Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle: CIA Asset?

Meghan Markle is doing such a good job at destroying the monarchy, she could be a foreign agent. The idea seems far-fetched, that the CIA would train a B-list Hollywood actress and use her as a honey trap to infiltrate the ...

One if by Land, Two if by Sea

While American geopolitical thought tends to divide the world up morally into the Democratic (whoever is on our side) and the Evil (vice-versa), Russians tend to strategize geographically in terms of Land (Mother Russia) v. ...

Jeffrey Wright

The Democrats’ Racial Albatross

In a sea of leftist Hollywood turds, actor Jeffrey Wright manages to stand out as particularly runny. Wright, best known for playing who gives a shit in the Hunger Games franchise and who cares on the hit series Westworld, ...

The Abolition of Racial and Ethnic Preferences

In America's fifth year of having a black president, the five Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices had an opportunity on Monday to abolish racial and ethnic preferences for violating the 14th Amendment's requirement ...

Brett Ratner

Apologies Are for Fags

“There’s nothin’ like having a nation of fags looking for you,” joked Eddie Murphy in his 1987 stand-up comedy film Raw. He was referring to a backlash over his previous stand-up film Delirious, which included the ...

Extended Stay America

We"€™ve heard endless denunciations of the Trump administration's initial minor adjustments to immigration and refugee policy as violating the sacred civil right of foreigners to relocate to America without Americans, you ...

World of Witchcraft

Human-rights groups and assorted do-gooders have been filling up my Twitter timeline with news of a phenomenon many think no longer exists: literal witch hunts. In 2009 the leader of The Gambia, the self-titled Sheikh ...

The Tyranny of the Bookish

It is now nearly a hundred years since H.G. Wells remarked in his book The Outline of History that: "€œHuman history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe."€ It was an odd thing to write in ...

Ezra Levant Takes on the Thought Police

Ezra Levant is a journalist and TV host who is primarily known for fighting the totalitarianism and corruption of various human rights commissions. He's one of the few with the patience and resources to call them out on ...

Free to Be a Communist

I was reading one of the angrier conservative bloggers the other day when I came to a sentence where he referred to President Obama as a “communist.” It stopped my eye. I am no fan of Obama, and I have a high ...

The Silent Spring That Won”€™t Shut Up

If the Democrats lose in November, the party's supporters will likely initiate another one of their semi-regular rebranding exercises. "€œLiberal"€ became a curse word during the Reagan years, so they started calling ...

Unjust Crimes and Unjust Executions

Apart from pulp novels, airport bookshops often have an eccentric selection of books. A few years ago, for example, in the bookshop in the airport nearest my English home, I found a volume devoted to the last meals ...

Recolonizing the Dark Continent

In his book The Trouble With Africa, Robert Calderisi recounts the sad story of two African teenagers who stowed away in the cargo hold of a Brussels-bound Airbus. They died on the journey from asphyxiation and cold. One of ...

Leftist Legal Fictions and the Atheists Who Love Them

I"€™ve never had much use for smug, arrogant leftist atheists like Bill Maher, Ricky Gervais, or Seth MacFarlane, whose smarmy "€œaren"€™t we ever-so-clever"€ attitude I find as irritating as a bur sweater. But ...

Here Comes the Mob (Again)! has had a crappy week. Many people are suddenly hearing about that upstart online magazine for the first time, on account of not one but two "€œcontroversies"€ of the sorry sort we"€™re all too ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Retarded, Discarded, and Disregarded Headlines OPPRESSION THROUGH DODGEBALL, REDEMPTION THROUGH YOGA It’s highly likely that you are entirely unaware that team sports such as dodgeball and physical ...

The Starch in the Social Fabric

Driving around Spain, one notices all the castles. That’s quite a thing to notice for an Englishman such as myself, as we have thousands of them. But on Spain's freeways they seem to spring up on the horizon with ...

Nation of Leeches

Just as 2011 was the year that no one would shut the hell up about the "€œ99%,"€ this year's election season has birthed another obnoxious quotient that refuses to die"€”the "€œ47%"€ of Americans that Mitt ...

Daniel Day-Lewis

Lincoln: A Tall Man in a Small Film

With his unimpeachable performance in Steven Spielberg's Lincoln (which opens nationwide on Friday), Daniel Day-Lewis seems ready to become the first man ever to win three Best Actor Oscars. After his awards for My Left ...

Melina Abdullah

The Dysgenic Duo

Can America survive blacks and Jews? Nope. Thanks for reading, folks! See you next time. Uh...I seem to have come in a little short this week. Okay, I’ll be more detailed. I never speak much about my family, mainly ...

Losing Our Turbulence

The country of my birth no longer much resembles the country of my birth, mainly as a result of mass immigration. Britons were already grumbling about the influx of Third Worlders in my student days back in the ...

Arriving Late to the HBD Party

An occasional point of discussion among us commentators on the dissident right is the degree to which our stuff is read by respectable pundits seeking inspiration. Steve Sailer, for example, is convinced that David Brooks ...

USS Liberty

Pin the Tail on the Subhuman

On the brilliant summer's morning of June 8, 1967, the USS Liberty, a technical research ship lying in international waters about 25 miles north of the Sinai Peninsula, was suddenly attacked by Israeli fighter jets and ...

My God, What if He Loses?

Last week was not a very good week for Donald Trump's poll numbers. In fact, I had several Trump diehards"€”not bloggers or pundits, just private nobodies who are friends of mine"€”tell me that these days they find ...

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