Declining “The West”
According to Paul Belien, "The most successful anti-immigration parties in Europe are regionalist/secessionist parties." "They are "apolitical" because they do not particularly like politics. Their ...
According to Paul Belien, "The most successful anti-immigration parties in Europe are regionalist/secessionist parties." "They are "apolitical" because they do not particularly like politics. Their ...
If the Immaculate Conception is all about the liberation from death and decay, no one told that to the Capuchin friars of the parish in Rome named for this feast, Santa Maria della Concezione. This chapel attracts only ...
“I’ve abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system,” President Bush told CNN, defending his offer of $17 billion in loans to the Big Three “to make sure the economy ...
It was precisely Feb. 5, 2009, when I broke my self-imposed rule. It was not a very old rule, but it was serious. I had told myself that I would not criticize the new president of the United States, Barack Obama—at ...
Wait a second—might the terrorists in Mumbai have had actual political objectives? Are you suggesting that they don’t just hate freedom and wealth? Who has ever heard of such a thing? <object ...
Kyle Robbins’ first e-mail made me smile: “Can’t say I really saw this interaction coming,” he wrote. That makes two of us, Kyle. Last month, I spent a few days with students in the Media Fellows ...
Having just fished in troubled waters, by jumping into Marcus Epstein's debate with his critics over Planned Parenthood and its agendas, I feel obliged to state my views in a more nuanced way than I did yesterday as an ...
The terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 mark a very significant turning point in American history. The attacks took place near the beginning of a new American presidency, and the repercussions have defined that ...
Tent cities springing up all over America are filling with the homeless unemployed from the worst economy since the 1930s. While Americans live in tents, the Obama government has embarked on a $1 billion crash program to ...
In a Wall Street Journal op-ed on Monday, and in congressional testimony later in the week, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke reassured all that thanks to his accurate foresight and deft use of the Fed’s policy toolkit, he ...
Lecturing a conscript conclave of Justice Department bureaucrats, Attorney General Eric Holder last week called America a “nation of cowards” for not spending more time talking about race. Reading his speech, ...
Whilst I still think it unlikely—though not improbable—that McCain will win title to the presidency next Tuesday, it would seem that the burgeoning hubris emanating from the Obama camp is beginning to grate a ...
Well, the responses have begun to come in to our newly-launched site, and we are deeply gratified at the number of positive comments we have received"not ALL of them from Taki's friends in the Vendee. It's apparent that ...
Does absence make the heart grow fonder? I’m not so sure. I’ve been away from London for one year, and was dreading the return. The grey sky, the Dickensian streets, the fat-bellied lager louts, the knife culture, ...
If you want to see the true heart and soul of the neoconservative style, go on over to Commentary—where else?—and direct your attention to one Gabriel Schoenfeld, senior editor, who is calling for former CIA ...
If 9/11 "Truthers" are wacky for believing the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated by the U.S. government, what about the conspiracy theorists who tried to convince Americans that 9/11 was orchestrated by Saddam Hussein? ...
"[I]t is now undeniable that the American Conservative Movement, the flower of Free World and the true hero of the Cold War, has ended in utter failure", wrote VDARE.COM's Peter Brimelow in his reflections on ...
In the comments to my post “All Your Thoughts Are Belong To Us,” “MS” (an appropriate pseudonym) remarked, “I"ll never understand why liberals like Apple so much. As if it's the ...
In case you were planning a career as a nasty, mean-spirited shock-jock, who makes his living using his media pulpit to slam people who mostly can’t (or won’t) fight back, here’s a handy tip: Stick to ...
Because U.S. political leaders are ignorant of history, don"t give a hoot about it, or both, Washington's post-9/11 Afghan adventure was based on a plan for occupation and nation-building that history had long ago shown ...
Ben Stein’s movie Expelled has generated lots of commentary, most of it negative. Many have claimed that it is obscurantist and hostile to science, a veritable first shot in a wider war against knowledge. ...
Last year, I noted that National Review had pretended not to notice Pat Buchanan’s bestselling book State of Emergency. Back then, National Review was at least pretending to support immigration restriction, so they ...
Impending today are two of the most critical decisions Barack Obama will ever make, which may determine the fate of his presidency, as well as the future of the United States in the Near and Middle East. The first is ...
In his 1937 “Great Contemporaries,” Winston Churchill wrote, “Whatever else may be thought about (Hitler’s) exploits, they are among the most remarkable in the whole history of the world.” ...