Romney’s Near-Conservative Experience

In a move befitting his cornball wholesomeness, Mitt Romney endorsed McCain on Valentine's Day, but he did at least refrain in this latest political makeover from declaring his former bitter rival to be his sweetheart. In ...

Libertarianism, Orthodox and Otherwise

John Derbyshire wishes “Dr. Paul had gone deeper into” what he calls “the National Question,” and remarks: “It is true that he is a latecomer to the issue, having passed through orthodox ...

More Primary Debates

The Republican presidential primary debate held last week did not really change my mind about who gets my vote (Ron Paul); nonetheless, it did raise for me certain questions about the candidates"€™ differing assessments ...

When Left and Right Meet

The crushing defeat and subsequent victory of the $700 billion economic bailout bill last week left both parties pointing fingers, claiming both the failure of conservatism and the triumph of liberalism depending on ...

Fire Virginia Heffernan

Check out the collapse of the latest attempt to smear the principled, honorable, and honest Ron Paul—the only conservative in the presidential race. Kudos to Justin Raimondo and Lew Rockwell and the thousands of ...

Hit and Run

Blogging on Reason’s “Hit and Run,” Brian “Radicals for Capitalism” Doherty chronicles the objections of “some libertarians” to Ron Paul and his presidential campaign. Ostensibly a ...

Soldiers, Rodents, and Spoiled Saudis

Admiral Fallon resigns as any honest man, and an admirable soldier, because he realizes that the Cheney-neocon network is still at work. We are at best hoping for a holding action in Afghanistan, and the same in Iraq, yet ...

Fashion Before Function

With the two major presidential candidates being both similar and wrong on virtually every issue, as they seem to be every four years, this election is more like the cola wars of the 1980’s when the major soda brands ...

Our Task

Because of the numerous responses to my latest observations, followed by the firm statement of policy by Richard Spencer, I am offering this further comment about our past unpleasantness. Needless to say, I agree with ...

Bitch-Slapping Barack

As a son of a letter carrier, as someone who only got interested in politics because of the social issues—I was inspired by the heroic housewife Ellen McCormack, who ran for the Democratic nomination on the right of ...

The VPs from Hell

While rumors of a "€œVice President Condi"€ are afloat, Philip Giraldi informs us that a deal might be in the works for a McCain-Lieberman nightmare: To turn himself into a one-man bridge over troubled political ...

Obama’s Choice: FDR or Reagan

Barack Obama, it is said, will inherit the worst times since the Great Depression. Not to minimize the crisis we are in, but we need a little perspective here. The Great Depression began with the Great Crash of 1929. By ...

A Governor for Change

As a congressman and now governor, South Carolina’s Mark Sanford has had one primary guiding principle his entire political career—limited government. Not just limited government rhetoric, the sort of lip ...

Oh, Really?

[Via Drudge] Heck, I coulda told you that .... For one thing, just look at the “decisions” that led to the invasion and occupation of ...

Do Apples Dream in Black and White?

While I was away, I missed a Mac developers’ conference right in my backyard.  While I’m not a programmer myself, I enjoy such events, because most independent Mac developers (as well as those who cover the ...

Midnight at Noon

This day, the most solemn in the Christian calendar, is an occasion to avoid any kind of frivolity or mirth. Which makes it a hard day for me to write about. The feast is especially important to wretched, lukewarm sinners ...

A Revealing Rally

                    A Revealing Rally On Saturday November 10, on a visit to my wife's friends in South Philadelphia (near the turf immortalized by Rocky), I ...

A Reponse to Justin

                        Reconsidering Immediate Withdrawal From Justin's reply to my last blog and from the comments that followed, I gather ...

Rebellion at National Review

The neocons over at National Review are usually so boring that one can barely stand to read their blog, “The Corner,” but the inimitable John Derbyshire gives us a reason to peruse that otherwise brain-dead ...

The Evidence

Every day we read about some new Israeli accusation directed at its enemies emanating from the Amen Corner: Iran has “weapons of mass destruction,” Syria is plotting (with North Korea, no less) to build nukes, ...

Twinkies for War

Neocon Matthew Continetti, an associate editor of The Weakly Standard, is asked if he’s capable of holding a gun. I say he isn’t. I’m not the first one to notice that the War Party’s intellectual ...

Pitchfork Time

In his campaign and inaugural address, Barack Obama cast himself as a moderate man seeking common ground with conservatives. Yet, his budget calls for the radical restructuring of the U.S. economy, a sweeping ...

Rage Against the McCain

The conservative base's anti-McCain revolt"€”emanating from Rush Limbaugh, Human Events, and the non-Ponnuru wing of NR"€”reached apotheosis, or self-parody, on Thursday as Ann Coulter threatened to vote for Hillary if ...

Memorializing Foolishness

Never forget how stupid we were to allow misfits and lunatics from the Third World to settle in our ...

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