The Solomon of San Francisco

Federal Judge Vaughn Walker is truly a visionary. Peering at the 14th Amendment, Walker found something there the authors of the amendment never knew they put there, and even the Warren Court never found there: The states ...

California Nightmares

PALM SPRINGS, Calif.—In just a few weeks time, California hits the wall. And Americans should take a good, long look at the fiscal and social wreck of the Golden Land, because California is at a place to which all ...

Bungle in the Jungle

AFRICOM, the new Dept. of Defense initiative for that continent, represents a God-sent opportunity for both our major political parties to find new worlds to conquer. The GOP, being a subsidiary of Big Oil, is fairly ...

The Path of the Warrior

The hardest thing in the world for an athlete is to get out of bed in the morning. Show me a man who jumps out of bed and I’ll show you someone who has never trained for top competition. It’s the brutal   ...

Rev. Robertson Sells His Soul

Despite the televangelist being increasingly marginalized and ridiculed, Robertson's endorsement of Giuliani did make a splash. The media played up Robertson's well known opposition to homosexuality and abortion and how he ...

Madoff’s People

GSTAAD—If someone bet that The Spectator issue of 10 January outsold or was read by more people than any other weekly — and that includes best selling popular crap like Hello! and OK! — they’d be collecting ...


Yesterday, in Columbia, South Carolina, Rudy Mussolini attacked the only honest person in Congress, Rep. Ron ...

A Quantum of Relevance

The classic interpretation of Ian Fleming's James Bond character is that he stands as a kind of fantasy of Britishness the British people, and especially the elite, could indulge in during the rather grim 1950s"€”when the ...

American Lowlifes

Throughout reporting on the crime and the trials, political correctness protocols were strictly ...

Militarism’s Transmission Belt

No regime, no matter how theoretically hostile, can afford to drink its oil. One cannot emphasize too many times the hypocrisy of the "protecting-the-flow-of-oil" cant coming from the mouths of theoretical conservatives. On ...

The Grey Lady Shrinks

The New York Times, which raised its price by 25 percent in July, from one dollar to $1.25, narrowed its perspective by 12 percent on August 6, when it cut the width of the paper by an inch and a half to 12 inches, ...

60 Cents on the Dollar

Some of you nice folk out there may remember that three weeks ago I wrote about a giant corporation screwing old ladies and retired people who have worked all their lives just to see their life savings go up in smoke. I ...


Honesty at last from the medical profession and Big Pharma as a new law proposed in Britain will allow doctors to prescribe a pill specifically to kill you. Up until now you might feel it’s just been experimental Covid ...

Ross Douthat’s Chutes and Ladders

Kudos to Richard for nailing the hack agenda proposed by Ross Douthat and Reihan Salam in Grand New Party, and saving me $23.95 on something I would have hurled across the room. The authors’ ideas for reviving a ...

The Avatar

In case anyone out there is wondering what the Avatar—that scary sculpture headlining this blog—is suppose to signify, I can tell you. It is a photo which I took of a plaque affixed to a wall on the second floor ...

Agents Provocateurs

Southerners, like the European Celts who are their primary cultural progenitors, tell stories. Of course, all peoples tell stories, but Southerners tell stories not merely to entertain, certainly not to flatter their ...

The Times Square Surprise

As I read the news about this Pakistani jackal who admits to planning a cowardly assault on hundreds of innocent people in New York’s Times Square, a thought that occurs to me is, how endlessly interesting history is. ...

[comment deleted]

On any website or blog, those who leave comments make up a minute fraction of the readership. Those who spend hours a day composing sundry and bizarre screeds are even more rare, though their presence is more pronounced. ...

The Death of AIDS

This weekend I attended an engrossing production of The Seagull on Broadway"€”and I was lucky enough to be accompanied by the intelligent and beautiful great granddaughter of Manfred von Richthofen, the German ace of the ...

The Politics of Vodka

It has happened at last. The oh-so-clever marketers of Absolut have managed to create a political incident with one of their ads for their undistinguished liquor, giving me a pretext to blog about the history of vodka. Many ...

Bad Paper”€”How the Fed Bailed on the Constitution

Since the Truman administration, Democrats have called for the nationalization of the health-care industry. The Democratic Party's position, stressed more strongly at some times than at others, has been that the average Joe ...

Assisted Dying, or Assisted Lying?

“Euthan-Asia?” asks the traditional cartoon comedy moron. “Where’s that?” Today the honest answer could be given “It’s in Great Britain.” The nation’s parliamentarians have just voted to pass a bill ...

No Enemies on the Right?

I spent today traveling and meeting with colleagues. A few of us who support Ron Paul had dispirited discussions of the good doctor’s performance in New Hampshire; one fellow remarked, ruefully, that while Dr. Paul ...

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