An Amnesty That I Can Support

In 1986, my high school drama teacher decided to give me a lesson in humility following a series of outbursts on my part challenging his authority (as arrogant as I may be now, I was way worse back then). He “sentenced” ...

All Hail the Cult of Black Suffering

As the grotesque spectacle that is Election 2020 drags its fetid carcass down the home stretch, leaving behind a snail trail of despair and humiliation, I’m plagued by one nagging question: Is anybody buying this? Has ...

Enough With the Truthers Already!

In 2013, when I was "€œouted"€ for my Holocaust revisionist past, I understood that one of the unavoidable hassles of being forced to "€œrejoin"€ the revisionist fringe would be the flak I"€™d get for my ...

Lars von Trier

Twilight of the Übermensch

You probably haven"€™t heard of Get the Gringo, a recent Lethal Weapon-like action movie starring Mel Gibson and directed by his right-hand man Adrian Grunberg. Mad Mel plays Driver, an American criminal who makes a run ...

Filling the Breitbart Void

In February 2013, when my audience was composed primarily of mainstream Republicans, I wrote a column titled "€œMasturbating Conservatives."€ The right was still smarting from an election that"€”how can this be ...

The War Against Offensive Team Nicknames

Offensive sports team nicknames are yet again in the news and, as usual, the Washington Redskins are the target of attention. (owned by the Washington Post) has officially banned “Redskins,” though the ...

Secession Studies

Frank H. Buckley’s highbrow yet quick and lively new book American Secession comes with the foreboding subtitle The Looming Threat of a National Breakup, but the conservative George Mason U. law professor and Trump family ...

Stealth Jews

Last month, in a column titled "€œThe Left's Transracial Monster,"€ I wrote about the slow but steady acceptance among leftists of "€œtransracialism,"€ the idea that someone who is not genetically of a certain ...

Roseanne Barr

Too Much Monkey Business

No matter how many times we, as a society, tell everyone it’s wrong to compare black people to apes, some people simply can’t seem to stop themselves. The latest head to roll under the Guillotine of Social Justice is ...

The Alt-Right Gets a Wedgie

Ah, Israel, the ultimate wedge issue for people on the right. Nothing can queer an alliance between mainstream conservatives, paleoconservatives, and white nationalists quicker than Israel. There's so much we all agree on! ...

Nafea Faa Ipoipo (When Will You Marry?), Paul Gaugiun

Stupidity Reigns Supreme

No use piling on where Prince Andrew is concerned. It’s not the end of the world, and he’s not among the brightest, either. Back in the summer of 2007, in Saint-Tropez, I had a boatload of guests and we all went to a ...

Boko Haram and the Indelible West

When I arrived in the city of Maiduguri nearly thirty years ago, everyone was away at the public executions. It was a ghost town until the spectators returned as from a football match in which the home team had won a ...

Creepy Conservatism

Every year Halloween seems to get more popular. Between the free candy and the dress-up parties, the month of October also provides an excuse to ruminate on the themes of horror, the occult, and the strange. Given the ...

Defeating the Terrorist Organization Known as Gawker

When four Soviet diplomats were captured by jihadis in Beirut in 1985, the Russians returned the favor by capturing, castrating, and butchering a close relative of a Hezbollah official. The KGB sent the organs to Hezbollah ...

Oh, the Hupersonity!

The British Medical Association, of which I am an undistinguished member, recently published a booklet entitled A Guide to Effective Communication in the Workplace, which I strongly suspected would be as helpful as a ...

The Ghetto’s on Fire—Let It Burn

Last week marked the 78th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, a sacred moment in Jewish history. The anniversary brought the expected flood of commentaries and social media posts. But one piece that was not widely ...

Brendan Eich

The New Blacklist

“There is a gay mafia,” said Bill Maher, “if you cross them you do get whacked.” Maher, the host of HBO’s “Real Time,” was talking about the gay activists and their comrades who ...

The Deep State Targets Trump

When Gen. Michael Flynn was forced to resign as national security adviser, Bill Kristol purred his satisfaction, “If it comes to it, prefer the deep state to the Trump state.” To Kristol, the permanent regime, ...

Martin Short

Parenting From the Grave

In Martin Short's autobiography I Must Say, he describes Stephen Colbert's fearless demeanor after roasting George Bush at the White House Correspondents"€™ dinner in 2006. Short asked Colbert if he was scared to get up ...


Last week, The New York Times complained that whites now make up only three-fifths of the population but still hold four-fifths of the most powerful jobs in America: Faces of Power: 80% Are White, Even as U.S. Becomes More ...

Himmler’s Damnable Logic

I found out last week that the Wendy Bell lawsuit, which I covered in November 2016, has been settled. Bell was a popular anchorwoman at ABC affiliate WTAE in Pittsburgh. In early 2016, a black family was massacred in the ...

Haul of Injustice

Peonage, in which workers are bound to their jobs by debts to their employers, is a traditional curse of Latin American cultures. Perhaps inevitably, as the United States merges demographically with Mexico, Latin-style ...

Raise the Drawbridge!

So how are you doing at keeping up with events in MENA (the Middle East and North Africa)? Can the new Iraqi government get some kind of military act together? Will the Kurds hold on to Kobani, that Syrian city under siege ...

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