The Color of Money
A recent article in a glossy magazine about the rich and famous mentioned a $35 million house in Malibu, California, whose neighbors include the actor Mel Gibson and the singer Britney Spears. The owner of this ...
A recent article in a glossy magazine about the rich and famous mentioned a $35 million house in Malibu, California, whose neighbors include the actor Mel Gibson and the singer Britney Spears. The owner of this ...
Perhaps I sounded too needy " women hate ...
...two political science professors has found that ordinary Americans have virtually no impact whatsoever on the making of national policy in our ...
On 3rd February, it was announced that Margaret Thatcher's daughter Carol would no longer be used to present reports on BBC television's weekday magazine programme, "The One Show." The decision was made because of ...
A single plug by Sir Roger Moore late last year has turned me into a Papa Hemingway-like literary hero. In his Proust questionnaire in Vanity Fair, Sir Roger was asked to list his favourite writers. Poor little me was ...
Last week I ventured down to Geneva for a meeting with my banker, a gentleman of the old school who did not get carried away by Bernie Madoff’s siren songs. To the contrary, he went as far as Odysseus, tied himself to his ...
For all of you out there who think G.W. Bush deserves to be impeached—I’m with you, of course—we may now have the “smoking gun” which would force the Democrats in Congress to act, even if they ...
Should we still have 30,000 troops in North Korea, 50 years after that war ended? Given that the quickest way to gain international respect is to acquire nuclear weapons, do we believe we can prevent every nation on earth ...
The American people should be eternally grateful to Old Europe for having spiked the Bush-McCain plan to bring Georgia into NATO. Had Georgia been in NATO when Mikheil Saakashvili invaded South Ossetia, we would be ...
The following text was delivered at a rally in defense of the Tenth Amendment, held at the statehouse in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on March 16, 2009 and organized by Representative Samuel Rohrer. The rally was well attended ...
Aside from their simultaneous statistical ascendancy, Huckabee and Paul also represent rising GOP discontent with the neocon view of the Iraq war. Paul's dissent, as is widely known, is a radical departure from the ...
Even lifelong Democratic pol Steny Hoyer, majority leader of the U.S. House, is balking at Barack Obama’s latest bailout proposal. “I think there is spending fatigue,” said Steny. “It’s tough ...
“The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s ‘death panel’ so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective ...
Had Britain not declared war on Aug. 4 and brought in Japan, Italy and the United States, the war would have ended far sooner. Leninism and Stalinism would never have triumphed in Russia, and Hitler would never have come to ...
Festival de Cannes, May 13 - May 23 Founded in 1946, this festival is one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious. This year the President of the Jury is American film director Tim Burton, and actress Kristin Scott ...
“No one will say this publicly, but the true fact is we are all talking about our exit strategy from Afghanistan. We are getting out. It may take a couple of years, but we are all looking to get out.” Thus did ...
Promoted to the Wall Street Journal editorial board just three years ago, the young journalist Jason Riley has sought to prove his bona fides, and then some, by publishing a new book whose title reads like a parody of the ...
“Real men go to Tehran!” brayed the neoconservatives, after the success of their propaganda campaign to have America march on Baghdad and into an unnecessary war that has forfeited all the fruits of our Cold War ...
Today is the worst day of the year. And so it is, every year. Other grim occasions pass me by with much less collateral damage"the death-days of each of my parents, the anniversaries of Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, ...
“The Jewish people were building Jerusalem 3,000 years ago, and the Jewish people are building Jerusalem today. Jerusalem is not a settlement. It is our capital.” With this defiant declaration, to a thunderous ...
It seems David Frum's "axis-of-evil" has been replaced with a new enemy - the "axis-of-the-expendable," or populist talk radio, once his greatest media ally but now his greatest embarrassment. The neocons ...
Mayor Michael Bloomberg is as gruesome a fellow as they come. Mind you, he’s not as bad as Governor Eliot Spitzer, but then not every public official is a habitual body ...
Over at late last night, Michael Medved slipped in some Thanksgiving Eve—well, “thoughts” would be too strong a word: “The Thanksgiving holiday provides an opportunity to refocus on the ...
The United States" recognition of Kosovo has been accompanied by some familiar attacks on Vladimir Putin. According to his critics, the Russian president seeks the Finlandization of Europe and is a grave threat to ...