A Worthwhile Book
The newest book by Robert J. Stove, who has written for this website, A Student's Guide to Music History, is a compact study of great composers prepared for ISI Press. For those who are looking for bulky surveys of Rob's ...
The newest book by Robert J. Stove, who has written for this website, A Student's Guide to Music History, is a compact study of great composers prepared for ISI Press. For those who are looking for bulky surveys of Rob's ...
Here is a Youtube video of part of my speech at the Ron Paul rally in Mountain View, California, held this past weekend. The camera work is shaky, and completely collapses at the end, but just to give you the flavor: ...
Following the surprising announcement that Ron Paul is third in terms of fundraising this quarter, comes the news that the Cobb country GOP, the biggest Republican organization in Georgia, held a straw poll in which Ron ...
Did anyone else catch the unsettling comment made by Karl Rove on the O"Reilly show last night. When O"Reilly asked Bush's former grey eminence whether Obama had benefited from the speech given in Philadelphia, ...
NEW YORK—One felt the backlash against the BNP–BBC fiasco all the way to the Big Bagel, with local papers commenting on the lynching of Nick Griffin by rent-a-crowd minorities. Even people who think England is in ...
From today‘s Financial Times: “Speaking after the meeting of Group of Seven finance leaders, Peer Steinbrück, German finance minister, said the G7 now feared that write-offs of losses on securities linked to ...
The neocon tactic of shouting “anti-Semitism” has become a Pavlovian reaction to anyone and everyone who is not in tune with their agenda. Their latest victim is my friend Paul Belien, a political writer ...
Media coverage like this is fast wiping that smirk off their faces: <object width=“425” height=“355”><param name=“movie” ...
ABC News reports Ron Paul is third in the fundraising race, with “an impressive $2.4 million in cash on hand after raising an equal amount during the second quarter, putting him ahead of one-time Republican ...
ST. PAUL, Minn.—The American Right has just died and gone to heaven. Wednesday night’s convention address by Sarah Palin here in St. Paul has confirmed the bold decision of John McCain to choose the Alaska ...
In light of the demonstrated ability of Hugo Chavez and his “Bolivarian” compadres to come up with government regulations that sound like self-parody, but aren’t, I’m announcing an ongoing ...
Dumbest “spin” of year award goes to ABC News, for this: “His presidential campaign may not have as much cash on hand as Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, but McCain is getting more money than any other candidate ...
Appearing at the National Press Club this morning, flanked by rock-solid conservative third-party candidate Chuck Baldwin, the venerable Ralph Nadar, and the insane and reprehensible leftist Cynthia McKinney, Ron Paul ...
The idea that the indictment of Bernie Kerik on 14 counts of fraud, tax evasion, and influence-peddling is "old news" " which is how Team Giuliani is somewhat pathetically trying to spin it " is ridiculous ...
The real Ron Paul breakthrough I’ve been waiting for is this news item in the Washington Post, which notes that Dr. No is now acting like a real candidate: that is, he’s attacking his opponents, in this case the ...
As the President of “pro-Western” Georgia shuts down the non-governmental media, jails his political opponents, accuses anyone who dissents of being part of a pro-Russian fifth column, and orders his thuggish ...
OK sports fans. This is it. Everyone one of you can now be president. All you have to do is kick a bearded Palestinian towelhead out of Lincoln Center and you’re in. Rudy Giuliani brags that he’s a more ...
Revenge of the Mutterites Last week I spent five frenetic days at a conference on politics and religion held at Trinity Western University, outside of Vancouver, British Columbia. A faculty member, Grant Havers, who ...
Hold the presses. Teddy Kennedy has just signed a contract with John Karp, the publisher of 12, an imprint of Hachette, for—get hold of this—8 million dollars, for the senior senator from Massachussetts’ ...
From Hillary Clinton’s speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars: “That begins with ensuring that America does have the world’s strongest and smartest military force. We’ve begun to change tactics in ...
I had to laugh when I saw that the Hollywood writers have voted to go on strike. With the dreck they’re churning out these days, it’s the audience that ought to go on strike—although, from what I can tell, ...
Obama's rivals may now be competing with him for the prize of uttering the stupidest remarks about the working stiffs in our state. Dee Dee Myers, who is a close personal friend of Hillary and was a confidante of Bill ...
An article in the rather odd little magazine Democratiya, a liberal-left pro-interventionist Euston Manifesto-ish periodical run out of some minor British university, reports on “the paleocon imagination” as ...
This exchange between Michael Scheuer —former head of the bin Laden unit and author of the brilliant Imperial Hubris —and the idiotic Bill Maher is a classic: <object width=“425” ...