Submitting Cheerfully

Last week one got to watch and hear various face-saving gestures by Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, who was discovered to have taken politically incorrect positions on a signature issue. As a senatorial ...

How Clinton-Hating Dumbed Down the Right

Reflecting on the sorry state of conservative causes in America is a temptation to self-pity, resentment, and salty thoughts of conspiracy. Likewise, the burbling descent of various rightist media down the intellectual ...

Faith-Based Economy

It is fitting that one of the signal events of what will likely become the second Bush recession has been the Federal Reserve's propping up of the Wall Street firm Bear Stearns. For years, Wall Street has opposed any such ...

Wolfing Down the Goodies

"The unexpected gift of the invasion of Iraq has really been more than bin Laden ever dreamed was possible." —Michael Scheuer, former head of the bin Laden tracking unit at the CIA.    Professor ...

And I thought Matt Yglesias was smart

At least I did until I read this quite terrible argument. Matt’s trying to argue that government will inevitably get larger so we needn’t worry about how much of the economy is swallowed by the ...

The Dumb Leading the Dumber?

Though I maintain my faith in the basic decency of loyal Republican voters, the accusation that some are just plain dumb has increasingly become harder to refute. <object width=“425” ...

The Joys of CPAC

There are many joys to be found at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference: the chance to buy a soviet-era ushanka emblazoned with "€œComrade Clinton"€ or perhaps a GOP elephant mouse pad are but a few. ...

Ron Paul Update

When Ron Paul, in effect, announced the suspension of his presidential campaign after Super-Tuesday, many of his supporters—myself among them—were about as deflated as real estate prices, if not more so. Now ...

A Patriotic Thought Experiment

"€œI am going to teach [them] to elect good men."€—President Woodrow Wilson, referring to his decision in 1914 to invade Mexico.  (Quoted in Peter Smith, Talons of the Eagle: Dynamics of U.S.-Latin American ...

Two Reviews; One Conclusion

There have been two intriguing book reviews over last weekend in the establishment press. Both concern the overriding topics of war and peace and the future of America. The first article was in Friday’s New York ...

We”€™ll Always Have Paris

It’s out of control, all right. Not just the the hijacked governance of the world’s "lone surviving Superpower"—but the entire social and intellectual landscape of America. We are indeed in ...

Lindsey Being Lindsey

While his party moves Right under Obama, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham remains the quintessential big government Republican. Six months into his presidency, the most significant difference between Obama and Bush ...

It ain”€™t any of our business

Perhaps I"€™m missing something big in the "€œmovement conservative"€™ accounts about what we should be doing to the Russians for their invasion of Georgia. But so far all I"€™ve encountered is more of the usual ...

The Israel Lobby Takes Off the Gloves

So what’s a few hundred dead Palestinian children when Tzipi and Ehud have gained eight to ten points in the polls? They were terrorist babies, anyway. So what if the Egyptians and Saudis are ignoring them while spending ...

Ehud’s Poodle?

As Israel entered the third week of its Gaza blitz, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert regaled a crowd in Ashkelon with an astonishing tale. He had, said Olmert, whistled up George Bush, interrupted him in the middle of a speech ...

Playing Cassandra in 2007

I believe that the Democrats, most likely with Senator Hillary R. Clinton (D-NY) as the nominee, will win. The Republicans, regardless of who they nominate, will lose because of the war in Iraq. Voters want to punish the ...

You’re Endorsing Who?

One of my favorite moments in my long life was election nite 2004, chez Bill Buckley, where I had spent every presidential election since 1972. Henry Kissinger approached me and asked—referring to the magazine Pat ...

Mortify Your Masochism

My post last week opposing "€œunselfishness"€ as a modern, secular liberal perversion of Christian ethics provoked quite a bit of comment, on this site and others. One poster, Kari Konkola (see the comments thread ...

Ron Paul-Fanatics

A few days ago I was diverted from working on my computer by an exchange on FOX between Bill O"€™Reilly and someone described as his "€œombudswoman."€ The lady in question pointed out to O"€™Reilly that he had been ...

Back To Basics

Aside from its bizarre beers, its tennis star Justine Henin, the writer Georges Simenon, and the flamboyant Rexist leader Leon Degrelle, I know very little about Belgium. No matter. I am puzzled by a passing remark by ...

Election 2008: Midget-Wrestling

Barack Obama sounds very exotic but he is an unknown quantity with a 100 percent liberal voting record, whose only claim to instant fame is his skin color. What the hell is going on here? Just because a part-black man has ...

Kosovo, Russia, and the Last Grasps of American Unipolarity

Kosovo is the latest irritant in what was already a deteriorating U.S.-Russia relationship. Disagreements over energy policy, Iran, a U.S. missile-defense system in central Europe, a further round of NATO expansion, as well ...

Which Mitt Can Win?

Like many a corporate "€œrebranding"€ effort, Mitt Romney's political persona has gone through a series of remarkable transformations this past year: he began as a dynamic corporate executive who gave everyone in ...

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