Pakistani Christians Bombed”€”In NYC

Hate crime against traditional (liturgical) Christians is growing, and we need to take action now. First of all, we need to keep using the internet to break through the mainstream media blackout, as my Orthodox friend did ...

Who Got Huthorn ?

Karl Ernst Ritter von Baer, Edler von Huthorn was arguably the first proponent of what has recently been revived under the rubric of ‘intelligent design’.  Yet he doesn’t even get a walk on in ...

Slumming with Sarko Senior

The funny thing about Sarkozy being president of France is not his size, but his family. His father, Pal Sarkozy, used to frequent the same nightclubs I did back in the early Sixties. Of the beau monde he was not. Pal was ...

Andrew Sullivan’s Gag Order

A few weeks ago, I chastised Mitt Romney for responding to Tim Russert's question about the past racial policies of the Mormon Church by highlighting his father's opposition to Barry Goldwater. While I disagree with his ...

Andy’s List

Citing Rod Dreher’s list of abandoned certainties in the face of the Iraq disaster, Andrew Sullivan titillates us with a promise to work up a list of his own. Well, I wouldn’t hold my breath in Sullivan’s ...

A Subsistence Existence

Last week, the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) released a remarkable little document that could prove nearly as important as the motu proprio liberalizing the use of the Traditional Latin ...

A Black New Year for the Good Conrad

I went to Palm Beach about one month ago to visit Conrad and Barbara Black with other friends of theirs but was advised not to write about it until after the sentencing. As Andrew Roberts wrote in the Notebook, “It was ...

Gaddafi, Toynbee, and The West As We Knew It

Arnold Toynbee read Spengler’s The Decline of the West as a young historian at the University of London and had the same reaction I did when I first read Hemingway. It blew his mind. He found it both exhilarating and ...

Hamlet Goes to War

Led by a conflicted president of a divided party and nation, America is deepening her involvement in a war in its ninth year with no end in sight. Only one parallel to Barack Obama’s troop decision comes to mind: ...

Lloyd’s Lie

Fictitious enterprises are the heart and soul of low journalism, and no one is lower in my opinion than Lloyd Grove. Just that week I had launched The American Conservative magazine, so Grove needed to put a kibosh to it ...

A Sensible Immigration Policy

It’s good to see that there’s at least one candidate seeking the Republican nomination who believes in a sensible immigration policy: <object width=“425” height=“373”><param ...

Kirchick Warns of Neo-Nazi-Confederate-Homophobic Menace!

While watching MSNBC's "€œTucker"€ yesterday afternoon, I began to cringe the moment I heard that a one Jamie Kirchick would be appearing on the program; when it was announced that he"€™d be offering scandalous ...

New Ron Paul Money Bomb

Ron Paul’s supporters forced the media to pay attention with their (okay, OUR) Nov. 5 “money bomb,” if only because it broke fundraising records. The credibility this achievement gained for the campaign ...

Build a Bureaucrat Factory?

There are now thousands of bureaucrats on the government payroll who produce very little. According to Clinton the baby-boomers are retiring, we must train people to take their place. Why? We managed just fine for more than ...

A Meditation for Guy Fawkes Day

This Web site is non-sectarian, and I’m glad. However, as some of the discussion threads have exploded into a veritable 30 Years War, I have asked the editors for this opportunity to pose a few questions from my own ...

Who Lost Detroit?

Who killed the U.S. auto industry? To hear the media tell it, arrogant corporate chiefs failed to foresee the demand for small, fuel-efficient cars and made gas-guzzling road-hog SUVs no one wanted, while the clever, ...

Fireworks in the Fog: Reflections on the Fourth of July

In what is surely an "€œonly in America"€ phenomenon, the most patriotic holiday of the year celebrates the overthrow of the government. That says a lot about this country, or, rather, about the way it used to be. This ...

McCain’s Convention Speech”€”A Draft

There are few career boosters like serving as a speech writer for a successful candidate. Look at how the likes of David Frum, Michael Gerson, Peggy Noonan and Pat Buchanan prospered after their associations with ...

President McCain? Noooooo!

A quick glance at RCP poll averages for Super Tuesday makes it clear that we need to start girding ourselves for the contemplation of a prospect truly terrifying"€”President McCain. Our friend Leon Hadar has already ...

A Silence That Speaks Volumes

While I cannot (by which I do not mean “will not,” but truly cannot) endorse the opening paragraph of Kevin Michael Derby’s “The Silence of Father Neuhaus,” the rest of the piece is excellent, ...

Obama the Anointed

Although its their own internecine fight, I have been impressed at the main stream media’s manipulation and outright partisan interference in the Democratic primary. One doesn"€™t have to be a fan of the Clintons to ...

Drinks With Papa

Fifty-four years ago this month, dizzy with happiness at having been freed from the jail that was boarding school, I ventured down New York’s 5th Avenue looking for fun and adventure. I knew a place called “El ...

Next Stop: The Twilight Zone

As the venerable Chicago radio newsman and commentator Paul Harvey would say, “Here is a strange . . . “ According to the time stamp in the e-mail headers, I received a “Press Advisory” last night, ...

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