Taki TV – America’s One-Way Conversation on Race

When Attorney General Eric Holder said that America was a “nation of cowards” for not talking more about race, he was not only wrong about the infrequency of such discussions, but ignored the blatant ...

Taki TV – Race, Immigration, and the New York Times

When the New York Times editorialized against a conference sponsored by The American Cause on the impact of Hispanics on the GOP, the Southern Avenger couldn’t help but notice the double standard and blatant racial ...

Taki TV – Anti-Military Conservatives

When conservative pundits and politicians denounced President Obama’s decision to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, they stood in direct opposition to the military ...

Taki TV – California Dreamin”€™

In electing Barack Obama, many liberals thought we might be closer to an America where race wouldn"€™t matter. But for California progressives, the same election proved that race mattered more than ...

Taki TV – The Shame of South Carolina

There are many things South Carolinians are ashamed of—slavery, segregation, low SAT scores. But these are the least of our state’s embarrassments. Our deepest shame is in being represented by U.S. Senator ...

Taki TV – The Dissident Right Blows Back

As the token conservative columnist for the liberal weekly Charleston City Paper, when my fellow columnists decided to bash Sen. Jim DeMint and his “followers” on the grassroots, anti-Obama Right, I decided to ...

Taki TV – Born in the USA?

How conspiracy theories about President Obama’s birth certificate are not only stupid but distracting for ...

Taki TV – Obama and Cheney Make Us Less Safe

In the ongoing debate between President Obama and former Vice President Dick Cheney on torture, former CIA terrorism expert Michael Scheuer points out how both leaders’ refusal to address U.S. interventionism as the ...

Taki TV – War and the Neoconservative Mind

When neoconservative writer Ira Stoll took former president Jimmy Carter to task in the New York Daily News for daring to question the wisdom of Abraham Lincoln’s war on the South, an examination of how neocons - as ...

Taki TV – Republican Re-alignment?

When House Republicans unanimously voted against President Obama’s $800 billion stimulus package, was this the beginning of a conservative rebirth for the ...

Taki TV – Separation of Church and Hate

Last week a federal judge decided that South Carolina's plans to issue a cross featuring a cross and the words "€œI believe"€ amounted to government sponsorship of religion. If consistent, this judge will now spend her ...

Taki TV – Is Sean Hannity Now Cool? (No)

How in praising the tea parties one week, then defending President Bush on torture and his “War on Terror” the next, conservatives negate their alleged anti-government ...

Taki TV – States”€™ Rights and the Left

When a number of states passed state sovereignty resolutions recently, though these measures came from right-wing resistance to Obama’s statism, the Left would do well to take ...

Taki TV – Racist Jim Clyburn

When House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn insinuated that fellow South Carolinian leader, Governor Mark Sanford was racist, an examination of Clyburn’s statement - and the term “racist” - was ...

Taki TV – The Young Americans for Liberty

Young Americans for Liberty is the continuation of the Students for Ron Paul organization which had established chapters nationwide during the election. While many if not most American youth remain sympathetic to Obama, ...

Taki TV – If the Shoe Fits

When an Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at President George W. Bush during a press conference in Baghdad recently, pundits everywhere had fun replaying the footage, commenting on the president's quick reflexes and some ...

Taki TV – Why McCain Deserves to Lose

The moment John McCain signed off on the Wall Street bailout bill, I knew exactly what I was going to be hearing about from that day forward: William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, and Barack Obama—not because their ...

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