Multiculturalism: When Will the Sleeper Wake?

London Mayor Boris Johnson spoke the other day about the riots that devastated London and other English cities last summer: The biggest shock for me from the riots was the sheer sense of nihilism"€”perhaps I should not ...

Some Dead Bodies Are More Equal Than Others

The Confederate battle flag was taken down on Friday outside South Carolina’s Statehouse, and barring another Civil War, it is never going up again. This extensively publicized event was egged on by South ...

Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Selfishness of Virtue

As a blinkered young leftist back in the late 1980s, I subscribed to The Nation magazine for a year or two. Since I was a plumber's son who put myself through journalism school by driving a cab on weekends, I naively ...

Stumbling Upon a Worthy Cause

This weekend, Donald Trump posted a short position paper on immigration policy that begins with this blast of patriotic common sense: When politicians talk about "€œimmigration reform"€ they mean: amnesty, cheap labor ...

How England Helped Start the Great War

A vastly underexplored topic is the British government's role in greasing the skids for World War I. Until recently it was hard to find scholars who would dispute the culturally comfortable judgment that "€œauthoritarian ...

Cliven Bundy

The Vanishing Yokel

Even his homespun-sounding name"€”Cliven Bundy"€”hints that he is part of a dying breed. Reputed to be the “last rancher in South Nevada,” he locked horns with the US Bureau of Land Management last week in a ...

Pope Francis

The Week That Perished

These people aren’t going to stop until something bad happens, are ...

Refugee From Cuckservatism

The word of the week is "€œcuckservative,"€ and boy, is it overdue. There's been much tut-tutting about what a cuckservative is. Predictably the usual suspects in the inner and outer parties are calling it racist ...

A Harangue About Slang

Following up last week's rant about cant, kindly permit me a harangue about slang and the affliction of bad diction. Got that? Last week, the empty, insincere things we say; this week, the sloppy, lazy way we say them. My ...

Behind the Scenes at the Sharpton Shakedown

On Tuesday, the New York Post covered their front page with the headline "€œAll About the Money,"€ featuring Eric Garner's daughter rubbing her fingers together to define Al Sharpton. The image was from a stunning ...

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles

Ignorance Among Hollywood Conservatives

I could"€™ve written this column a week ago, before the National Geographic Channel's "€œKilling Jesus"€ had even aired, and still used the same opening sentence: "€œKilling Jesus killed in the ratings, scoring ...

Gettysburg, PA

America Needs a Civil War

If, as many geniuses have believed, civilization depends on individual restraint, then in order to maintain restraint, we require certain outlets for the primordial feelings of anger, aggression, and resentment that we ...

The African Scene

I think I may safely claim to be one of the few people alive to have flown in a Malian air force DC-3 from Bamako to Timbuktu in the company of a winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. The Nobel Laureate in question was ...

European Nationalism: Golden Dawn or Old and Gone?

Greece, the cradle of Western Civilization, seems destined to become either the West's coffin or the site of its rebirth. The nation's debt crisis, combined with the fact that it's a primary entry point for illegal ...

Chris Rock

The Curse of King Martin

Rich Lowry owes John Derbyshire an apology. When Lowry fired Derbyshire from National Review for writing a “racist” column here at Taki’s, he took particular issue with Derb’s contention that whites ...

Silicon Valley’s Two Daddies

With Silicon Valley back on top of the world, it's time to point out a bit of unwelcome history.  There are two competing narratives about the technology hub's origins: "€¢ The famous tale of how William Shockley's ...

Lake Piru

Our BLM Jihadis

The Grampa Simpson “old man yells at cloud” meme is funny, to be sure. But leave it to black folks to go it one better by screaming at a lake. Last month, “Afro-Latinx” singer-actress Naya Rivera drowned while ...


Gaming the ADL

You probably have heard of the Anti-Defamation League, AKA the ADL. If not, the mainstream press will immediately spring to attention and inform you that they are an “anti-hate charity,” an “anti-hate group,” an ...

The Charles Bronson of Race

“Paul Kersey” was the name of Charles Bronson’s character in Death Wish (1974), the “vigilante” classic about an ordinary man who avenges an attack on his family by picking off the criminal lowlifes plaguing his ...

The Scramble for America

The Scramble for Africa became possible when Europeans began to use quinine to lessen the ferocious toll that malaria took upon whites. Before the later 19th century, Europeans had barely penetrated into the interior of ...

Niccolo Machiavelli by Santi di Tito

A Machiavellian Solution to Antifa

Philly Antifa, on its website here in the City of Brotherly Love, states that it is in direct conflict with Racism, Homophobia, Sexism, Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Transphobia, and all the various other flavors of ...

From Purple Hearts to Pink Badges

Am I alone in suspecting that most fallacious arguments"€”those tedious rules of the rhetorical road"€”were cooked up by stuck-up mediocrities to keep their betters from winning debates? Some of them are sound, of ...

The Nagging Persistence of Tribalism

Last week in rural western Alabama, members of the Christian Identity movement teamed up with Klansmen to host a three-day shindig that ended on Friday with a cross burning. The event gained national attention after local ...


Do Italians Do it Better?

That slogan on pop star Madonna's T-shirt "€œItalians do it better!"€ may date back to the 1980s but it is still popular with Italian men. They often deploy it to impress foreign women they have just met. Do what ...

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