If You Were Curious …
It's been a while"blimey, 12 years"since I did an FAQs column, so here are a few from the email bag (in responding to which I am as usual far behind, sorry sorry). How's your health? (I had an engagement with ...
It's been a while"blimey, 12 years"since I did an FAQs column, so here are a few from the email bag (in responding to which I am as usual far behind, sorry sorry). How's your health? (I had an engagement with ...
The left gets a serious going-over on this site. Not that they don’t deserve it. If you come screaming into the room with an aluminum water bottle on your backpack and start ridiculing everyone for being ignorant, people ...
July 4th is the day America celebrates liberty but Halloween is the opposite. It's the day we all get together and ask necrophiliacs what to do with fun's cadaver. These ghouls have a lot of suggestions for us but ...
Should white men be blamed or thanked for inventing most of the technology that makes our lives better? A new study by Stanford economist Raj Chetty exploiting his unique access to your old 1040 tax returns argues that the ...
So I guess I finally have to write about Bruce Jenner. Tellingly, when I first typed that sentence, instead of "Bruce," I wrote "Kris." That's the name of Jenner's butch, bossy, occasionally estranged ...
The Week's Most Atomic, Islamic, and Tragicomic Headlines UGLY MUSLIM WOMAN: "I DON"T DATE WHITE MEN" Last Friday evening in France, Islamic extremists"some of whom are thought to have been among this ...
Threatening to kill three million people is one thing, but comparing yourself to Hitler is really pushing it. Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte (pronounced “Doo-TAIR-tay”) learned this the hard way last ...
Stone Mountain is a 1,700-foot-tall grey dome rock located about a half-hour due east of downtown Atlanta. On its northern face is the largest bas-relief carving in the world"bigger even than the carving at Mount ...
The Week's Most Mannish, Spanish, and Klannish Headlines BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS: THE SEQUEL As you read this, there may be blood flowing in the streets of New Orleans. Two years ago after the Charleston Massacre was ...
In the spirit of Aristotelian moderation, allow me to suggest that an emerging danger of the 21st century is that the non-Western world could get overly right-wing. Ironically, a major cause would be that white Western ...
In September 2004, for the crime of having a massively blocked sewer line under my property, I was condemned to the worst fate a creature of the L.A. Westside could face"I had to move to the Valley. Thank God it was ...
It took me a while to understand why some of today's leading generals in the war to enforce politically correct speech and behavior codes are Latinas. Jewish organizations were the foundation-builders of PC nonsense, and ...
NEW YORK—This place feels funny, a bit like Beirut, where Christians, Muslims, Druze, and encamped Palestinians live together but separately, with one or two million Syrian refugees completing the mix. Over here the ...
Former Senate leader Harry Reid (D-NV) proudly claims to have slipped $22 million into the Pentagon’s “black” budget a decade ago to fund a secret Pentagon department to keep an eye on the UFO Menace. The Advanced ...
The media-declared racial reckoning has elicited from Charles Murray, coauthor of 1994’s epochal The Bell Curve, an important rebuttal: a short, lucid book entitled Facing Reality: Two Truths about Race in America. In ...
It’s the video nobody wants to talk about. And even the people who talk about it don’t really want to talk about it. San Dimas is a city in L.A. County. Demographics: roughly 50% non-Hispanic white, 33% Hispanic of any ...
Surely by now you've heard the story about that hate crime involving a criminal gang of fascist white-supremacist neo-Nazi alt-right bigots who swarmed peaceful protestors in Upper Manhattan a couple Friday nights ago and ...
Barack Obama’s greatest talent is his ability to take unabashed lawbreakers or wannabe cop-killers and suddenly turn them into unapologetic cheerleaders for big government. And he’s apparently able to do this ...
“Apartheid is an affront to human rights and human dignity. Normal and friendly relations cannot exist between the United States and South Africa until it becomes a dead policy. Americans are of one mind and one heart ...
Our era's dominant narrative focuses lavishly on gays, who are portrayed as society's powerless victims. Yet gays themselves don"t find the party line very interesting. They like to picture themselves as culturally ...
One of the things I miss about academia is the spectacle of alleged savants fighting like a couple of sandbox toddlers. Thanks to the Internet, such crass entertainments are available whenever I miss working with geeks. ...
When I think about the America that led me to emigrate from Canada, I think of iconoclasts like Hunter Thompson, Lester Bangs, and Thomas Jefferson. Where Canada and Britain are so worried about what you think that they ...
The Week's Most Delicious, Nutritious, and Seditious Headlines ONWARD AND N-WORD: SUPREME COURT RULES THAT "HATE SPEECH" IS PROTECTED Relax, America: It's time to start hating again! In a unanimous 8-0 ruling, ...
Remarkably, European solidarity, once the progressive cause par excellence, is increasingly viewed as hateful racism, as suggested by the conventional wisdom's berserk reaction to President Trump's speech last week in ...