Jamie Foxx

Starve the Beast!

When in the States, I keep my TV tuned exclusively to white ...

Better Dead Than Rude

It's called "liberty." Oh, but perhaps it doesn't fit in with Chicago values ...

Joe Biden


The most scurrilous theory is that Obama's people wanted cast-iron insurance against assassination ...

Say What?

Sam Flambee of Minnesota, recently released from a ten-year sentence for arson, has applied to become a ...

The Wonder App

We have had an outbreak of golden orioles at my house in France. There are, of course, far worse outbreaks to have, but it is a little frustrating that these beautiful birds (the male especially, the female is less ...

Importing Poverty

Taken overall 36 percent of immigrant households use welfare, against 23 percent of native ...

American Opossum


My sniveling apologies to the residents of Northern Virginia. Let's hope that will stop Robert E. Lee's spinning in his grave ...

John Boehner

Republicans are Revolting

"If there is hope it lies with the proles," says the hero of George Orwell's Nineteen ...

Vax Facts

During the big health scare of the mid-1800s, vaccination became compulsory in Britain and parts of America, and, believe it or not, vaccine certificates were required for travel. The health scare then was smallpox, and ...

Election Special!

The attraction to Obama was mostly purchased through the time-honored method, fundamental to democracy, of shoveling public money to key ...

Taki TV – The Problem With The Fed

This extraordinary film from The Mises Institute—which features Ron Paul, Joseph Salerno, Hans Hoppe, and Lew Rockwell—is a clear and compelling analysis of the Fed, and why curbing it is a ...

Bill de Blasio

Keep Smiling, Comrades

It was leftist triumphalism at its worst, seasoned with lavish helpings of racial ...

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