Deport the Black Muslims?

My friend Scott Richert is right: there is a problem. But excluding all “adherents of Islam” from the US isn’t the solution. To begin with, a real terrorist isn’t going to proclaim his (or her) ...

A Sober Assessment of Our Prospects for Leadership

On the day of the New Hampshire primary, a quick run down of the remaining candidates in the race, in order of their performance in the Iowa Caucus, according to pop culture references: Democrats Uncle Ben: Ethnic, but ...

Climate Science, Climate Politics

When I hear the words "major international effort" the thing I hear right after is the sound of money sluicing from the pockets of middle-class taxpayers in prosperous countries "€” people like me "€” into the salaries ...

Another Sniper in this Ivory Tower

Some of you may remember my periodic incursions into this delightful online magazine—mostly in the forms of excerpts from my books about the Christian liturgical year, peppered with political asides and squirrel ...

Improbable Aliens

The odds are terrifically long: so long that not one galaxy in a trillion would bring forth life on an earthlike ...

Even more loose ends

It seems that I may have to use my rights as a senior blogger to respond to some of the critics of my recently posted remarks on RP. The aforesaid commentary was written several weeks ago and therefore the figures cited for ...

Israel”€”A “€œFree”€ Country? Ha!

We’re told that Israel, unlike the Arab states that surround it, is a “free” country, a “democracy” just like us: indeed, the Israelis are trying to push their way into NATO partly on this ...

Neocons for Rudy

Uh oh, it looks like the neocons have settled on a presidential candidate, and it is (you guessed it) ... “They are officially known as Rudy Giuliani’s senior foreign policy advisory board, but they also could ...

Iowa GOP Debate: Go Back to Sleep, Kathryn

“I overslept,” writes Kathyrn Jean Lopez in National Review‘s “The Corner. “Almost forgot about the Republican debate. Woke up to Iowans cheering Ron Paul. Hit snooze.” Yes, Kathryn, go ...


Any firms of human rights lawyers keen to take up my case may contact me through Taki's ...

Do “€œRaghead”€ Christians Count?

Conditions in the new Iraq continue to get worse for that country’s dwindling Christian population. On Friday, February 29, 2008 terrorists kidnapped Paulos Faraj Rahho archbishop of the Chaldean Catholic Church in ...

Ron Paul for Commander-in-Chief!

The War Party’s mantra—if you don’t support the war, the “surge,” the empire-builders’ agenda, then you’re not supporting the troops—has been effectively refuted by the latest ...

War and the Neoconservative Mind

Commenting in a new book on Abraham Lincoln, former president Jimmy Carter observed "(Lincoln) ignores the fact that the tragic combat might have been avoided altogether, and that the leaders of both sides, overwhelmingly ...

An Inspiration

This has got to be one of the most inspiring fundraising appeals of recent times: Help cover Frum’s ...

Giuliani’s New Florida Ad

Today’s Florida primary is said to be make or break for Rudolph Giuliani. The question is how he does among his natural constituencies: * Can enough Cuban Republicans in Miami be convinced (given their group’s ...

Contra Gottfried: Out Now!

With all due respect, Paul Gottfried just doesn’t get it—we are way past salvaging what is left of our “honor” when it comes to the invasion and conquest of Iraq. And, really—Kemal Ataturk! ...

Bizarro McCain

Appropos my recent column on John McCain’s foreign policy views, and especially this piece in the current issue of The American Conservative, check out this Bizarro McCain: <object ...

Litvinenko Revisionism, Revisited

Why pick up the latest John LeCarre novel, when the Litvinenko murder mystery is making headlines? A rare radioactive substance poisons a self-styled Russian “dissident”—was it murder? A smuggling ...

Arise Sweet Destiny: Go Ron!

"€œDr. Paul is the only candidate I know of who would have signed the Constitution of the United States had he been there.I"€™m with him because he seems to be the only candidate who actually believes it has as much ...

Battle Flag No, Festivus Yes!

My old friend Rod Dreher recently opined on that it was inappropriate for Gov. Huckabee to claim he was defending the Confederate flag—in an attempt to outflank John McCain, who flip-flopped on the issue ...

Fear Itself

On the twentieth anniversary of “Black Monday,” when approximately $1 trillion of “value” in a grievously over-valued stock market went up in smoke, the headlines (via Drudge) evoke an ominous ...

Paul-blogging (II)

Shmuel Rosner, writing in Ha’aretz, is skeptical of Ron Paul’s position on Israel—no aid—and furthermore avers: “Much has already been written about Paul and Israel. Some have accused him of ...

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