Is Notre Dame Still Catholic?

By inviting Barack Obama to deliver the commencement address and receive an honorary degree at Notre Dame, the Rev. John Jenkins has polarized the Catholic community nationwide—and raised a question. What does it mean ...


If you read the news carefully every day, you frequently find yourself thinking how soft, how cowardly, how decadent Western civilization has ...

I Just Sent Ron Paul $500″€”Won”€™t You?

No, I can’t really afford it.  And I know, neither can you. Not really. There are other pressing concerns—overdue taxes, dental work, dog bones, student loans. But COME ON, people. With its one-day, $4.3 ...

No Exit

The Baker-Hamilton Report has come and gone. The Petraeus Report has come and gone. Nothing has changed. There is no exit. More to the point, there is no plan for an exit. Give credit to Cheney and Bush. They do what they ...

Whitey Need Not Apply

“Will race be an issue in this campaign?”             Hearing the cable talk-show host solemnly pose the question, I could not suppress a belly laugh. For the anchor was ...

Sell Your Souls to Save Your Skins

Giuliani discovered that conservative voters are less principled than liberals, more willing to trade off what they hold sacred so as to save their skins. Too many Americans who watched with horror the events of Sept. 11, ...

Buyers”€™ Remorse?

There was the latest issue of Avenue magazine on the desk in my Palm Beach hotel room last November. I have a soft spot for Avenue, ever since it published a short story of mine, back in 1983, entitled “Night of the ...

Lies, Ignorance and “€œUseful Idiots”€…

We all let old newspapers pile up, don’t we? For my peace of mind, I hope so. At what point does this activity become compulsive behavior? A few days ago, on the last day of 2007, I found myself rearranging stacks of ...

The 9/11 Atrocity and Pearl Harbor

There is a Washington insider named Michael Gerson who wrote speeches for the Cheney White House and who supposedly was Bush Jr’s favorite speechwriter. He now writes for Newsweek and the Washington Post. Gerson was a ...

Say It Loud: Isolationist-Proud!

America's Founders were not ignorant xenophobes. They were erudite men with an intimate understanding of history, economics, and politics. Several of them, including Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, lived abroad, spoke ...

Racist Jim Clyburn

For many, the Obama era promised to break down the racial barriers and bugaboos of old and herald in a new age of understanding, in which Americans could finally discuss and debate issues based on nothing but honorable ...

Obama’s Debt Orgy

In his first televised speech before Congress, President Obama asserted that prosperity will return once the government restores the flow of credit in the economy. It may come as a surprise to him, but an economy cannot run ...

WFB vs. the Neocons

William F. Buckley Jr. might have allowed the neoconservative tendency in through the gates at NR, but he never quite surrendered to its charms"€”opposing, eventually, the war in Iraq and never evincing any kind of ...

Rope Is The Anchor

Several readers responses to my last article demand that I engage them on turf of their choosing, ranging from the specifically doctrinal to the broadly metaphysical. The same is true elsewhere in the Blogosphere, this ...

Taki TV – Catcher In The Rye Author Dies

“I’m known as a strange, aloof kind of man,” Salinger told the New York Times, in 1974. “But all I’m trying to do is trying to protect myself and my work.” He passed away yesterday, at ...

Takimag Does Not Recognize “Kosovo”

I knew that this administration makes the gang that couldn’t shoot straight look like criminal geniuses, but I never realized just how dumb the Bush-Cheney gang truly is. When I saw Bush announce that Uncle Sam has ...

Defending the Mermaid

Near Astor Place, you can actually sit in a Starbucks, enjoy a venti latte, and look out across the street onto"€”another Starbucks. I"€™m sure there are many other places where such a thing is possible. During the big ...

Who Is Barack Obama?

With 68 percent of Americans believing George Bush has done a poor job, and 82 percent saying the country is on the wrong track, the election of 2008 will turn on one issue: Barack Obama. If Sen. Obama can convince the ...

A National Health Disservice

The National Health Service is worshipped by the Brits, not least those who don’t have to queue up to use it. But when you subject it to scrutiny, it soon reveals itself to be taking the most astonishing ...

The New Republic Bashes Taki

James Kirchick of the limping New Republic has shown his totalitarian stripes. In a silly, probably libelous blog he attacks the good Taki as racist, anti-Semitic, yadda-yadda…. Yawn. Then he goes further, asserting: ...

Racism, Ron Paul & Porn

The Ron Paul campaign, which crossed many ideological lines to draw together an inspiring coalition, was a great moment of hope for American politics. If all it did was to make a best-seller of a book that touts real ...

Fox News Versus Carl Cameron

I had to laugh, on the morning of the sixth anniversary of 9/11, when Fox News did a program that was supposed to “debunk those crazy 9/11 conspiracy myths once and for all,” as Fox & Friends host Steve ...

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