End Times

With reports circulating of its imminent demise, The New York Times announced in January that it had found a white knight. Sort of. For the knight in question, who already owns 6 percent of the sinking Times and was ...

Will the Feds Censor Talk Radio?

There was no talk-radio as we know it today until the Reagan Administration. The Federal Communications Commission repealed the so-called Fairness Doctrine. The reason stations did not have much talk-radio was because of ...

Floating Fridges on Steroids

Further west from Antibes and Cannes, St. Tropez has held out the longest against the invading hordes of Arabs and Russkies. The rest of the Riviera is now a sweaty, dangerous hellhole, its polluted waters matched only by ...

Eurabia”€”The Conspiracy is True

Much like the dreaded North American Union, "€œEurabia"€ was one of those things the respectable media insisted again and again was but the figment of the racist, xenophobic imagination. As it turns out, Lou Dobbs is ...

Civil Rights and Wrongs

In response to criticism over racially incendiary comments in his old newsletters, Ron Paul told Reason, "€œMartin Luther King is one of my heroes because he believed in nonviolence, and that’s a libertarian ...

Rev. Wright is Right!: white people suck at rapping

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright was out and about this weekend and dropped a few more bombshells. It was a dream come true for the official conservative media, and they didn’t miss a chance to pile on, do a little more ...

The ERA Zombie Walks the Earth

They are back, just when you thought it was safe. I mean the Feminazi crowd. And guess what they have in store for you? Why, they intend to re-introduce the Equal Rights Amendment in both Houses of Congress. The original ...

Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea

The civilisations that rose and fell on the lands bordering the Mediterranean Sea were the makers of the history I’m interested in. Screw Tahiti or the Straits of Malacca. The two great countries of the Med are Greece and ...

The Death of “€œDeep Throat”€

“De mortuis nil nisi bonum.” Of the dead, nothing but good. So said Dean Acheson of Sen. Joe McCarthy on his death in 1957. “Tailgunner Joe” had bedeviled the secretary of state for his ...

Times Looks to Post for Staff

With all the focus on the presidential primaries, very little attention has been given to some major changes at the Washington Times even within the narrow world of conservative beltway politicos and journalists. Times ...

…But Dreyfus was Innocent

So we have come to this, have we? Israel is more important than the United States as far as certain Jewish Americans are concerned. Well, I don't think so, and fervently hope Rosen and Weissman have the book thrown at them. ...

Mike Huckabee’s Social Democracy

Sensitized students on my campus have been complaining about Mike Huckabee's recent remarks on the topics of gay marriage and the Christian character of the Constitution. By way of overtures to populist evangelicals whose ...

Should We Kill the Fed?

For the financial crisis that has wiped out trillions in wealth, many have felt the lash of public outrage. Fannie and Freddie. The idiot-bankers. The AIG bonus babies. The Bush Republicans and Barney Frank Democrats who ...

Untung Rugi main Judi Bandarkiu Online

The real reason for American rage against Iran is the knowledge that the Shiites have made complete fools of them. Shiite exiles like the conman Ahmad Chalabi not only took Yankee gold, but sold them snake oil no ...

The Democrats”€™ Unjust Kos

Ever since Al From founded the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) it has been a voice of reason within the Democratic Party. William J. Clinton was its Chairman when he won the Presidency in 1992. Clinton stated that he ...

Senator Marion Barry (D-D.C.)

The House of Representatives reconvened this week after its Easter Recess. A key legislative item is the renewed effort to begin the process of transmogrifying the District of Columbia into the functional equivalent of a ...

Thinking About Obama

After just having read a George Will column suggesting the likelihood of an Obama presidency lasting until 2016, it dawned on me that most observers have not really reflected upon this perilous leap that we as consumers and ...

Boycott Truman’s Grave

Sixty two years on, American and European commentators continue to blather on about the unwillingness of Japanese prime ministers to apologize about World War II. The Yasukuni shrine, where Japan’s 2.5 million dead ...


Standing before the Siegessaule, the Victory Column that commemorates Prussia’s triumphs over Denmark, Austria, and France in the wars that birthed the Second Reich, Barack Obama declared himself a “citizen of ...

The End of the Ric Flair Era

For most of my adult life, I have only claimed two celebrities as heroes - Pat Buchanan and Ric Flair. It’s never been a secret that I’m a huge pro wrestling fan and in admiring the world’s greatest pro ...

Hugo, Danny, and Saddam

Reading Paul Weyrich’s article today on Hugo Chavez’s crackdown on the Venezuelan media, and our “free” media’s reaction to it, brought to mind an event from my first term at Michigan ...

Death By Small Cuts

My friend Justin Raimondo is right: The hysteria being generated in certain quarters around the botched bombings in London is entirely manufactured, designed to support a failed and immoral war.  Like the JFK airport ...

McCain’s Base

“You go hunting where the ducks are,” said Barry Goldwater. The successor to Barry’s Senate seat apparently believes that ducks come from Mexico and speak Spanish. For in July alone, John McCain made ...

Barack’s Other Half

Barack Obama often seems caught between two worlds"€”between the "€œblack value-system"€ world of his pastor Jeremiah Wright and the universalist "€œone-America"€ world of "€œchange,"€ "€œhope,"€ and a ...

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