living in the f—-ing past!"€ "€”Walter Sobchak in the Coen brothers"€™ The Big Lebowski This is ...

Surfer Privilege

How high of a standard of living did young baby boomers enjoy, especially those of us fortunate to grow up on the then lightly populated West Coast? That question kept coming to mind while reading the acclaimed 2015 memoir ...

Nowhere to Hide

People who were charged with a crime in England used to be told by the police that they did not have to say anything, but that anything they did say might be taken down and used as evidence against them. I think we should ...

Charles Barkley

Al Sharpton Is at It Again

If I were a North Korean leader, or even an ISIS head chopper, I"€™d be reveling in the fact that a black American former basketball star spoke more plainly about race in America than any member of our political class or ...

Spare a Thought for the Late Abandoners

You’ve probably heard the phrase "€œearly adopters"€ used for the first brave souls to take up a new technology. Early adopters are much loved by hi-tech firms: They serve as end-of-line product testers, shaking ...

Skeered o”€™ the Racisms

There's a short story I read in my youth, but for the life of me I can"€™t recall the title or the author (if any readers can place the tale, I"€™d be extremely grateful. As you know, doing a favor for a Jew is rather ...

Sarah Jeong

Rise of the Social Justice Dragon Lady

Last Wednesday The New York Times announced that it had hired 30-year-old Sarah Jeong as their lead technology writer, praising her “verve and erudition” and forgiving the fact that the sourpussed, pan-faced, ...

15 Days to Flatten the Truth

It made news this week when The Lancet, a once-respected medical journal, finally admitted that there's such a thing as "natural immunity" with COVID. (Is it too much to hope that, in another three years, The Lancet will ...

In Defense of Degeneracy

How long have I been asleep that I woke up and suddenly the Alt-Right wants to go full Amish? When did they lose their sense of humor and get so frickin’ uptight? When did their comical irreverence get swapped out for an ...

Doom Fiction

In the realm of science fiction, few things are as much fun to read about as the near extinction of the human race. Some awful catastrophe strikes humanity, wiping out all but a tiny remnant. Assuming the annihilated ...

Nikolas de Jesus Cruz

How To Exploit a High School Massacre

On Valentine’s Day, a 19-year-old former student of a Miami-area high school walked onto his former campus with an AR-15 style rifle and murdered 17 people, making it the third-largest school shooting in American ...

Two Bad Answers

Wednesday this week marks the 25th anniversary of the Chinese army's retaking Tiananmen Square from anti-regime protestors, an event known to Chinese by the date as "€œ6/4."€ The first thing to be said about this is ...

Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling

Blue Valentine and the Decline of Men

Blue Valentine, a superbly acted indie drama about a middle-class nurse falling out of love with her working-class house-painter husband, is both a timeless look at how sexual attraction actually works and an increasingly ...

It’s Who You Know

Will the FBI find any interesting emails from Hillary Clinton in the trove on the laptop of former congressman Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of Hillary's gofer-in-chief Huma Abedin? I don"€™t know. Hillary has ...

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