No More Blank Checks for War

After the assassination of the archduke in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914, Austria got from Kaiser Wilhelm a “blank cheque” to punish Serbia. Germany would follow whatever course its ally chose to take. Austria chose ...

Panic Among the Ponzis

Bankers should act like bankers, and not kebab salesmen. The latter try and sell to anyone within hearing distance. In the good old days, bankers lent money to those who could repay. When greed set in during the go-go days, ...

Morning Web Stroll

Okay, so it isn’t quite “morning” on the East Coast, but we all know the center of the universe is situated somewhere very close to Puccini’s cafe in North Beach. (San Franciscans provincial? Well, a ...

Mark Sanford and the Right

Speaking on FOX News the same day Sanford dropped his bombshell, former Bush adviser Karl Rove said: “With all due respect to Governor Sanford, I’ve never thought he was a particularly strong candidate. If you ...

“€œNecessary”€ Evils

Dan McCarthy’s article on the relationship between pro-life conservatives and the GOP is simply excellent, especially in his framing of the question around the “new fusionism” envisioned by Bottum (which I ...

World War III on Hold

“Nothing can come of nothing” Shakespeare’s King Lear said, and it would appear that this truism has finally been recognized by the individuals who put together the current “National Intelligence ...

Who is Mike Huckabee?

The answer to this question seems to differ wildly depending on who is responding and when in the last year they have been giving the answer. There is a virtual consensus of pundits and activists at major magazines, think ...

Big Government to the Rescue

In a deepening recession, what does the reasonable man do? Seeing friends laid off, he will get rid of all but essential credit cards, dine at home more often, terminate unnecessary trips to the mall, put off buying a ...

Just Say No

Reports of the death of the Republican Party appear to have been premature. Not since Sen. Bob Griffin derailed LBJ’s scheme to replace Chief Justice Earl Warren with crony Abe Fortas, before Nixon got to the Oval ...

Obama’s War

“We have to be as careful getting out as we were careless getting in,” says Barack Obama of the U.S. war in Iraq. Wise counsel. But is Barack taking his own advice? For he pledges to shift two U.S. combat ...

The Catholic League for Neoconservative Politics

Oh, Justin, Justin, Justin.  My friend, I know that you’re too intelligent to be taken in by the likes of Bill Donohue.  The same Bill Donohue who said “Yeah, I believe in freedom of speech and freedom ...

National Bankruptcy

Recently conducted polls among a number of unidentified historians concerning their views about our best and worst presidents reveal certain long-term trends. Not surprisingly Lincoln was at the top of the lists while our ...

Lobby? What Lobby?

Of course there’s no Israel Lobby, no need to fear it, and the very idea that the Lobby exercises a decisive influence on the American media is bigoted nonsense—or, er, maybe not .... Or else why or why is ...

Was It The Oil, All Along?

Take note of a compelling article in the London Review of Books late last month by Jim Holt entitled “It’s the Oil, Stupid”. I did plan to comment upon it and bring it to the attention of the readership of ...

Nationalizing the Fast Food Business

My friend Justin Raimondo is the best of the paleolibertarians, but he occasionally suffers from Restless Leg Syndrome.  At least, I assume that’s what’s responsible for the knee-jerk reaction to my ...

Learning Not to Choke

The sports in which one tends to choke are boxing, karate, judo, tennis, golf most of all, and things like darts, pool, and other such extremely silly pursuits. I suppose there are guns who freeze at the sight of a bird or ...

A New History of the American Left

Daniel J. Flynn has written a book for Crown Press, A Conservative History of the American Left, which is intended to be a "€œconservative"€ interpretation of the Left in our country. Although Dan could have presented ...

Who’s Planning Our Next War?

Of the Axis-of-Evil nations named in his State of the Union in 2002, President Bush has often said, “The United States will not permit the world’s most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world’s ...

Have a Patriotic Independence Day

Two hundred and thirty-one years have passed since a bunch of rabble-rousing troublemakers declared the independence of 13 American colonies from their mother country.  Much has changed in that time, and it’s all ...

Even the Wise Make Mistakes

I support Ron Paul, and I intend to vote for him in the Illinois primary.  But I had a little different reaction from Justin’s when I watched the clip of the congressman commenting on the Huckster’s ...

Forget the Fairness Doctrine”€”Save Internet Radio

As interesting as I find the back and forth among Messrs. Weyrich, Gottfried, and others, I think we’re missing the forest fire for the trees: Recently imposed FCC regulations, which take effect this month, will ...

Iran, the Bomb, and Us

That Iran is building a secret underground facility near the holy city of Qom, under custody of the Revolutionary Guard—too small to be a production center for nuclear fuel, but just right for the enrichment of ...

The lady has to do better

It is really a shame that Sarah Palin, who reminds me of Donna Reed in "€œIt's a Wonderful Life"€, has already flubbed her first test in standing up to the left. When a walking human embodiment of sheer vileness ...

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