In Defense of Jonah Goldberg

In a review of Jonah Goldberg’s recently published book, Liberal Fascism —the cover alone which caused a minor blogospheric dust-up in the months prior to publication—Matt Yglesias writes on his Atlantic ...

My Book

Unless I"€™m mistaken, the liberal-neocon establishment will black out my new book, on the conservative movement, with the same dogged malice it brought to bear against my previous five works, including a tome published ...

Fight On!

There is much about last night's result that are dispiriting. Ron Paul had respectable showings in Alaska and Montana, and broke 15% in many of the contests; however, it's difficult not sense that hopes for a real ...

Capitalism Versus Racism

Capitalism and racism go together? I hear it all the time. "Racism is intricately linked to capitalism," says famous Marxist Angela Davis. "It's a mistake to assume that we can combat racism by leaving capitalism in ...

Ron Paul: It’s Payback Time

Although he is identified as a libertarian, anti-war candidate, Paul's appeal is to the Old Right as well. He is a devout Lutheran who opposes abortion and is critical of the sloppy immigration policies of the Bush ...

With Friends Like These

NEW YORK—At an outdoor luncheon party in Sussex celebrating Willy Shawcross’s birthday some years ago, I asked his then 95-year-old father whom did he find the most interesting man at Nuremberg. “Goring,” was ...

Who’s Cheering for Bin Laden?

During the German occupation of my homeland in the Second World War there were nightly shouts of "Vasta Rommel" by certain Greeks. "Vasta" in Greek means "Hold on." In other words, Greeks were praying for the great Erwin ...

Why I”€™m Rooting for the GOP

This past weekend, I was in Alabama at a Mises Institute conference and got to hear Ron Paul speak on his "€œdealings with Fed Chairmen."€ All the familiar Paulian themes were sounded and constant throughout was the ...

Leave the Fanatics to Kill Each Other

Americans should really read this article from the Sunday Observer of London, discussing the latest terrorist outrages in Iraq. On the one hand, every thinking and informed person, who has not been fooled, is perplexed, ...

Comrade Barack

If Barack Obama is not a socialist, he does the best imitation of one I’ve ever seen. Under his tax plan, the top 5 percent of wage-earners have their income tax rates raised from 35 percent to 40 percent, while ...

The Foxman Follies

A great piece by Joey Kurtzman over at, “Fire Foxman,” which is really the definitive takedown of the man who turned spurious accusations of anti-Semitism into a major industry. Starting off with how ...

Ethnonationalism and its Discontents (Part I)

Jerry Muller's essay in Foreign Affairs on the enduring power of the rather redundantly named ethnic nationalism (or "€œethnonationalism"€ as he calls it) makes a number of important observations about the phenomenon, ...

Thus Spake Kristol

On Sunday night, while listening to "€œFOX news contributors all"€ clarify our current financial crisis, I picked up a remark by William Kristol indicating that our stock market and banks should be "€œmore closely ...

Response to My Critics

It is not generally my practice to answer bloggers responding to my commentaries. I"€™ve also had the strong sense that some of the respondents to Paul Weyrich's attack on the Fairness Doctrine were doing so well that my ...

Elba, Towelheads, & Dog-Fighting Quarterbacks

Speaking of terrible thoughts, I’d like to make souvlaki out of those towels who go around calling themselves princes and demand that we adhere to their primitive customs about women. The oil-rich emir of Qatar might not ...

Varieties of the Gersonian Experience

A new column by Michael Gerson is best read aloud with an old recording of "€œWe Are The World, We Are the Children"€ playing the background. If there ever was a cross between Paul Wolfowitz, a Sunday school teacher, ...

The Persian Embarrassment

The seizure of the British Royal Marines and sailors by Iran was always a no brainer. To Iran, Tony Blair is a lame duck, and the British people believe in their government as much as the Americans believed that Bill ...

Mr. Obama, Welcome to the NFL

Barack Obama just had the worst week since his beloved pastor, Jeremiah Wright, decided to expatiate on black liberation theology at the National Press Club. Coming off his royal progress through the Near and Middle East, ...

McCain: Getting the Candidate We Deserve

While driving on the Beltway the other day, I got behind a SUV with a rather fascinating collection of bumper stickers: "€œ9/11"‰ Iraq"€ and "€œWar is Not the Answer!"€ were joined by "€œMcCain 2008."€ Add ...

Militarism and Conservatism: Can this Marriage be Saved?

Today it is almost axiomatic that conservatives are nationalistic, interventionist, and overly fond of answering political problems with police or military solutions. The power of John McCain’s candidacy probably ...

Loose Ends

                                               Loose Ends The ...

Annapolis Afterthought

Everybody is going through the motions again as part of the ongoing charade known as the Middle East “peace process”, now in its latest incarnation at the Annapolis conference. At this stage, what it all boils ...

A Phony Crisis”€”and a Real One

Last week, the front pages of the world press blossomed with photos of four Iranian rockets, fired in salvo, heading skyward. The image was powerful, and the message reinforced by the head of the Iranian Revolutionary ...

An Inconvenient Miracle

Earlier this week, I mentioned the latest attempt by Michael Gerson to demonize conservatives by reviving the "€œSocial Gospel,"€ a fuzzy pink mass of "€œidealism"€ coughed up by progressives who quickly mistook ...

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