Rev’m Al Wears a Wire
In fact only conservatives hate; the left is a hate-free ...
In fact only conservatives hate; the left is a hate-free ...
Listening to the talking heads on FOX at 6:45 PM on Wednesday night, I was struck by a conversation among Mort Kondracke, Bill Kristol and Mara Liasson, concerning a beau geste that had been carried out in the Senate ...
Most of you probably know first-hand how outrageously biased Faux News has been towards the Ron Paul campaign. Beyond excluding him from one of the debates"but including Giuliani, who consistently runs behind ...
Although I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Jonah praised my scholarship on NRO (Thursday, January 24, http:/liberalism.nationalreview. com/post/?) and that he considers me a paleo "who knows a lot about a ...
Reading reviews in the national press about Norman Podhoretz's The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism (Doubleday), I was struck by how oblivious to certain facts the reviewers of this book seem to be. Haven"t Ian ...
“Don’t you remember 9/11 asked a called at WTMA, who could have been anyone on any given day since the Iraq war began who’s has asked the same question countless times. “I certainly do remember 9/11, ...
Next time any of you feel nostalgic for the old continent, keep the following in mind. Christmas should be downgraded in favor of festivals from other religions in order to improve race relations, says an explosive British ...
The most emotionally powerful argument John advances is that America was descended from Europe, shared in European civilization, and so could not have stood by while Europe was subjected to either German or Soviet ...
When Andrew Sullivan jumped on the Ron Paul bandwagon, I didn’t mind all that much. After all, the more the merrier. It was all—supposedly—part of his sudden conversion to antiwar, anti-interventionist ...
Um, one hardly knows how to respond to Scott’s blog, which touts me—in the spirit of jest, one hopes—as one of the Premier Attractions of the upcoming meeting of the John Randolph Club, in Washington, D.C. ...
Well, no, not really. Babar Ahmad is a British Muslim who ran jihadist websites that raised money for radical Muslims fighting in Chechnya and Afghanistan. He’s currently being held in England, awaiting ...
Here is the text of a speech I just gave at a Ron Paul for President rally in Mountain View, California. A good 600 people showed up in the middle of a park next to Google headquarters. Ron was there, and he gave a great ...
One of my favorite things to learn about Sarah Palin was her ties to the Alaskan Independence Party, a group that wants their state to secede from the United States. Said the group’s late founder Joe Vogler “The ...
Like many pragmatic economists I have always warned that rapid expansions of government debt would result in inflation and higher interest rates. The explanation was always simple: rising supply of government debt inflates ...
Are GOP partisans as dumb as they seem? My answer to this query is "at least as dumb as turkeys, the mouths of which have to be shut when it rains, lest they swallow too much water and drown." How else does one ...
FOXNews actually allowed Ron Paul to take part in last night’s debate, and his presence was even acknowledged by many of the candidates"if only as a foil to set off their “patriotism.” (And being that ...
Unlike my eldest daughter, who is a mathematician and econometrician, I have about as much training in statistics as did St. Anselm of Canterbury or Augustus Caesar. But I did check out the recorded hits for major ...
Bill Sammon, the author of The Evangelical President: George Bush’s Struggle to Spread a Moral Democracy Throughout the World, cannot be labeled a critic of President Bush. As both the senior White House ...
My popularity on television and the internet has led a very small money manager to use his popular financial blog to promote his fledgling business by attacking the recent poor performance of my long-term investment ...
When you’re rebuilding something from the rubble, it pays to listen to men who have experience doing just that. Men like Wilhelm Röpke,whose books helped construct a viable centrist Right for post-war Germany, and ...
So now it seems that the critical Pennsylvania Democratic primary hinges on, of all things, the Catholic vote. As the AP reports: Understanding Pennsylvania’s rich Catholic tradition and responding to it is an article ...
When elementary school kids want to escape the confines of their circumstances they pretend to be pirates, princesses, and Jedi knights. Now, with the relaxation of “mark to market” valuation rules announced on ...
With a host of near 2 million gathered on the Mall to see him sworn in, Barack Obama delivered an inaugural that was the antithesis of a rallying cry for the “it’s-our-turn!” faithful assembled below. ...
The latest white supremacist outrage concerns shoppers, so far only in New York ...