A Liar’s Progress

Just as I was thinking that National Review couldn"€™t get any worse, I ran across new and even more tasteless verbiage on its pages. The comments by David Frum in the June 25 issue, on why it had taken him so long to ...

We”€™re All Socialists Now

Barack Obama and George W. Bush seem to have come away from their study of the Great Depression with similar conclusions: To wit: After the Crash of 1929, the Federal Reserve did not move fast enough to save the banks ...

The War Between Nostalgia and Utopia

What is the use of raising "€œdead"€ historical issues such as the rights or wrongs of World War I, or the virtues of Habsburg Austria as opposed to Woodrow Wilson’s America? That question has come up more than ...

Of Prophets, Priests, and Pansies, Part II

Last week, I reported that a number of newspapers had decided not to run a two-part storyline appearing in Berkeley Breathed’s comic-strip Opus (the reincarnation of his once wildly popular Bloom County).  In the ...

Back in the U.S.S.A.

Harry Browne, the former Libertarian Party candidate for president, used to say: "€œthe government is great at breaking your leg, handing you a crutch, and saying "€˜You see, without me you couldn’t ...

Meeting Medvedev Halfway

The morning after Barack Obama’s election, the congratulatory message from Moscow was in the chilliest tradition of the Cold War. “I hope for constructive dialogue with you,” said Russia’s ...

Correcting My Critic

Patrick Foy is certainly entitled to dissent from my views about the current European scene, but it might help to point out the obvious, which his rejoinder partly obfuscates. It is naïve to distinguish the growing ...

William Hawkins, Loser

This account by William R. Hawkins of the debate on the Iraq war held at the recent meeting of the John Randolph Club, in Washington, D.C., is hilarious, albeit unintentionally. That he somehow managed to write a ...

Hillary Clinton’s “€œPeace Offensive”€

Hillary Clinton has finally joined forces with Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia! Hillary wants to do it over…take another vote about invading Iraq. Can you believe it? Yes, indeed.  After almost 5 years and ...

Chained to a Corpse: John Howard and George Bush

Thanks to his tin ear on Iraq, Mr. Howard"€”a thoroughly competent and genuinely conservative public servant"€”has been forced into early retirement, and he's not alone. Howard now joins league with other conservative ...

The Fairness Doctrine: A Qualified Defense

Having read Rich Lowry's latest gripe in National Review about the application of the Fairness Doctrine and how this liberal trick would hurt "€œconservative"€ radio commentators, my immediate, sarcastic response was ...

Human Nature 101

We live in a peculiar age, a span of history in which the most obvious and commonplace observations about human nature may not be spoken ...

Remember Dagger John!

Edward Cardinal Egan, Archbishop of New York, is clearly as worried as I am about the viciously anti-Christian legislation being backed by the abortionists’ best friend, NY Gov. Spitzer—which would force ...

3-Ball Dead

There is a nasty situation in croquet, the six-wicket American version, in which you can find yourself 3-ball dead. When this happens, your opponent has a big advantage. He is the beneficiary of your mistakes. He did not ...

Strip-search the Brits

There are 800,000 British passport holders who can at any time come to the United States without a visa or subject to any controls. These Brits are all either Pakistani born and naturalized British subjects, or their sons ...

They Are The Hollow Men

Last week at NRO, cub reporter Stephen Spruiell announced that he had found what might be “the most deceptive ad” of the 2008 race, a Barack Obama spot blaming free trade for job losses at the Delphi plant in ...

The “€œImpossibility”€ of George W. Bush

Rest assured that the subject matter of Pearl Harbor and 9/11 will be revisited in the near future, with some further comparisons, parallels and speculation. For the moment, allow me to return to the immediate tragedy at ...


A proud Spartiates, James Vourantonis, whose parents immigrated to the American Midwest in the 1940s, and who on this website praised another Greek, Taki, for defending in his endorsement of Ron Paul the ancient tradition ...

Cracking The Ron Paul Code

Yesterday on "€œTucker,"€ Jamie Kirchick told the world what we in the right-wing extremist community have known for years: first, Ron Paul is a neo-Nazi-confederate homophobe; and secondly,  "€œHe speaks in ...

Frum’s Mishagas

Although Sid Cundiff in a recent blog praises me as someone who recognizes "€œshades of grey,"€ I may be losing that capacity when it comes to certain neoconservative journalists. In an article for the Canadian ...

A Marriage of Convenience

If the concerned readers of the New York Times are to be believed, a right-wing nut-job fascist, or else the likely author of the Ron Paul newsletters, has infiltrated the editorial offices of the paper of record. This ...

Double Whammy”€”Obama Care & Cap-and-Trade

Misguided government policies have already dealt vicious body blows to our economy, but that hasn’t stopped politicians this week from launching two new kicks to the groin: a national health insurance plan and a ...

A Nation of Anti-Semites? Fech!

Recently I encountered a revelation in the New York Post that may startle my readers as much it did me. I discovered in a featured story "€œU.S. Jew Haters,"€ that a poll recently commissioned and carried out under the ...

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