The Fence Around the Ivory Tower
With immigration policy back in the news, I’m reminded that when I was a lad 40 years ago, the cutting-edge wisdom was that rapid population growth was a major problem. (Granted, my parents didn’t let me stay up ...
With immigration policy back in the news, I’m reminded that when I was a lad 40 years ago, the cutting-edge wisdom was that rapid population growth was a major problem. (Granted, my parents didn’t let me stay up ...
The first time I saw the name "Trayvon Martin" was on March 16 while reading an arguable but intelligent New York Times op-ed. Entitled "As Black As We Wish to Be," it was by Thomas Chatterton Williams, who ...
The president of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, the colorful Zulu polygamist with, at last count, six wives and 21 children, is in trouble with his ruling African National Congress after having fenced much of the country to the ...
Did you have that stupid idea in high school too? That on prom night or graduation, you and your two or three hippie or punk or goth friends (the only ones you had) would go, all right, but wear tuxedos (if you were girls) ...
You remember the $600 toilet seat. How could you forget? Back in the 1980s, reporters, cartoonists, and comedians relished the revelation that the Pentagon paid that much for an everyday object you could supposedly pick up ...
On Monday, we learned of a DuPont heir who has been given nothing but parole for raping his daughter, because the judge felt he wouldn"t "fare well" in prison. It's natural to want to punish this guy yourself. ...
To my knowledge, there is no plot to kill the intellectually disadvantaged California Congresswoman Maxine Waters. But it seems as if she wishes it were so. Last Wednesday during a hearing before a House Subcommittee on ...
A Russian judge is expected to deliver a verdict on Friday in the highly publicized show trial of three members of Pussy Riot, who"ve already won a cultural war of sorts by forcing broadcasters across the globe to say ...
It has to be evident to all thinking people by now that racism is the new witchcraft. Once you"re branded with the Scarlet "R," some people do not regard it as immoral to assault you...or worse. Calling ...
“In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies,” said Winston Churchill. What is the truth behind the Beltway lies about these crazy Republicans crashing our ...
Last month Splinter published an article that exposed the leaked emails of some conservatives who between them had worked for the Institute for Humane Studies, the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, and the Daily Caller. A ...
According to the experts, America is a country whose most fearsome enemy is not only the majority of its people—the majority of its people are also the nation’s biggest threat and its ultimate outsiders. Weird, huh? I ...
Magill, R. Jay Jr. Sincerity: How a moral ideal born five hundred years ago inspired religious wars, modern art, hipster chic, and the curious notion that we all have something to say (no matter how dull). W. W. Norton ...
If the United Nations can be trusted, planet Earth welcomed its seven billionth living human on October 31. As if it were currently possible to pinpoint such a landmark, nations jostled one another in staking their claim to ...
One way or another, the battle of the budget and the debt ceiling will be over by All Hallows’ Eve. Yet, as one looks deeper, at the irreconcilable conflict behind the present clash, only a roaring optimist would ...
The story of Ganave Fairley is a story of failure—not just of her own failed life, but also of a failed criminal justice system and a failed intellectual class that, led by a pernicious media, effectively rewards ...
Puerto Rico is a test case of whether nationalism is as dispensable as the heightening conventional wisdom assumes. Puerto Rico possesses many of the attributes assumed to represent the utopian post-national future, such as ...
Sexual-harassment lawsuits began in the mid-1970s but really gained momentum in the politically correct 90s when radical feminism helped expand the definition of "rape" to include "anything that makes a woman ...
When writer-director Spike Jonze won a Best Screenplay Golden Globe this week for Her, his little science-fiction fable about Joaquin Phoenix falling in love with his Siri-like smartphone (voiced by Scarlett Johansson), he ...
Jared Taylor. White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century. New Century Books, 2011. 342 pp. It's hard to find things to hate about Jared Taylor, and that's what his enemies seem to hate about him the ...
The wedding was marvelous, the weather superb. Crowds ten deep along the mall to Windsor Castle. An American bride for the warrior-prince. The pubs rang out with cheers “To the Royal Couple”! A breath of fresh air; the ...
The Week’s Faggiest, Saggiest, and Naggiest Headlines OH, PLEASE, NOT THIS “REPARATIONS” NONSENSE AGAIN! Since the word “reparations” is derived from the word “repair”—which basically means “to return to ...
Mayor Bloomberg is a diminutive egomaniac who wants to foist his superiority complex on us through legislation. He makes our lunches, forbids us from eating salt, and uses our money to discourage us from drinking soda pop. ...
Blade Runner 2049 is a remarkably faithful sequel/tribute to the old noir science-fiction cult film. Although set in Los Angeles’ snowy summer of 2049, thirty years after the first movie’s rainy autumn of 2019, it ...