Next Stop: The Twilight Zone
As the venerable Chicago radio newsman and commentator Paul Harvey would say, “Here is a strange . . . “ According to the time stamp in the e-mail headers, I received a “Press Advisory” last night, ...
As the venerable Chicago radio newsman and commentator Paul Harvey would say, “Here is a strange . . . “ According to the time stamp in the e-mail headers, I received a “Press Advisory” last night, ...
Republicans have been given fair warning. Should GOP senators treat Sonia Sotomayor as contemptuously as Democrats treated Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito, they should expect Hispanic hostility for a ...
Although its their own internecine fight, I have been impressed at the main stream media’s manipulation and outright partisan interference in the Democratic primary. One doesn"t have to be a fan of the Clintons to ...
According to the British Telegraph a high turnout of California blacks supporting Barack Obama helped to pass Proposition Eight, banning gay marriage, in a statewide referendum last week. Since Obama's presence on the ...
“Elections don’t matter!” conservatives have long groused. “No matter who you vote for, things never change.” Well, we may have an exception here. Scott Brown told Massachusetts’ voters ...
If family members have been broadly hinting that it's "someone else's turn" to host the holiday, I suggest you leap to your feet this year and volunteer. That"ll get you points for being proactive. But when your ...
It is becoming apparent for all to see that a man who has made his name as a community organizer does not have the skills to be president of these United States. Maybe he could develop the requisite skills as a governor. ...
It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant ...
On a number of literally life and death issues, American conservatives and Catholics stand in a firm alliance. On other subjects, these groups pull in different directions"and this tension causes suspicion, irritation, ...
My gentle (and not so gentle) readers are all urged to join the Constitution Party, the Christmas celebration of which for Lancaster County I had the pleasure of attending last night. Among the speakers and celebrants were ...
After half a century of fighting encroachments upon freedom in America, journalist Garet Garrett published “The People’s Pottage.” A year later, in 1954, he died. “The People’s Pottage” ...
Our representatives in Washington, alongside the easy-credit Federal Reserve and its Wise Leader, "Helicopter Ben," have essentially subsidized a rash of misguided investments and profligate spending-sprees by ...
When President Bush, before the Knesset, used the word "appeasement" to label those who would negotiate with Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, he invoked the most powerful analogy in any debate over war and peace. No man ...
Faisal Shahzad sought to massacre scores of fellow Americans in Times Square with a bomb made of M-88 firecrackers, non-explosive fertilizer, gasoline and alarm clocks. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab tried to blow up a U.S. ...
The latest report on religion in America helps explain why the U.S. Catholic bishops are so terrified at the notion of our country controlling its immigration—exercising its solemn, sovereign duty to regulate, ...
When the Marx Brothers announced in 1946 that their upcoming film was called A Night in Casablanca, Warner Bros threatened to sue for breach of copyright. Warner had produced the great hit “Casablanca” four years ...
Who is Randy Scheunemann? He is the principal foreign policy adviser to John McCain and potential successor to Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski as national security adviser to the president of the United States. ...
In view of the numerous responses to my announcement of the death of paleoconservatism and my discussion of the transition from a paleo to a pospaleo opposition to the neoconservative-liberal media, there may be need for ...
In response to the movement of Russian troops into Georgia this morning, State Department spokesperson Amanda Harper announced to the German press: "We support Georgia’s territorial integrity and we call for an ...
The Law of Unexpected Consequences knows no national boundaries. Rural Mexican belts have come in a notch as tortilla prices rise in response to gasohol demand driving corn above a peso a pound on world commodity ...
According to Paul Belien, "The most successful anti-immigration parties in Europe are regionalist/secessionist parties." "They are "apolitical" because they do not particularly like politics. Their ...
With all due respect to Derek Turner and the authors of A Bridge Too Far, Philip Claeys and Koen Dillen, and the Vlaams Belang, the organization to which these excellent young men belong, I must dissent from their brief ...
Having lost the Congress in 2006 and the White House in 2008, Republicans are looking to redefine themselves for a nation that still leans conservative but is less Republican that it has been in decades. The nomination of ...
If the Immaculate Conception is all about the liberation from death and decay, no one told that to the Capuchin friars of the parish in Rome named for this feast, Santa Maria della Concezione. This chapel attracts only ...