The PC Gods Must Be Crazy
Every time a human sacrifice is made to appease the gods of political correctness, the Sane Community yells questions such as, "Wait! What exactly did the person do that was so wrong?" and "What parts were ...
Every time a human sacrifice is made to appease the gods of political correctness, the Sane Community yells questions such as, "Wait! What exactly did the person do that was so wrong?" and "What parts were ...
What was your first thought on seeing that video clip of the white cop shooting the fleeing black perp? Mine was: "What fresh lie is this?" The point of reference here is the Trayvon Martin case of three years ...
I recently sat down with a friend of more than fifty years, Reinaldo Herrera, and was filmed while lunching by Graydon Carter, the editor of Vanity Fair, also an old friend, discussing the past. The Herrera house is a ...
There has been an outbreak of realism recently. I noticed it first in the postelection commentary. The normal thing is that following an election, the thumb-sucking commentariat carves up the result by interests: region, ...
The Week’s Sickest, Slickest, and Thickest Headlines SEXUAL PSYCHOPATH JEFFREY EPSTEIN WANTS TO SEED THE PLANET WITH HIS JIZZ According to songwriter Burt Bacharach, what the world needs now is love, sweet love; ...
Male readers who live and work in estrogen-rich environments may beg to differ, but it looks like women’s menstrual cycles may not sync up after all. (Amusingly, it’s a female scientist who says they do and a ...
Harper Lee is the Rachel Carson of American fiction. Okay, let me back up: I"ve never read To Kill a Mockingbird. I was going to add, "because I"m Canadian, duh," but while researching this piece, I ...
We’re supposed to be excited that the American women’s soccer team recently won the World Cup. But just as very few people who aren’t Canadian care about Canada, very few people beyond women and a select few gelded ...
Apparently, Mormons have a pathological hatred of Polynesians. Who knew? I certainly didn"t, until last week's perfunctory "look how racist those white devils are" national news story brought it to my attention. ...
According to a poll carried out by the Figaro newspaper, only 17% of the French believe that 2014 will be a good year, but in fact it started very well for France. Only 1,064 cars were burned by youths in the banlieues this ...
Richard Jewell is director Clint Eastwood’s well-acted, solidly scripted biopic about the racial-profiling fiasco that undermined the 1996 Atlanta Olympics bombing investigation. The FBI monomaniacally targeted an ...
Edward Snowden’s leaks about the spying capabilities of the US government and Silicon Valley have ignited speculation about what the emerging “surveillance society” portends. Still, we’ve long ...
I"ve been pointing out for years that O.J. Simpson's 1994 white Bronco run for the Mexican border from his lawyer Robert Kardashian's house was a turning point in American cultural history, spawning the Kardashians, ...
I"m sometimes accused of having created a vast secret corpus of sinister ideas that I keep carefully hidden away from the millions of words I"ve published. I"ve always wondered: When exactly would I have had ...
Jackson, the capital of Mississippi, didn’t have running water last week. Fortunately, water pressure has now been restored, but the unhappy residents are still being instructed to boil their tap water. The Washington ...
Everybody has an opinion on matters of crime and race, but not that many people are familiar with the facts. So I’m going to devote this column to furnishing basic data about the best documented and most important crime, ...
When I first heard that George Zimmerman—the serial fuckup who famously killed aspiring gangsta Trayvon Martin in 2012 and was exploited by the media under false pretenses to inflame racial tensions but who couldn’t ...
As demonstrated by a weekend of immigrant Muslim terrorism in Minnesota, New York, and New Jersey, Mrs. Clinton has left herself a hostage to fortune. While still the overdog in the campaign, her repeatedly passing up ...
In 1994, a black man told an audience at New Jersey’s Kean College, "White folks was in the caves while we was building empires…. We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them ...
If you’re wondering what a typical night in downtown Portland, OR is like in the summer of 2020, this 32-minute video is a good primer. It was filmed just before 10:30 PM on Sunday, August 16. I watched the video twice so ...
Last Friday was World Obesity Day, and I celebrated by continuing to stay in shape. Every three years, excess body fat kills twice as many people than the Holocaust supposedly did in six years, so why aren’t donuts ...
The Week's Most Deluded, Denuded, and Polluted Headlines TWITTER PURGES ALT-RIGHT ACCOUNTS Since leftism is based on the implausible and transparently fraudulent notion of innate human equality, it finds itself engaged in ...
Americans left and right are, understandably, only interested in "Canadian initiatives," ("worthwhile" or otherwise) when these can be whittled into pointed sticks with which to poke their domestic ...
Last week, we reviewed the evidence of "innocence" of the "Central Park 5" presented in the court of Hollywood. This week, we'll review the evidence of their guilt -- presented in courts of law and ruled on by actual judges ...