End the COVID-19 ‘Emergency’ — Now

Almost every decision that has been made in Washington and in the states that deals with COVID-19 has been about politics and money, hundreds of billions of dollars, and not about public health. COVID-19 is a deadly virus ...

Taki TV – Lincoln as Hitler

When South Carolina NAACP President Lonnie Randolph criticized Obama recently, comparing the president honoring Confederate soldiers at Arlington Cemetery on Memorial Day to paying tribute to Adolph Hitler, it was worth ...

Jeffrey Hillman

Romantic Nation

John Boehner has been seeking advice on the nation's fiscal management from Snookie, Pee Wee Herman, and Pastor Terry ...

Taki TV – Is the GOP Too Conservative?

When Republican Sen. Arlen Specter defected to the Democratic Party, the ongoing narrative that the GOP is now “too conservative” to win elections was escalated and amplified. But nothing could be more ...

Taki TV – Peter Schiff Interview

Peter Schiff discusses the sub-7000 Dow, the reason for all those “mortgage-backed securities,” his father and the income tax, and why the real economic collapse is yet to ...

Taki TV – Why Mark Levin Hates Glenn Beck

When FOX News Glenn Beck told CBS News Katie Kouric that the country would have been worse off if McCain had won, the subtext to neoconservative talk host Mark Levin’s anger was about more than just McCain or ...

Taki TV – The Myth of Objective Journalism

The Obama administration is foolish to believe that only FOX News is guilty of what White House communications director Anita Dunn calls “opinion journalism masquerading as ...

Taki TV – Lindsey Graham vs. Ron Paul

South Carolina’s liberal senator wants to read the the conservative Texas Congressman and his limited goverment philosophy out of the Republican ...

Taki TV – David Brooks Cosmetic Conservatism

How New York Times columnist David Brooks call to “reform” the conservative movement is nothing more than an attempt to put a new face on the same old failed policies of the Bush ...

Taki TV – The Sanity of Secession

How states’ rights and secession is far from “crazy” and was a concept fully embraced by celebrated American diplomat and adviser George Kennan and his admirers today at the Abbeville ...

Taki TV – The Extreme Right

When New York Times columnist Paul Krugman and other liberal pundits tried to lay the blame for the murder of abortion doctor George Tiller and neo-Nazi James von Brunn’s actions on the alleged “extremism” ...

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