Taki TV – Chuck Baldwin for President

I have two tests that any candidate must pass in order to win my vote: Is he commitment to a traditional foreign policy and is he serious about stopping illegal immigration? Chuck Baldwin passes with flying ...

Taki TV – Bill Maher’s Bad Faith

Bill Maher’s Religulous is a hilarious, and often disturbing, journey through the curiosities, hypocrisies, and outright illogic of organized religion. But within the first few minutes of the movie, the supposed ...

Taki TV – The War on Neo-Nazi Terror

When neo-Nazi James Von Brunn opened fire at the U.S. Holocaust Museum and Europe’s far-Right won major victories in the same week, the fascist, terrorist threat to the U.S. both home and abroad became too large to ...

Taki TV – Putting Fashion Before Function

With the two major presidential candidates both similar and wrong on virtually every issue, as they seem to be every four years, this election is more like the cola wars of the 1980's when the major soda brands spent ...

Taki TV – Wars On Common Sense

When America declared a "€œwar on poverty"€ in the 1960's, it was believed that even more assistance by the federal government would lead to eradicating the problem. What we got instead was bigger government and an ...

Taki TV – A Governor for Change

As a congressman and now governor, South Carolina's Mark Sanford has had one primary guiding principle his entire political career"€”limited government. Not just limited government rhetoric, the sort of lip service paid ...

Taki TV – The Republicans”€™ Obama

Amongst the many conversations from many quarters about who might lead the Republican Party, I keep hearing one name time and time again—Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. So what's so special about Jindal? While he's ...

Taki TV – The Radical Right

How the most promising efforts on the Right today come not only from the grassroots, but in being both conservative and radical - are far removed from the Republican Party ...

Taki TV – Mark Sanford and the Right

When South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford admitted his infidelity, many in the GOP establishment at both the state and national level were happy to witness the possible downfall of a prominent conservative who made them ...

Taki TV – Screwing the Country

When Republican Sen. John McCain called the recently passed Obama/Democrat stimulus package “generational theft” and Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham commented “If this is going to be bipartisanship, the ...

Taki TV – Will the Surge Work?

What does the rhetoric surrounding Bush’s military surge in Iraq and Obama’s proposed economic stimulus package have in common? A ...

Taki TV – America First!

When traditional conservatives, liberals and others argue that America's hyper-interventionist foreign policy is the cause of many of our problems, that we would like to see the U.S. do less around the world is called ...

Taki TV – George Will Leaves the War Party

When conservative columnist George Will called the for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, the neoconservatives went on the attack. Now is the time for real conservatives to leave not only Afghanistan but the ...

Taki TV – Into Hot Air

For every person who claims that conservative talk radio is "€œjust entertainment,"€ there are a dozen Americans who follow, almost to a T, the protocols of Rush, Hannity, and ...

Taki TV – Axis of the Expendable: Frum vs. Limbaugh

When former Bush speechwriter David Frum attacked popular talk host Rush Limbaugh this week, it was worth pointing out how in discarding talk radio, the neoconservative pundit had betrayed he and his comrades’ ...

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