“Scooter’s” Can of Worms
Since we last addressed the topic, Irving “Scooter” Libby was assigned a federal prison number. It certainly looked like he was headed for a Federal correctional facility, all because he refused to tell the ...
Since we last addressed the topic, Irving “Scooter” Libby was assigned a federal prison number. It certainly looked like he was headed for a Federal correctional facility, all because he refused to tell the ...
“I have to admire the residents of Iroquois territory for assuming that they have a right to determine where Jews lives in Jerusalem.” Thus did Israeli government press director Daniel Seamen caustically ...
In a 1955 foreign-policy cabinet meeting, Dwight Eisenhower is reported to have remarked, "Adenauer's the West's ace in the hole." The president was of course referring to the chancellor of the German Federal ...
This James Kirchick character who smears Taki in TNR has quite a rep in the blogosphere, best summed up by liberal blogger Matt Yglesias: “Kirchick has a promising future in conservative journalism, having mastered ...
Having lost both houses of Congress and the White House in two straight elections, Republicans are going through an identity crisis, its leaders holding town hall meetings to “listen” to the people. “What ...
Over the past several months, we have witnessed an unprecedented financial storm stirred up by the irrationally exuberant, Wall Street welfare parasites and their Fed-God, Ben Bernanke, and the usual enablers who roam the ...
The desirability of open borders has become such a given in polite conversation that even some supporters of Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul have criticized him for suggesting greater restrictions. That ...
What I find incredible is that there are still people around who wonder why the Middle East is up in flames. Andrew Alexander explained it very well last Friday. 90 years ago Britain initiated a policy of providing a Jewish ...
President Bush has called Christ his most important moral teacher. Following this lead, the current administration regards itself as deeply religious and many of its members are very open about their faith. Yet, in spite ...
The quinquennial General Election carnival of Tweddledum versus Tweedledee is on again, as increasingly indistinguishable managers slug it out to see who can gain access to the largest number of teats, sorry seats. This ...
Apparently some of my friends who identify themselves with the Right, that is to say, Scott McConnell and Justin Raimondo, have come to the aid of Time contributor and liberal media superstar Joe Klein. Recently Klein ...
I love political conventions, in part because I remember the olden days, when there was some doubt as to their outcome. Nowadays, of course, party conventions are carefully choreographed events, as is the coverage. I"m ...
As the executive editor of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture, it is my honor to welcome our latest monthly columnist, a man who is already familiar to the readers of Taki’s Top Drawer: Taki ...
PATMOS—A funny thing happened on my way to this beautiful place, an island without druggies, nightclub creeps, clip joints, or hookers. I stopped in Athens for about five hours in order to look over old haunts and just ...
Reality often bites, but news this fall of collapsing asset values and housing prices hit a baffled American public like a bombshell. After all, for years, so many Americans had been basking in the glow of their 401Ks and ...
How hated are the neocons?—When even sports writers are on your case, you know the peasants with pitchforks can’t be far behind. From a piece headlined “Are the Mariners the Neocons of ...
The Associated Press is reporting that William F. Buckley has passed away in his home. He had been suffering with emphysema for years. Taki's Magazine has had its disagreements with the current National Review to be sure. ...
One of the most distracting phenomena of modern times is a kind of “hyper skepticism.” For example, well known truths—that minorities commit more crime, that men are stronger than women, that many ...
“Thank you, Hu Jintao, and thank you, China,” said Hugo Chavez, as he announced a $20 billion loan from Beijing, to be repaid in Venezuelan oil. The Chinese just threw Chavez a life-preserver. For Venezuela is ...
I spent much of winter 2006 butting heads with a cantankerous nun. Thankfully, it happened via email, and in no way resembled the battles with hirsute radical feminists in stretch jeans that ate up most of my high school ...
Self-proclaimed conservatives and the entire "conservative movement" have had their minds or arms twisted to vote for a leftist who is "good" on Israel and foreign crusades for ...
His original name was Battenberg, but his great uncle changed it to Mountbatten and his grandfather to Windsor. He is now Andrew Windsor, and his royal title is HRH Prince Andrew. He is the Queen of England’s second ...
It returned briefly, like a bad memory—a choking cloud, smelling slightly of sulphur, bringing life to a standstill, leaving a thin film of dirt on everything, making everyone feel faintly defiled. It was a Brown ...
This being my last week in the Bagel, the butterflies have arrived with a vengeance. Stuttgart, I am told, will be no picnic. Two top judokas, one Japanese, the other German, are in my age group, which I find quite ironic. ...