Taki TV – Support the Troops: Prosecute Bush/Cheney for Torture
If U.S. soldiers were prosecuted and imprisoned for committing torture at Abu Ghraib, why should Bush officials who gave the orders not suffer the same ...
If U.S. soldiers were prosecuted and imprisoned for committing torture at Abu Ghraib, why should Bush officials who gave the orders not suffer the same ...
The eventual victory of the $700 billion economic bailout bill last week left both parties pointing fingers, claiming both the failure of conservatism and the triumph of liberalism depending on one’s party or ...
For every person who claims that conservative talk radio is "just entertainment," there are a dozen Americans who follow, almost to a T, the protocols of Rush, Hannity, and ...
I have always found it bizarre that some of the most pro-war Americans are pro-lifers. To be passionate enough to protest on a street corner in the hopes that you might save lives is something I can understand. Yet for ...
Forget Barack Obama’s relationships with Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers. John McCain’s primary foreign policy adviser Randy Scheunemann represents America’s worst ...
When he voted to confirm Sonia Sotomator to the Supreme Court, liberal Democrats praised Lindsey Graham for being an “independent Republican.” Yet the South Carolina senator is anything ...
When the New York Times editorialized against a conference sponsored by The American Cause on the impact of Hispanics on the GOP, the Southern Avenger couldn’t help but notice the double standard and blatant racial ...
When South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford admitted his infidelity, many in the GOP establishment at both the state and national level were happy to witness the possible downfall of a prominent conservative who made them ...
While the GOP establishment continues to debate how the party lost its way, Republicans should consider the best path out of the wilderness - by following the one man who has always remained loyal to his party’s ...
When Kim Jong-il finally conducted a missile test, Newt Gingrich not only said that the U.S should have launched a pre-emptive strike against North Korea, but that President Obama’s refusal to do so reflected a ...
When former Bush speechwriter David Frum attacked popular talk host Rush Limbaugh this week, it was worth pointing out how in discarding talk radio, the neoconservative pundit had betrayed he and his comrades’ ...
Abraham Lincoln: The Founding Father of Big ...
When Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps was caught smoking marijuana at a party the media pounced on the all-American hero—who was just behaving like the typical American young ...
Wait a second—might the terrorists in Mumbai have had actual political objectives? Are you suggesting that they don"t just hate freedom and wealth? Who has ever heard of such a ...
How support for both “financial security” and “national security” reveal partisan hypocrisy and make us less ...
When hundreds of protesters showed up at the South Carolina statehouse to protest Gov. Mark Sanford’s refusal to accept $700 million in federal stimulus, it was worth noting how Sanford doesn’t represent ...
When conservatives like South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford are called not “practical” for sticking to their limited government ideology, it’s worth pointing out how Obama’s reckless, FDR-inspired ...
When I point out to my conservative friends that in terms of federal spending and exploding deficits, Reagan's limited government rhetoric didn"t always match reality, they are offended that I would dare question the ...
Human beings have always first desired familiarity. And conservatives have always been right to defend ...
When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested that those protesting Obama’s national healthcare plan at town hall meetings were “un-American,” it was worth noting not only liberals’ condescencion, but ...
When neoconservative writer Ira Stoll took former president Jimmy Carter to task in the New York Daily News for daring to question the wisdom of Abraham Lincoln’s war on the South, an examination of how neocons - as ...
The haste and hysterics surrounding President Obama’s stimulus bill remind one of Bush’s theatrics in confronting the terror ...