The Week That Perished
The Week’s Most Defamatory, Inflammatory, and Confirmatory Headlines IS FRANCE BURNING? One needed the sentience of a rock to be able to ignore the deep symbolism behind the specter of the Notre Dame Cathedral burning ...
The Week’s Most Defamatory, Inflammatory, and Confirmatory Headlines IS FRANCE BURNING? One needed the sentience of a rock to be able to ignore the deep symbolism behind the specter of the Notre Dame Cathedral burning ...
NEW YORK"I don"t wanna say Donald Trump has contempt for established rules, but he's planning his third term. This is a boon for the media, though, because at least once a day the Trump press corps gets to say, You ...
GSTAAD—It is not exactly a stop all the clocks occasion, let alone cut off the telephones, but I’ve finally come to a decision: My looking-at-cows time is over. I am going to leave good old Helvetia and find something ...
Coming up as I did a Southern boy, usually barefoot, lots of times with a cane pole and a string of bream I caught in Machodoc Creek, and other signs of higher civilization, I believe I could get tired of Northerners ...
Over the last few days, as I watched both the homicidal antics of the Boston Bomb Brothers and the characteristically competent Tom Cruise science-fiction movie Oblivion, I was reminded that one of the least expected ...
In times of war, neutrality is rarely rewarded. And if you’re a citizen of a country smack in the middle of a war, it can often be dangerous. A little-known fact about World War II is that, in the nations occupied by ...
During the Olympics" opening ceremony last week, the lady on the TV described the United Kingdom as "four countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland." Soon after, every country in the world ...
Future historians, if there are any, will look on our epoch as one of bad temper. The ease with which people are provoked to the expression of outrage suggests that it has a very important function in our mental life, if ...
PALM BEACH, Fla."Hunter S. Thompson used to mail me giant photos of objects being blown to smithereens with dynamite or flung from some kind of skeet contraption so they could be exploded midair, and in most cases he ...
The Week's Weakest, Bleakest, and Meekest Headlines THE SAN FRANCISCO DREADLOCK INCIDENT A sterling example of leftist auto-cannibalism comes to us this week from the Cesar Chavez Student Center at San Francisco State ...
The sudden crossing of the Rio Grande river at Del Rio, Texas, by 15,000 Haitians is a reminder that the most prophetic novel of the last half century was the late Jean Raspail’s 1973 book The Camp of the Saints about a ...
At Mar-a-Lago this weekend President Donald Trump was filled “with fury” says The Washington Post, “mad—steaming, raging, mad.” Early Saturday the fuming president exploded with this tweet: ...
The Week’s Craggiest, Shaggiest, and Faggiest Headlines HARVEY WEINSTEIN TAKES A SHOWER Movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, whose big ugly brick of a head looks as if it was sloppily sculpted out of chopped liver, is the ...
The transcript of President Trump's phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky is yet another illustration of the rule: Never ask a question you don't know the answer to. But on the basis of one drama queen's ...
In early 2035, the thirty-fourth year of the war against al-Qaeda, the Pentagon issued a White Paper saying that the F22 Raptor, the front-line fighter plane of the United States, was nearing the end of its useful life and ...
I heard the word "Techintern" for the first time the other day. It's not exactly current. A Google search for the word brought up 17,000 results, all of which, for as long as I could be bothered to browse, related ...
Arizona State University, perennial favorite for "nation's least prestigious school," is showing America why: students can now earn extra credit in a Women and Gender Studies class for being female and not shaving ...
The Week's Snappiest, Crappiest, and Unhappiest Headlines "MOTHER OF ALL BOMBS" ACCUSED OF SEXISM Fulfilling Donald Trump's campaign promise to "bomb the shit out of" ISIS, US forces dropped an 11-ton ...
“There is a great deal of a ruin in a nation,” replied Adam Smith to a friend who lamented that General Burgoyne’s defeat by the American rebels at 1777’s Battle of Saratoga had ruined Great Britain. And the United ...
With America's 16-year-old war in Afghanistan back in the news as Defense Secretary James Mattis hints that he"ll be sending in perhaps 4,000 more U.S. troops, Brad Pitt's new movie on Netflix, War Machine, could be of ...
The internet underworld that famously boosted Trump in 2016 appears to be unified for the first time since. This time everyone from the meme-makers of 4chan, to the “America First” crowd, to explicit white nationalists ...
In modern Anglo democracies, no more than one national election in ten offers a choice between fundamentally contrasting policies. I have never been eligible to cast a vote in such an election. The last US presidential ...
Which nation will own the 21st century? The leading candidates are the USA and China. Few people would admit any others into the competition, but I’d be a tad more careful. History takes some odd turns. Who in the ...
Inauguration Day is a grand national spectacle, seen by the whole world! The nation puts forward its best! State-of-the-art security, troops marching in perfect formation, the very latest in ladies’ fashions, ...