Holy Thursday: Sangria in the Streets
Mark this multifaceted feast by making a pilgrimage to seven churches in your city"preferably visiting congregations you wouldn"t normally see, in neighborhoods you might avoid, to remind yourself of the ...
Mark this multifaceted feast by making a pilgrimage to seven churches in your city"preferably visiting congregations you wouldn"t normally see, in neighborhoods you might avoid, to remind yourself of the ...
Bill Clinton was driving a white pick up and on a muddy path late at night ran over a skunk family trying to cross the road. Hillary screamed at him to stop, which he did. When she went back she found papa skunk and mama ...
I write this on Election Day. People are freaking out. "A Second Trump Administration Would Be a Carnival of Corruption and Greed," is a New York Times headline. "President Kamala Would Be a Disaster for the World," says ...
President Bush put conservatism in critical condition. A President McCain would have put it out to pasture. <object width=“425” height=“344”><param name=“movie” ...
One, two, three, four, Wolfowitz has got to go! Five, six, seven, eight, one more day will be too late. As the wise man said, once a crook and a liar, always a crook and a liar. Wolfowitz conspired with Douglas Feith to ...
Holder's a loathsome creep all right, but the worst thing is that he's not terrifically ...
We had a preview of sultry August here last week, with temperatures going as far up as 93° Fahrenheit in Central Park, filled to the brim by girls in their summer dresses, and others less modest in their tiny bikinis. For ...
One wonders what John Zmirak will dream of as jet engines humming incandescently waft him through the Atlantic night on his first pilgrimage to Rome. In the aftermath of jet liners truncating Manhattan’s image of ...
The myth of the “objective journalist” is so deeply ingrained in the American psyche that we wince whenever we see a headline or a news story that seems to take a side. In other countries, however, ...
Historically, at least in America, people who seek to thrive in the theatre, publishing, finance, media, or even the gossip columns, make their way to Manhattan. Once here, the climb begins, and it’s tougher than any ...
Since it was being put to work as such wonderful agitprop for the Ziocons, aka the “neocons”, I had assumed that “the clash of civilizations” mania springing from Harvard Professor Samuel ...
This Arab-Israel thing is a permanent feature of the world. It will just go on for ever, like the weather. What's the point of talking about ...
Nothing sensible ever gets done by the federal ...
Americans have lost their ability for introspection, thereby revealing their astounding hypocrisy to the world. U.S. War Secretary Robert Gates has condemned The Associated Press and a reporter, Julie Jacobson, embedded ...
The St. Patrick's Day parade is split in New York City, as in many others, between the traditional parade sponsored by the Ancient Order of Hibernians, and an "inclusive" march which was created to include homosexual ...
What, in the name of all that’s holy, is anyone doing up at 5:28 am? At this ungodly hour, one can only be up to no good. Unless you’re over 50, like me, in which case it’s simply old age: with the sand in ...
Paul Gottfried reminds us that Obama was recently awash in the praise of Republicans who have now turned on him ferociously. He also writes: There were of course critics of Obama on the right, but these were not the ...
Founded by Pat Buchanan, Washington, DC based group The American Cause held a conference at the National Press Club over the weekend called "Immigration and the Future of the Republican Party." Speakers included ...
“Shame on you, Barack Obama!” Hillary Clinton has angrily declared in response to some hostile campaign mail on health care and NAFTA his campaign sent out against her. And then there was that picture a campaign ...
As everyone who has read Goethe or Schiller knows, Schadenfreude is the tendency to maliciously enjoy others’ misfortunes. Although I hate to say so myself, my one virtue is that I do not indulge in this brilliantly ...
Kissinger has had a lousy rap about the greatest foreign policy disaster of American history. For starters, he had nothing to do with it. Wolfowitz and Feith convinced Cheney who convinced W. When Kissinger was brought in ...
It's been a delightful summer for the paleocon contingent here in Greenwich Village " which I am happy (and amazed) to report isn"t comprised solely of me " for indeed, the honorable thrill of patriotism has ...
Robert Novak might not be able to distinguish Thomas Fleming from Thomas Fleming (as the howler in his latest book shows), and he might benefit from a remedial course in journalistic ethics (as the Valerie Plame outing, ...
Of my homosexual friends and acquaintances, none of them behave like uber-gay Bruno. That said, I have met or seen the occasional homosexual man who does behave in the same over-the-top, ridiculous manner as Bruno, and they ...