Marine Le Pen or Tashfeen Malik?

French history is currently speeding up, which ought to be of intense interest to American Republicans pondering whom to nominate in 2016. While many Americans enjoy engaging in lowbrow derision of France, the French ...

Give Grass a Pass

The talk is all of pot. Not "€œpot"€ the utensil, as in Confucius's fine aphorism “A man is not a pot,” but cannabis sativa, AKA grass, tea, weed, bud, ganja, Mary Jane, bhang, wacky baccy. States are ...

Exit the President

NEW YORK"€”Stop saying dystopian. The next person who uses this word gets a Billy Jack leg whop to the right side of his face. Donald Trump is not dystopian. There's nothing dystopian happening. Who started ...

Valérie Trierweiler

Swingers in High Places

Back in 1840, an Englishman by the name of Alexander Walker wrote a manual by the name of Woman, in which he quoted David Hume and from which I quote: Among the inferior creatures, nature herself, being the supreme ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Neediest, Greediest, and Seediest Headlines SAY "€œTRANNY"€ IN CANADA, GO TO JAIL The nation of Canada huddles jealously north of the USA and has all the personality of a frozen dinner. Because its ...

The Cologne Cover-up

I hope the Cologne mass sexual assaults will be of lasting and huge significance to European history, and I even think they might. (Recently arrived Arab migrants sexually assaulted large numbers of German women in front of ...

The Antifa Fad: Totalitarian Anti-Fascism”€¨

Four young men in black-denim jackets and hoodies closed in when the man they"€™d been waiting for emerged from the Mecklenburg Government Center. One of them yelled, "€œJared Taylor, you"€™re a ...

Charlize Theron in Fury Road

Fury Road at the Box Office

The four Mad Max movies are nominally post-apocalyptic, although their explanations for the end of civilization keeps mutating as the budgets expand, from the decline of morality in 1979's Mad Max to the energy crisis in ...

Hollywood Apartheid Is Ready for Its Close-up

Hollywood’s been Jewish from the get-go, but “racial loyalty” never trumped the bottom line. People who lose money for the bosses get canned, Jew or not. Similarly, Hollywood might be leftist in its racial politics, ...

Jon Stewart

A Slight Depression in the Liar Market

What if most Holocaust victims were balancing their karma from ages before, when they were Roman soldiers putting Christians to death ... So said Charles Manson to his followers back in 197… Oh, wait, no: Shirley ...

Joe Biden

What Now?

This may be the strangest election in history in that there is no evidence that any sizable group of people want Biden for president. It's his fourth time running for that office. This year, Biden lost three primaries in a ...

Take the Black Pill

So this is my fourth Hitler. When I was a kid, I treasured my Book of Lists, and still remember big chunks of it. (But don"€™t know my own cell phone number a year after I got the damn thing...) This paperback treasury ...

Over the Hill at 35

A lady recently asked Barack Obama why the government is issuing and extending H-1B visas—that is, guest-worker visas for any occupation “which requires the theoretical and practical application of a body of highly ...

Mark Zuckerberg

What the Zuck?!

Who was it who said that behind every great fortune lies a great crime? The answer is a Frenchman by the name of Balzac, known as a pretty good novelist in his time. Well, is stealing an idea and making untold billions as a ...

Infinite Arrogance, Infinite Incompetence

Oh lord. Oh lord. Can the government do anything right? There is no evidence for it. None. Everything it touches turns to grotesque failure. It hurts me to contemplate the federal reigning monstrosity in the Yankee Capital. ...

Revenge of the Goths

The original Goths"€”those rude, hairy, smelly, bloodthirsty, rampaging barbarians who crushed the Roman Empire"€”would by any reasonable definition of the term be properly referred to as "€œbadasses."€ The ...

George Carlin

You’re Not Allowed to Laugh at That!

RALEIGH, N.C.—The stand-up comedy stage is the last place where you can speak without a filter. Or at least I always thought so. People are bringing tape recorders into workout clubs to make sure comics don’t “cross ...

Black Lies Matter Too

Like all lies uncorrected, the #BlackLivesMatter movement has become a religion with evangelists, disciples, heretics, opportunists, and enforcers. First, the media spread the Word. Those outlets that couldn"€™t afford ...

Don”€™t Tug on Lucifer’s Cape

In his first letter to "€œGod's elect, exiles scattered throughout the provinces,"€ the apostle (then Pope, later Saint) Peter warned his flock: [Y]our adversary the Devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking ...

Ta-Nehisi Coates

The Trouble With Ta-Nehisi

The newspaper that prints only what fits its piously fraudulent agenda, The New York Times, has reviewed a book by one Ta-Nehisi Coates twice, both times showering it with praise that would make a Hollywood name-dropper ...

Rape Culture…or Rape DNA?

The April edition of International Journal of Epidemiology contains an article called "€œSexual offending runs in families: A 37-year nationwide study."€ A summary of the article runs as follows: Close relatives of ...

Alexandra Ocasio Cortez

The 18 Most Annoying People of 2018

Another year has passed. Let us shove it off the cliff and watch its brains get bashed to paste on the rocks as it falls. Let seagulls peck at its flesh on the wet, cold sand until the year’s ravaged corpse rolls into the ...

Henry Rollins

Henry Rollins, Please Shut Up

Dear Henry Rollins, In a recent interview you expressed concern, like so many of our other socially conscious celebrities, that the so-called “War on Women” was slowing the wheels of progressive permissiveness. ...

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