Donald Trump

“Dangerous Don” and his Dangerous Detractors

According to the professional pundits who are paid to dictate reality to us, Donald Trump is clearly an evil Satanic Nazi demon who will eat your babies and summon a nuclear holocaust. Oh, and he’s also a ...

Isis flag

Should it Be a Crime to Hurt Allah’s Feelings?

Is there any evidence in the past 50 years of anyone, anywhere being charged with a “hate crime” for mocking Christianity? If there is, I haven"€™t seen it. I can"€™t recall anyone ever getting slapped with ...

U.S. Department of Defense

Pay Attention and Think Fast

I recently found in The American Conservative a piece called "€œ40 Years of the "€˜Fighter Mafia,"€™"€ this mafia being a subset of the "€œMilitary Reformers"€ who have insisted for many years that weaponry ...

Corey Feldman

The Casting Crib

As legions of Hollywood actresses step forth with lurid allegations against snub-nosed hedgehog Harvey Weinstein and others over their serial abuse of the casting couch, can a wave of pedophilia accusations against ...

The Only Polemicists Left

“Why Is Wokeness Winning?” asks veteran pundit Andrew Sullivan, recently fired by New York magazine for distressing its more fragile younger staffers by thinking for himself. Sullivan sums up the idiotic but undeniable ...

Marine Le Pen

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Melodious, Odious, and Incommodious Headlines LE PEN REFUSES TO WEAR HEADSCARF In a bold "€™n"€™ brilliant act of political theater that will undoubtedly draw parallels to Rosa Parks, Joan of Arc, ...

A Week Without Politics

About a month ago, this site’s editrix informed the writers that she’d be taking a much-needed break this week and if we wanted to run a feature anyway, we’d have to submit it in advance. I decided to submit an ...

The Unsalvageables

This week’s column starts in a Georgia ghetto, and ends in the Middle East. Some of you might remember Anthony Stokes. He was a 15-year-old DeKalb County, Ga., hood rat with a bum ticker who kept getting passed over for ...

The Gulag Peninsula

If caught reading the wrong book in the Soviet Union you weren’t interrogated, you were imprisoned. On many occasions people were simply murdered. Of course, there was usually a “trial” first. Comparing ...

Pity the Poor Ukrainians

Pity the poor Ukrainians. Theirs is a vast country, fertile of soil and rich in minerals, wealthy in human capital and industrial resources, but forever caught at the crossroads between empires. Reading the Western media's ...

What if Those Bikers had Been, Like, Another Color?

Only in America can the media take a deadly shootout among white and Hispanic bikers and somehow make it all about black people. And only in America can these same media megaphone-mouths complain about “the ...

The Progressive Roots of Prohibition

December 5, 2013 was the 80th annual Repeal Day, AKA the day that Prohibition was repealed. It is the highest holiday for me and my coreligionists, the American Drunkards (Unreformed). Prohibition is widely regarded as the ...

The Kindergarten Narrative

Last week I talked about that ingrate Aziz Ansari and how nobody stops to question Indians when they complain about racism, even though they represent the wealthiest ethnic group in the country. Nobody even notices ...

Jill Abramson

The World’s Most Dishonest Newspaper

When I was last in the Big Bagel (as I call Noo Yawk), a policeman who’d been awarded countless commendations for bravery over 22 years of front-line service was allegedly murdered in cold blood by a black drug dealer. ...

Gender Offenders

The Media Meltdown of 2017 in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein disclosures is, to say the least, ironic. Why has the feminism-promoting media industry turned out to be the worst offender in abusing young women? For example, ...

Slaughter in the Cities

Establishment voices are finally, grudgingly admitting that murders and shootings are up spectacularly in 2020. But the reasons, they all agree, are immensely complicated and rather boring. Perhaps, they muse, it has ...

Pyramid Schemes

After Richard Nixon's landslide victory in 1972, New Yorker film critic Pauline Kael lectured: I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don’t know. They’re outside my ken. But sometimes when ...

James O'Keefe

Project Veritas: True Crime on the Front Line

James O’Keefe’s new book Breakthrough is a spine-tingling true-crime thriller about the quest for truth in the age of media obfuscation. I love reading Coulter and Mark Steyn, but they don’t get out ...

The Ultimate JQ: Religion or Race?

In case you were unfamiliar with the term “The JQ,” it is shorthand for “The Jewish Question,” which has been asked in different forms since at least the mid-1700s but probably ever since the Jewish diaspora started ...

Madison Harris

A Quiet Little Murder in Mississippi

You probably haven’t heard about the sixteen-year-old girl who got murdered by five other kids early last Monday afternoon on a quiet little street in the quiet little town of Biloxi, Mississippi. If the circumstances ...

Satan, Thy Name is Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan wants to hurt you. Oh, sure, he may seem nice, but that’s only a mask. In reality, this wonky honky is “a soulless predator” who is either “a pathological liar or mentally ill.” He ...

Israel to Africans: Go Home

While much of America's media required smelling salts last week to revive itself from being grievously offended by a harmless wisecrack Don Rickles made about Obama, it barely noticed that Israel was ramping up efforts to ...

Our Privileged Oppressed

America needs a Dennis Moore moment. Indeed, I doubt there’s ever been a nation more in need of a Dennis Moore moment than the U.S. in 2019. What’s a Dennis Moore moment? I thought you’d never ask. Monty Python ...

St. Tropez. France

Creatures of a Day

Yesterday a young woman who was unknown to me except at third hand died. She was the friend of a friend of my wife. Considering that I was personally unacquainted with her, and that there are about 1500 deaths a day in my ...

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