The Liberals”€™ Reagan

When I point out to my conservative friends that in terms of federal spending and exploding deficits, Reagan’s limited government rhetoric didn’t always match reality, they are offended that I would dare ...

The Helicopter’s Second Round

Ayn Rand wrote, “when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice—you may know that your society is doomed.” America is not yet doomed, but the fellows in Washington are ...

A Providential War?

As the government of Turkey weighs whether to invade the single prosperous, relatively orderly part of Iraq—Kurdistan—one’s natural, Christian impulse is to pray for peace. The Kurds have been oppressed ...

A Year To Forget

2008 was like herpes, very hard to get rid of.  2009 will be worse, trust me, as Bernie Madoff used to tell the suckers. This one, incidentally, is not over. The greatest scam ever perpetrated will go on and on. Madoff ...

Pro-Life Death Merchants

I have always found it bizarre that some of the most pro-war Americans are pro-lifers. To be passionate enough to protest on a street corner in the hopes that you might save lives is something I can understand. Yet for ...

An Open Letter to Rudolph Giuliani

Most pro-choicers agree that it's wrong to kill infants. But they have no objective basis for thinking so. The arguments in favor of abortion are unable to stave off the conclusion that infanticide, too, is morally ...

Absinthe and the Apocalyse

As the Bush administration, with the full-throat support of an unhinged media, whips up the public for a looming war with Iran, a sober citizen's thoughts run naturally to the Apocalypse. One's next thought, inevitably, is ...

Sometimes a Hamburger Is Just a Hamburger

Justin confesses that he is “perplexed by this paleocon jihad against McDonald's, Walmart, and other commercial venues.”  He shouldn’t be.  He admits that he prefers Johnny Rocket’s (a good ...

Former Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Frank Barbaro

Practical Consequences

Did I say "common sense"? There's no market for that in the Western world ...

The Threat Within

Three headlines from the month of July: ”45 Muslim doctors planned US terror raids” (from the Telegraph of London) ”Italy ‘terror school’ imam had bomb chemicals-police” (from ...

The Missing Links…

My last article “The Sack of Annapolis” generated a minor firestorm from respondents. In some instances, the comments—by now over 70—were more interesting and informative than the article itself. ...

<em>Declaration of Independence</em> by John Trumbull

Can We All Get Along?

At the time of this writing, the outcome of the presidential race is pretty close to being a coin flip. So what I write is not in any way influenced by who will win in November, since that is unknowable. What is a virtual ...

The Great Vassilis

Vassilis Paleokostas is the Arsène Lupin of the Olive Republic, aka Hellas or Greece. He is by profession a bank robber, known for his impeccable manners but unfortunate jowly, plebeian looks. He is 42 years of age, a ...

Sarko Bids France Adieu

Last week, October 9th, the Assemblée nationale, the French Parliament, hosted a conference advocating the teaching of Arabic language and civilization in French schools. The attendees, among them ambassadors from Arab ...

Through A Glass Darkly

They dream strange academic dreams in far Northern Norway, where the Aurora Borealis can blaze until the Midnight Sun rises over a seat of learning equidistant from Rome and the North Pole. When the sun does rise over ...

Yeltsin Rest in Peace

Boris Nikolayevitch Yeltsin, Russia's first democratically elected head of state, has died.   At least twice in his years of power he begged the Russian people for forgiveness for his failures.   The ...

Communing With the Devil

In 2004, His Eminence Raymond Burke, archbishop of St. Louis, received a standing ovation from the denizens of St. Blog’s Parish, that loose collection of conservative Catholic bloggers, when he declared that ...

Mr. President, Put Up That Wall!

The simple job of constructing a 2,000-mile border fence to protect U.S. citizens from an invasion of illegal aliens seems to overwhelm the once-proud nation that defeated two of the world's most powerful enemies in World ...

Poor, Poor, Pitiful Ann

Ann Coulter's foul-mouthed antics remind me of Lyndon LaRouche who blends sexual innuendo with political polemics to produce such masterpieces as "€œThe Sexual Impotence of the Puerto Rican Socialist Party,"€ and, more ...

Loss of Independence

Not until a year after Lexington did the Continental Congress muster the resolve to declare the 13 colonies free and independent states, no longer subject to Parliament or Crown. Not for five years after July 4, 1776, did ...

Two New Myth-Busting Books

I"€™ve just finished two books written by promising young scholars, "The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution" by Kevin A. C. Gutzman and "33 Questions about American History You"€™re Not Supposed to Ask" by ...

Bailout Bonanza

Keeping track of the ever mutating bailout debate is becoming increasingly difficult. With the Federal money spigots now thrown wide open, and with no one of influence advising restraint, the only debate is where to direct ...

Abortion and River Boat Gambling

Last week it dawned on me while listening to the two major presidential candidates talk about abortion that their topic meant about as much to them as river boat gambling. Like having gambling facilities placed on the edge ...

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