Death of an Addict
As for calling addiction an illness, that's ...
As for calling addiction an illness, that's ...
Sid is correct to call attention to the often dishonest application of "right" and "left" categories in describing an American political situation in which traditional ideological labels are less and less ...
Since Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in his widely discussed address at Columbia University last week maintained that homosexuals do not exist in his country, the neocon-Republican war squad has gone into high gear stressing the ...
On Friday, July 20, President Bush issued an executive order that seems designed mainly to protect members of his administration from prosecution once he leaves office. At least, that’s the most charitable ...
About the appointment by Gov. Rod Blagojevich of Roland Burris to the U.S. Senate, somebody big is lying, big-time. It is either the governor or Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Last week, Reid declared that he would ...
It’s hard to know how to feel about the fact that Sen. Obama’s, er, “racialist” background has finally emerged above the waterline—suggesting that his campaign may have “jumped the ...
It’s past midway in March and the slopes still don’t have that used-up look which comes by the end of February. No gritty slush, just beautiful pure powder tracked only by furry things such as foxes and deer. ...
Last week a federal judge decided that South Carolina’s plans to issue a cross featuring a cross and the words “I believe” amounted to government sponsorship of religion. If consistent, this judge will now ...
Hard to believe it was just four years ago that Joe Biden was elected with a promise to unite the country. After the misery of COVID-19 deaths and lockdowns and the riots in the streets of major cities, Americans WANTED to ...
The smug look on George Stephanopoulos’ face when he told Ron Paul that he’d be willing to bet his last dollar the Good Doctor has no chance of winning the GOP presidential nomination says all we need to know ...
The buzz about Ron Paul has gotten louder, as was inevitable in the case of the lone antiwar Republican candidate, and yet there is something about “Dr. No” personally that has struck a chord in the popular ...
I grew up in the age of the party convention as "everything's already been decided" made-for-TV special, and thus I have a certain vicarious nostalgia for the days when these get-togethers were rowdy, contested, ...
Richard Brookhiser on Fred Thompson: “Fred Thompson came to the offices of National Review some years when he was still in the Senate. I liked him fine. He has done nothing, anywhere, ever. The Hubble Telescope could ...
For several years I"ve been arguing over the same point with my son and my colleague Wes McDonald. Both think that I"m too hard on Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh. They describe them as clever entertainers of the ...
Let's hear it for the dear old B-52, now in its 59th year of ...
"It's the fault of my research assistants Mandy, Candy, and ...
The Smear Bund never rests—not even on Christmas. Especially not on Christmas. And they’ve been really active lately, what with Ron Paul gaining in the polls and in the hearts and minds of a growing number of ...
”(O)nce war is forced upon us, there is no other alternative than to apply every available means to bring it to a swift end. “War’s very object is victory, not prolonged indecision. “In war there ...
An Obvious ...
As we gather this Thanksgiving, it's easy to take abundance for granted. Leftovers are practically guaranteed. It wasn't always this way. For most of history, there were no Thanksgiving feasts. Hunger, if not starvation, ...
My earlier comments on the question of “Ethnonationalism” can be found here. Muller argues in one of his concluding paragraphs: "Partition may thus be the most humane lasting solution to such intense ...
Scott is half-right—I suffer from a Syndrome having to do with restlessness, but it has nothing to do with my legs .... Moving right along, however: I am perplexed by this paleocon jihad against McDonald’s, ...
On Sunday, I spoke at an event organized by a coalition of peace groups marking the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. It’s the kind of event I like doing: no fuss, no muss, all I had to do was walk a few ...
In a move befitting his cornball wholesomeness, Mitt Romney endorsed McCain on Valentine's Day, but he did at least refrain in this latest political makeover from declaring his former bitter rival to be his sweetheart. In ...