Noam Chomsky

A Portrait of Noam Chomsky: A Great Mind in a Weak Soul

“Money is a new form of slavery,” Noam Chomsky tweeted on Sept. 5, “and is only distinguishable from the old slavery simply by the fact that it is impersonal.” Though you may find that claim simplistic, it would be ...

Half a Loaf

William Goldman's fantasy tale The Princess Bride made famous the saying “never get involved in a land war in Asia” (it was purportedly advice General Douglas MacArthur gave to President John F. Kennedy ...

Laurence Olivier

Who’s Afraid of Whom?

Increasingly, social-grievance jihadis are getting themselves worked up over casting decisions in movies, TV shows, plays, and even operas, labeling anything they disapprove of as "€œwhitewashing."€ Granted, the ...

Is the Pope Catholic?

Karl Marx was not a Catholic, but Pope Francis is lookin’ more like a Marxist every day. This became clear as a little glass bell to me last week when progressives were fairly wetting themselves over the ...

Straight, No (Race) Mixer

Life in these United States can be very difficult for an African-American cisgendered homosexual male rice-queen. Like I needed to tell any of you that. I"€™m sure we all sympathize with Donovan Trott, a gay black ...

Crime Against Nature

Attempting to successfully perform the plays of Shakespeare at an all-black high school was challenging, to say the least. In the spring of 1985, I starred in Merchant of Venice to a week's worth of empty houses. I"€™d ...

Jon Stewart at the Emmy's 2015

Jon Stewart’s Fading Legacy

They hiss and shout “Boo!” at Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson for owning slaves, but now liberals are turning on presidents as recent as Bill Clinton. In the modern Democratic Party you either die a hero or live ...

Mind the Gap

Is the white-black IQ gap shrinking in the United States? Although many assume that the existence of sizable disparities in average IQ among the races simply must be “pseudoscience,” that different ethnicities average ...


The Week That Perished

The Week’s Sweatiest, Pettiest, and Readiest Headlines WHY CHRIS CUOMO NEEDS TO LEGALLY CHANGE HIS NAME TO “FREDO” In perhaps what is the most significant event for the Italian-American community since Sylvester ...

The Nature of the Virus

Opinion journalism in the respectable outlets has increasingly come to be dominated during the Great Awokening of the past half-dozen years by young Women of Color with soft major degrees who take whatever topic is in the ...

Merle Haggard

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Laggard, Staggered, and Haggard Headlines BILL CLINTON YELLS AT BLACK PEOPLE, ALMOST APOLOGIZES Cigar-loving former president and current domestic abuse survivor William Jefferson Clinton earned our ...

Don’tcha Just Hate It When the Neo-Nazis Are Right?

Did I ever tell you about the time I had dinner with a war criminal? It’s not exactly my funniest story, but it’s still somewhat instructive. It was September 1992. The United States was under aural assault from a ...

Alec Baldwin

Triumph of the Vile

You know you’re old when people start writing kindly about you. Especially when they are colleagues. First Jeremy Clarke, now Deborah Ross. Debbie could of course be spoofing—if you look down at your bag of popcorn ...

Slavery: The Inconvenient Truth

As a father of two impressionable teenage girls, I am having a tough and at times frustrating time trying to undo the damage done at school in the course of their history studies, where they seem to be learning little about ...

It’s in Their Culture

We are endlessly told that white people are racist and that white men are sexist. But in my experience people of a different color are much more racist and men of a different color much more sexist. It is just that we do ...

Crushing the Coronavirus Curve

For weeks, the coronavirus news has been paralyzingly bad, leaving President Trump, the Democratic candidates, and the media with little to offer in the way of pragmatic or inspiring leadership on the issue. But over the ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Shocking, Rocking, and Cock-Blocking Headlines BLACK-POWER-FIST-RAISING OLYMPIC ATHLETES FINALLY ADMITTED INTO HALL OF FAME One of the most iconic—don’t you hate that word?—Olympics images in ...

Killer Stats

The results are now in on The Establishment’s vast gamble of declaring 2020 to be the year of the Racial Reckoning. Did sacralizing Black Lives Matter as our culture’s highest value even succeed at saving black ...

Central Park Rapists: Trump Was Right

The city of New York released thousands of documents from the 1989 Central Park rape case last week, provoking more weeping and gnashing of teeth over Donald Trump’s full-page ads in four New York newspapers taken out ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Cheering, Jeering, and Happy New Yearing Headlines SLAP UNHAPPY Poor Will Smith, doomed to a career bookended by plaintively wailing, “How come they don’t want me, man?” Smith’s reportedly in ...

Christopher Hitchens

Some Questions

Some questions are asked in a spirit of inquiry, to obtain answers, but others are asked to intimidate or badger or coerce agreement with a point of view and establish the irreproachable virtue of the persons who ask them. ...

Where the Sidewalk Ends

My Taki's columns have now officially killed twice as many people as Ted Kennedy's car. Last April, it was Günter Grass, then last week, Harper Lee. I didn"€™t ask for this extraordinary gift, nor do I control it, ...

The Memorial Day Mobs

Though few Americans realize it, Memorial Day has roots that are partially racial in nature. It was originally called “Decoration Day” and was first celebrated by a group composed entirely of black Freedmen in ...

Sundial Bridge

California Scheming

Even with its 55 electoral votes, California has slowly been drifting off the national political radar from the days when it served as the semifinals of the heavyweight division. For example, in 1962 California vindicated ...

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