Racists are Everywhere: Piledriver Edition

In 2014, the business model for journalism (so-called) is as follows: manufacture some perceived outrage and let the delicious page views and ad revenues flow forth. The Atlantic, a once-venerated font of American letters ...

What the Bible Really Says About Homos

Claiming that homosexuality and Christianity are incompatible, Rev. Paul Kalchik—a Catholic priest from Chicago’s North Side with blazing blue eyes, eager lips, and a warm, winning smile—recently burned an ...

What’s Worse: Banning Them or Bombing Them?

Lawdy, lawdy was there an eruption of sanctimonious gasping and self-righteous snorting and pearl-clutching and face-fanning and catching the vapors last week when Donald Trump proposed a temporary ban of all Muslim ...

How Bimbos Saved the American Republic

Another American election has come and gone, this one noteworthy for its complete absence of candidates from America's richest, most famous family dynasties. As far as I can tell, names with an Old Money, Social Register ...

Asian Supremacy

The more we get lectured about White Supremacy, the even less supreme whites get, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Is this merely because whites are losing power demographically and thus it’s ever more risk-free to ...

President Trump’s Murder Report Card

One reason Donald Trump is president is because of the Obama administration’s own goal in setting off a major murder wave in Ferguson in 2014, in an era when both technology and prosperity should have been lowering the ...

Immigration Follies

An item in a supposedly serious newspaper caught my attention recently. It reported a former Archbishop of Canterbury as saying that the British government systematically discriminated against Christians in its acceptance ...

Tough Testing

One of the less remarked-upon gender gaps is in college attendance: Young men have fallen far behind young women. Males now make up only 43 percent of college students despite continuing to earn slightly higher average ...

Erica Thomas

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Addictive, Constrictive, and Vindictive Headlines FEMALE POLITICIAN’S HATE-CRIME HOAX UNRAVELS QUICKER THAN SHE CAN SCREAM, “RACIST!!!” Erica Thomas is an aggressively dumb and juvenile black woman ...

Curt Schilling

Nazis vs. Muslims: Who Hateth the Most?

Poor Curt Schilling. Last week, the legendary pitcher dared to tweet about the two things you just don"€™t tweet about (or talk about or whisper about or describe via charades): Muslims and Nazis. Schilling tweeted, ...

Lyncher, Faker, Mischief Maker

When Democrats lose big, one thing is for sure"€”the pitchforks and hangin"€™ ropes are coming out. Using lynchings to deal with defeat is as old as, well, how old is the Democratic Party? And so it is now. The Dems ...

Alan Turing

A Nerd for Our Times: Alan Turing

Has the cult of Alan Turing finally jumped the shark with the well-made but tepid movie The Imitation Game, starring Benedict Cumberbatch as the British mathematician and computer science pioneer who died of cyanide ...

Hillary Clinton

The Importance of Being Sympathetic

On the day that Donald John Trump was declared the victor in the American election I was on my way to Madrid to give a talk. I would be less than frank if I did not admit that, such being the smallness of the human mind, or ...

What’s Wrong With Being Right?

I’ll believe we have an unbiased media the moment they start using the term “far left” as frequently as they use “far right.” But don’t hold your breath, because you will surely die ...

First They Came for the Albinos

Is there a man among us willing to shed a tear for the poor persecuted albinos of modern East Africa? No? Tough crowd. OK, how about if I were to sketch out a convoluted and highly dubious scenario in which African ...

Sour Thoughts From the Police Beat

Things don"€™t work like they spoza. A cause of this dysfunction is the notion that criminals can "€œpay their debt to society"€ and then be all better, as if crimes were purchases made on a credit card. Say that a ...

The Cloud Gate, Chicago, IL

The Numbers Don’t Lie

Six months into the Racial Reckoning, it’s timely to review A Peculiar Indifference: The Neglected Toll of Violence on Black America by a conventional liberal criminologist named Elliott Currie of the U. of California at ...

Tim Tebow

The Crucifixion of Tim Tebow

In the short-lived television show Firefly, the term “Browncoat” described those who fought for independence against the Alliance. Protagonist Malcolm Reynolds was a Browncoat who tried to survive as a smuggler aboard ...

Fight the Pao-er!

Playboy once asked author Ray Bradbury why science fiction was the "€œpurview of young men."€ His response is worth recalling now that Ellen Pao has resigned as Reddit's CEO amid a censoring scandal.There are two races ...

The Floyd Effect

With elections a few days away, crime statistics are finally being widely discussed in the press. So...I’m not going to pass up one last chance to deluge you with new graphs based on the CDC’s WONDER database of causes ...

William Christian Bullitt Jr.

Suicide (Final) Solution

In April 1936, Ambassador William Bullitt relayed an urgent message to Washington: “Enough with the Jews already.” I’m slightly paraphrasing. Bill Bullitt was one of the most fascinating and influential figures in ...

Racial Immunity

Twelve years ago, when actor Michael Richards launched into his epithet-laced tirade against a loud table of black revelers at the Hollywood Laugh Factory, the line that stood out to me as the most jarring was, ironically, ...

Jussie Smollett

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Screwy, Gooey, and Jewy Headlines BLACK/GAY/JEWISH HATE-CRIME HOAXER WALKS FREE Just when you thought the arc of the moral universe was bending toward justice in the case of fabulist actor/hate-crime ...

Intersectional Cannibalism

Fire in each eye, and papers in each hand, They rave, recite, and madden round the land. —Pope We value rights because, as the terrible old proverb says, man is a wolf to man. Knowing only too well that other people can ...

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