Teddy Kennedy’s Still Swimming in the Stuff

Hold the presses. Teddy Kennedy has just signed a contract with John Karp, the publisher of 12, an imprint of Hachette, for—get hold of this—8 million dollars, for the senior senator from Massachussetts’ ...

Giuliani: The Next “Decider”

OK sports fans. This is it. Everyone one of you can now be president.  All you have to do is kick a bearded Palestinian towelhead out of Lincoln Center and you’re in. Rudy Giuliani brags that he’s a more ...

Of Prophets, Priests, and Pansies

Opus the Penguin has seen his share of controversy, especially back in the 1980’s, when Berkeley Breathed’s Bloom County was a more liberal (and more intelligent, and more funny) version of Garry Trudeau’s ...

Deport the Black Muslims?

My friend Scott Richert is right: there is a problem. But excluding all “adherents of Islam” from the US isn’t the solution. To begin with, a real terrorist isn’t going to proclaim his (or her) ...

The Anti-Reagan-Revolution Revolution

In 1980, when the U.S. economy was last in serious trouble, Ronald Reagan offered the correct diagnoses that government was the problem and not the solution.  His message resonated with voters, propelling him into the ...

Solidarity For Never

I had to laugh when I saw that the Hollywood writers have voted to go on strike. With the dreck they’re churning out these days, it’s the audience that ought to go on strike—although, from what I can tell, ...

A Worthwhile Book

The newest book by Robert J. Stove, who has written for this website, A Student's Guide to Music History, is a compact study of great composers prepared for ISI Press. For those who are looking for bulky surveys of Rob's ...

Lefties Notice Us

An article in the rather odd little magazine Democratiya, a liberal-left pro-interventionist Euston Manifesto-ish periodical run out of some minor British university, reports on “the paleocon imagination” as ...

Climate Science, Climate Politics

When I hear the words "major international effort" the thing I hear right after is the sound of money sluicing from the pockets of middle-class taxpayers in prosperous countries "€” people like me "€” into the salaries ...


Any firms of human rights lawyers keen to take up my case may contact me through Taki's ...

A Sober Assessment of Our Prospects for Leadership

On the day of the New Hampshire primary, a quick run down of the remaining candidates in the race, in order of their performance in the Iowa Caucus, according to pop culture references: Democrats Uncle Ben: Ethnic, but ...

Another Sniper in this Ivory Tower

Some of you may remember my periodic incursions into this delightful online magazine—mostly in the forms of excerpts from my books about the Christian liturgical year, peppered with political asides and squirrel ...

Improbable Aliens

The odds are terrifically long: so long that not one galaxy in a trillion would bring forth life on an earthlike ...

Distant Drums at Sarah’s Party

ST. PAUL, Minn.—The American Right has just died and gone to heaven. Wednesday night’s convention address by Sarah Palin here in St. Paul has confirmed the bold decision of John McCain to choose the Alaska ...

Obama and His Respondents and a Long Aside

Obama's rivals may now be competing with him for the prize of uttering the stupidest remarks about the working stiffs in our state. Dee Dee Myers, who is a close personal friend of Hillary and was a confidante of Bill ...

Do “€œRaghead”€ Christians Count?

Conditions in the new Iraq continue to get worse for that country’s dwindling Christian population. On Friday, February 29, 2008 terrorists kidnapped Paulos Faraj Rahho archbishop of the Chaldean Catholic Church in ...

Israel”€”A “€œFree”€ Country? Ha!

We’re told that Israel, unlike the Arab states that surround it, is a “free” country, a “democracy” just like us: indeed, the Israelis are trying to push their way into NATO partly on this ...

Bizarro McCain

Appropos my recent Antiwar.com column on John McCain’s foreign policy views, and especially this piece in the current issue of The American Conservative, check out this Bizarro McCain: <object ...

Giuliani’s New Florida Ad

Today’s Florida primary is said to be make or break for Rudolph Giuliani. The question is how he does among his natural constituencies: * Can enough Cuban Republicans in Miami be convinced (given their group’s ...

Chavez in Wonderland

What are we to make of Hugo Chavez’s decree that the clocks of Venezeula shall all be set forward by half an hour—in order to increase the “metabolism and productivity” of workers? My question is: ...

Fear Itself

On the twentieth anniversary of “Black Monday,” when approximately $1 trillion of “value” in a grievously over-valued stock market went up in smoke, the headlines (via Drudge) evoke an ominous ...

Have A Nice Day

In today’s financial news: “More than $6.7 trillion has been wiped from world stock markets since the beginning of the year amid concern that the U.S. slowdown would spread and financial institutions would ...

Paul-blogging (II)

Shmuel Rosner, writing in Ha’aretz, is skeptical of Ron Paul’s position on Israel—no aid—and furthermore avers: “Much has already been written about Paul and Israel. Some have accused him of ...

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