Second Spring
Looking over my posts for the past three months, I can see I’ve been something of a downer, even for a paleocon. Indeed, re-reading them myself tempts to take to my bed with a couple of warm beagles, a CD of Hildegard ...
Looking over my posts for the past three months, I can see I’ve been something of a downer, even for a paleocon. Indeed, re-reading them myself tempts to take to my bed with a couple of warm beagles, a CD of Hildegard ...
The venerable, highbrow publisher—Farrar, Straus and Giroux—is publishing the bombshell book The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy this week. In a recent blog entry, “The Lobby Strikes”, Justin ...
A pipe bomb explodes in a trash can outside of Disney World in Florida, and it makes international headlines. The hysteria builds—and it’s easily translatable into war hysteria. Addendum: A Disney employee has ...
Rather as God cares about every sparrow that falls to earth, no crisis anywhere escapes the attention of the U.S. government. So it has been with the Russo-Georgian war. Words continue to flood forth from ...
As a hard-core paleocon who opposed virtually every U.S. intervention outside her borders since the end of the Cold War, I’ve often found myself conflicted when looking back at history. I abhor the demonization of ...
There is no one better than Orwell, especially in his masterwork, 1984. He saw our future well in advance. It appears that once-great Britain will soon start jailing people for making “homophobic” comments. This ...
Near the end of a town hall meeting in Johnstown, Pa., a woman arose to offer a passionate plea to Barack Obama to “stop these abortions.” Obama’s response was cool, direct, unequivocal. “Look, ...
”Home to Houston,” one of the great antiwar tracks on country rocker Steve Earle’s album The Revolution Starts Now, tells the story of a soldier stationed in Basra who day after day drives a supply truck ...
Will the neocons who tutored George W. Bush in the ideology he pursued to the ruin of his presidency do the same for Sarah Palin? Should they succeed, they will destroy ...
1,193,480—that’s the number of Iraqis murdered by the neocons to date. From Just Foreign Policy: ”[A] study, published in prestigious medical journal The Lancet, estimated that over 600,000 Iraqis had ...
Sen. John McCain is facing questions about his close ties to Rev. John Hagee (pictured here with McCain, whom he has endorsed for President). Hagee is leader of the controversial <embed ...
GSTAAD—The fat cats were all over Davos last week, greedy bankers, self-important bosses of publicly-owned multi-nationals, craven hedge-funders, and shameless publicity seekers such as Bono and others of his ilk mixing ...
If they"re any good, superhero movies speak to something larger than just kicking, flying, punching, and rescuing: Batman strikes a nerve as the vigilante, perhaps motivated by revenge, who is attacked by the very ...
Perhaps the only institution in America whose approval rating is beneath that of Congress is the media. Both have won their reputations the hard way. They earned them. Consider the fawning indulgence shown ...
James Kirchick's putative exposé of Ron Paul " in which the reader is led to conclude that the 10-term congressman is an "angry white male" and "filled with hate" " has been released online, and ...
Sam Brownback is out, but he’s not down. In a move clearly calculated to maintain his viability as a vice-presidential candidate, he met with Rudy Giuliani on Thursday in Brownback’s Senate office. As ...
About two weeks ago Justin Raimondo mentioned on a blog that Ron Paul's enemies had begun to smear him as an anti-Semite and racist. From the references I assumed that the sources of the attack were the neoconservatives, an ...
What's the Puerto Rican for ...
Recently I"ve come across two statements that have evoked radically different public reactions. One is by a Minnesota Republican congresswoman, Michelle Bachmann, who told Chris Matthews on his TV program that Obama ...
Last Thursday’s Iowa caucus shook up both parties. I won"t try to suss out what's happening among the Democrats "except to note that the only candidates opposed to our occupation of Iraq, Biden, Kucinich, and ...
Life is full of coincidences so fortuitous that it is hard to believe that they are simply random. Yesterday, as Taki's Top Drawer published the final installment of my "Thoughts on the Antichrist," one of the ...
Leave it to John McCain to make Barack Obama appear to have the steady, sane foreign policy. With the Albanians’ declaration of independence in Kosovo, the retirement of Fidel Castro and the recent repudiation of ...
O to be in England! Last week it was Muslim staff at Sainbury’s refusing to sell alcohol because it offended their religious sensibilities. (Sainsbury’s is the largest super market in that dreary old ...
Can I say "Black Sea"? Perhaps it's racist. Let me just consult the Radio Derb style book. One can never be too careful nowadays ...