The Sporting Lie

In my youth, hard though it is for me to recall it now, I was quite good at sport. I could never have become better than quite good at it, however, because I never took it seriously enough to do so. A game for ...

The Hurricane Algorithm

NEW YORK—News executives love disasters. They get to act like Chuck Norris and Assemble the Squad. “Maginnis, you cover first responders.” “Wilson, get over to NOAA and stay on those maps.” “Kelly, official ...

The Replication Crisis and the Repetition Crisis

With data becoming ever more abundant, this should be the golden age of the social sciences. And yet they seem to be suffering two mirror-image nervous breakdowns"€”the Replication Crisis and the Repetition ...

Brian Wilson

Life of Brian

Love & Mercy is a superb new biopic about head Beach Boy Brian Wilson's creative summit in 1966, the year of the groundbreaking Pet Sounds album (featuring the sublime "€œWouldn"€™t It Be Nice"€ and "€œGod Only ...

Joseph Stiglitz

When Mediocrity Strikes

I think I too could be a Nobel Prize winner in economics"€”at least if an interview with Joseph Stiglitz in a recent edition of Le Figaro, the French newspaper, on the occasion of the publication of one of his books ...

Rust on the Iron Law of Wages

The other day I was thinking, which I know better than to do, and I started pondering the American economy, which ain"€™t got the chance of a frog in a French restaurant. Nobody else's does, either. It's just that we got ...

John Carter

The Best Films That the Oscars Ignored

This evening is the annual Academy Awards telethon for Harvey Weinstein, and the Academy has again decided to nominate every dull, derivative, and overly melodramatic film appearing in theaters the past twelve ...

Slobs and Slatterns

Among the measures demanded of Greece by its creditors in return for yet another pretense that its debt is actually performing and therefore does not have to be written off, I noticed that for Sunday trading, Greece's ...

Humble Pie in Short Supply

On 30 March, 1933, the great German recorder of daily life under the Third Reich, Victor Klemperer, noticed a balloon in a toy shop inscribed with a swastika. In my newspaper on 14 January, 2017, I noticed a photograph of a ...

Notes of a Bibliomaniac

I think I suffer from the only behavioral disorder that does not appear in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. This is rather odd because the disorder has been known for at least ...

Nicki Minaj

The War on Dads

When Nicki Minaj flailed around satanically onstage in front of a scared fake priest at the Grammys last week, the Catholic Church was understandably upset. "€œWhether Minaj is possessed is surely an open question, but ...

Sentinelese People

The Proper Use of Dead Jews

By now you’ve probably heard the knee-slapper about the millennial missionary who sneaked onto a forbidden island inhabited by the earth’s last uncontacted, pre-neolithic tribe of humans in order to convert them to ...

“Fighting the Enemy”

Last week's suicide bombing in Manchester was the first Muslim terrorist attack on the West that didn"€™t make me angry or sad. I"€™m still haunted by and livid about Charlie Hebdo, the Bataclan, and Nice, to name only ...

George Soros

Soros Soars, GOP Cowards Cower

I devoted my Dec. 15 column to newly elected Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón and his benefactor George Soros. Gascón has one goal: to put the people of L.A. at the mercy of criminals. He’s the face of ...

Lena Dunham

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Austere, Unclear, and Insincere Headlines BARKING MANATEE LENA DUNHAM CALLS FOR THE EXTINCTION OF WHITE MEN Lena Dunham is an unforgivably overweight and savagely unattractive alleged comedienne who ...

The Emperor’s New Stump

While mainstream pop culture and institutional academia busy themselves celebrating and sprinkling glittered confetti upon the “transgendered”"€”a group that mainly seems to consist of men with deep voices and ...

Our Delicate Muslims

A phone rings in the Oval Office. President Obama drops his practice club and rushes to his desk. Raising the handset of the turquoise-green, crescent-decorated emergency phone to his ear, he listens, his face reflecting ...

Different Hoax for Different Folks

At its “Never Is Now” anti-Semitism summit this week, the Anti-Defamation League gave its ADL Americanism Award to Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria, superintendent of the Air Force Academy, for his famed speech last September ...


Have you heard about “handiblackin’”? It’s the newest craze. I normally wouldn’t lead off my column by citing a lengthy chunk of someone else’s work, but if you don’t know about handiblackin’, please learn ...

The Day America Stumbled

Yesterday morning in Manhattan while attending memorial services for the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11, Hillary Clinton left prematurely and stumbled while multiple handlers attempted to gently shove her into a sleek black ...

Did Heavy Metal Brain Damage Cause the 1960s?

As part of my continuing series on the causes of the 60s, let’s consider Kevin Drum’s revival (”America’s Real Criminal Element: Lead”) in Mother Jones magazine of the recurrent theory that ...

Greenwich Village, NY

666,666,666 Immigrants

Center-left Vox pundit Matthew Yglesias’ new book One Billion Americans: The Case for Thinking Bigger is actually two contradictory polemics. The book is both a sensible call for making family formation more affordable ...

Ye Olde Feminism Fraude

As you read this, far too many young Americans are getting ready for their first day (back) at college, the most expensive mistake of their lives (unless they are male, get married, and end up divorced.) I presume all ...

Ebony Dickens

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Ill-Bred, Misread, and Brain-Dead Headlines TRUMP WINS, GOP THROWS TANTRUM Last Tuesday in the Indiana primary, Donald Trump delivered what amounted to an electoral anal-fisting to the two remaining GOP ...

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