Should the Government Constrain Cults?

The current black Democratic candidate for the presidency, Senator Obama of Illinois, belongs to a black church in Chicago that is openly and emphatically hostile to my race (and to Obama's white mother). As far as I can ...

You Deserve a Break Today

Left undistorted by government, our libertarian friends tell us, the market will always work out to the advantage of all.  Those of us who express doubts are routinely derided as “statists” or ...

Perle’s Swine Song

One of the least gratifying pictures I have had the bad luck to view on television this week for the portly figure of Richard Perle expounding his vile views in The Case for War. Even worse, it was on public television, ...

Bad News: We”€™re Still at Peace

For most sensible people, the latest National Intelligence Estimate contained a great deal of good news. Iran seems to have shut down its nuclear weapons program in 2003 due to international pressure and hasn’t ...

Morning Links

Okay, so it isn’t morning—however, if you’re a Taki-con, like me—defined as someone who parties ‘til dawn, and then goes to morning confession—there is no morning. In any case, ...

Zucker’s Folly

Having seen "€œAmerican Carol"€ on the basis of James Hirsen's glowing review on Newsmax I am still reacting to this flick's neoconservative message with a queasy stomach. From my exposure to this movie that David ...

Life’s a Beach, and Then You Wash Up on One.

One of my favorite living essayists (let’s face it, few of them really measure up to the dead) is Thomas Sowell—who once or twice a year lets himself off the hook and instead of composing a column, pens a series ...

Size Matters

The Beltway Right is still venting its collective spleen over Bill Kristol's latest Times op-ed in which he argues, rather elliptically, that the conservative movement and GOP should get rid of its "€œsmall ...

I Really Wanted to Believe, but…

If you believe The Truth is Out There, then I highly recommend that you avoid the latest “X-Files” movie , stay in, and read Tom Piatak’s fantastic article on the conservative impulses in the original ...

Harold O.J. Brown, RIP

In 1988, as a student at Michigan State University, I took a course on the development of Christian doctrine under Tom Ryba, now the theologian-in-residence at the St. Thomas Aquinas Center at Purdue University.  One ...

Appetite for Destruction

After having given away billions faster than even the optimists had anticipated, it was announced today that the federal government’s “Cash for Clunkers” program is coming to an early end. But, based on ...

Not Even An Echo

Yesterday I noticed an article in the New York Post about two adjoining apartments off Central Park East that had contributed tens of millions of dollars to both Hillary and Rudy. These two brick-stone apartments by ...

Like Lambs Led to the Slaughter

What is the life of a 17-year-old worth? Two stories caught my eye today—one from the Rockford Register Star, the newspaper of my adopted hometown of Rockford, Illinois, and one from the Grand Haven Tribune, which I ...

Francis Fukuyama, Then and Now

Another one of those important books which I have failed to read is Professor Francis Fukuyama’s End of History, and the Last Man, published in 1992, on the heels of the full-scale implosion of the Soviet Union in ...

When Is a Transcript Not a Transcript?

When it comes from FOX News, of course. On Tuesday, July 31, FOX News published a transcript of Neil Cavuto’s “Common Sense.”  According to the transcript, Cavuto—supposedly a financial ...

The “€œBretton Woods II”€ Delusion

“Laissez-faire is finished, the all-powerful market that is always right, that’s finished,” said Nicholas Sarkozy, speaking ex cathedra, last month. As a result, said the diminutive French president, it ...

Deconstructing the Debate

I was going to live-blog the debate, but it was so boring that I fell asleep before I could post it on Takimag. In any case, this was supposedly a debate about foreign policy, but more than half of it was taken up with the ...

Beaverbrooking Away in His Lodge

in New Hampshire, Canadian National  National (and New York)  Post neocontent provider Mark Steyn has  distracted me from Bill Kristol’s New York Times debut by going  postal at a Jersey ...

Have I Turned Against Ron Paul?

I’ll bet some of you read my blog post criticizing (gasp!) Ron Paul for this ad: <object width=“425” height=“355”><param name=“movie” ...

PC Ditto Heads

In November, I heard Robert F. Kennedy Jr. hold forth before a full auditorium at Kenyon College. RFK Jr. appears to rank second only to Al Gore in rabid environmentalist enthusiasm. It was he who last summer iterated what ...

“€œAnd They Caught Me Off Guard”€

So, despite the fervent assurances of true believers in the comments on my posts and Justin’s posts that the Sinclair Lewis quotation was part of a brilliant strategic plan designed to grab free headlines, open the ...

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