The Natural Talent of Chuck Ramsey and Other Bits
If you want honest talk about race, an articulate working-class black person like Chuck Ramsey is your best ...
If you want honest talk about race, an articulate working-class black person like Chuck Ramsey is your best ...
A proud Spartiates, James Vourantonis, whose parents immigrated to the American Midwest in the 1940s, and who on this website praised another Greek, Taki, for defending in his endorsement of Ron Paul the ancient tradition ...
Yesterday on "Tucker," Jamie Kirchick told the world what we in the right-wing extremist community have known for years: first, Ron Paul is a neo-Nazi-confederate homophobe; and secondly, "He speaks in ...
Although Sid Cundiff in a recent blog praises me as someone who recognizes "shades of grey," I may be losing that capacity when it comes to certain neoconservative journalists. In an article for the Canadian ...
There is a nasty situation in croquet, the six-wicket American version, in which you can find yourself 3-ball dead. When this happens, your opponent has a big advantage. He is the beneficiary of your mistakes. He did not ...
Misguided government policies have already dealt vicious body blows to our economy, but that hasn’t stopped politicians this week from launching two new kicks to the groin: a national health insurance plan and a ...
Just how much longer will American parents, their kids, business leaders and the political class tolerate the dreadful performance of our public schools? It's arguably the greatest threat to our nation's economic health and ...
If the concerned readers of the New York Times are to be believed, a right-wing nut-job fascist, or else the likely author of the Ron Paul newsletters, has infiltrated the editorial offices of the paper of record. This ...
Some months ago I blogged lightheartedly about the "bone church" in Rome, whose crypt is entirely decorated with the disassembled skeletons of friars. But today I actually went there"a starkly different ...
The Greek fires which are ravaging the country may be a tragedy, but it’s a tragedy fuelled by greed. Once upon a time, Athens was the most romantic city of Europe. Laid out and built by Bavarians—the ...
When New York Times columnist David Brooks pondered why the Republican Party was in such bad shape recently, he came to the conclusion that a majority of Americans simply no longer support traditional conservatism. Where ...
I, too, am "glad" that we defeated the Third Reich, and there's much to admire about John's defense of American "interventionism" in WWII. (Although it should be remembered that even if FDR did a lot of ...
Last night's caucuses presented some attractive storylines: In one case, an unknown governor from a small southern state, outspent 15:1, soundly defeated the well-heeled and well-coifed multimillionaire who fashioned ...
I like my Apple products as much as the next guy (OK—better than the next guy, because judging from the groans and angry rumbling, he’s apparently running Windows Vista on a Dell laptop and ...
As President Barack Obama delivers his inaugural address to a nation filled with anticipation and hope, the vital signs of the loyal opposition appear worse than worrisome. The new majority of 49 states and 60 percent of ...
When John McCain announced Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as his running-mate on Friday, I had the same reaction as many conservatives—the more I learned about her, the more I liked her. Here was a woman who is more ...
How did it come to pass that the "conservative" position on foreign policy involves proclaiming the virtue of revolutionary upheaval around the world, worrying that the survival at freedom at home depends on the ...
I was visiting someone in the hospital last night, so I was forced to sit there and watch the Larry King interview with Richard Cheney. Normally, I don’t watch a speech or interview given by either Cheney or his ...
Before the current economic crisis became apparent to all, the most popular fable used to describe America's uncanny economic resiliency was the story of Goldilocks. It was argued that our economy was skipping down a sunny ...
When president-elect Barack Obama chose evangelical leader Rick Warren to lead a prayer at his inauguration the cultural Left threw the predictable fits. Said Democratic political consultant Chad Griffith "Rick Warren needs ...
“Something is rotten in the state,” says Marcellus in “Hamlet.” Well, it certainly is in the state of Illinois. Yet, on hearing U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald describe a plot by his governor ...
A great deal of ink has been spilled over the last month about the proximate causes of the fighting in the Caucasus. Abkhaz, Georgians, Ossetians and Russians have all presented conflicting accounts of who fired ...
In 1982 the federal budget deficit rose above $100 billion for the first time (those were the good old days!), and then-President Ronald Reagan agreed to an infamous budget deal with then-House Speaker Tip O'Neill. ...
Looking over my posts for the past three months, I can see I’ve been something of a downer, even for a paleocon. Indeed, re-reading them myself tempts to take to my bed with a couple of warm beagles, a CD of Hildegard ...